Daniel Gallegos, Josh Palomino, Keith Salazar, Greg Medina Romero, and the mysterious Announcer Guy. A podcast for the nerds by the nerds in which anywhere from three to seven small-town New Mexico nerds talk about all things geek.
Episodes can be found here.
Needs a better description. More coming soon.
Tropes used in Podcaaast include:
- Couch Gag: Every episode, each member is introduced with a nickname and unique phrase, usually related to eachother.
- Five-Man Band
- The Hero: Daniel
- The Lancer: Keith
- The Big Guy: Josh
- The Quiet One: Greg
- The Mentor: Announcer Guy
- The Sixth Ranger: Francisco, who infrequently appears on the podcast.
- Leave the Camera Running: Way too often.
- Narrator: The Announcer Guy
- Makes Just as Much Sense in Context: You can jump in to the podcast knowing nothing, and leave knowing very little more.
- Running Gag: Josh's disturbing *ahem* "elixer."
- Women with male genetalia in Keith's dreams.
- Squick: The afforementioned Elixer.
- Shrug of God: Will there ever be a link dump? Probably not.