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To Do 6960

In Ep 1, all you could do was pick the Pygmies up and throw them. I'm serious.

What kind of god would you be? Benevolent or vengeful? Play Pocket God and discover the answer within yourself.
Bolt Creative

Pocket God is a smash-hit app and God Game for the iPod Touch/iPhone. The app was created by Dave Castelnuovo and Allan Dye, of Bolt Creative, a San Francisco-based developer. In Pocket God, you play as a god who has control over a race of islanders called "Pygmies". You can reward them with gifts or kill them. There can be up to six pygmies at a time and if killed, you can bring them back. You also have control over other things as well, such as animals and the weather. The app is constantly updating and has had forty-two episodes released so far. Plenty more are to come.

The app has recieved a comic book mini-series, which has been well received.

It has received a sequel/spin-off for the iPad: "Pocket God: Journey To Uranus".

Pocket God provides examples of:[]


 Allan Dye: You can make your island an underwater paradise, with flying dodo fish and sponge doodlers who in no way resemble SpongeBob SquarePants. Okay, maybe a little.

  • Take That: A comment on the Pocket God Update song:

 Allan Dye: And yes, the pygmies do what any good boy band would do...lip-sync!
