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Stylish and taut thriller starring Lee Marvin.
Walker (Marvin) is pulling a heist with his partner Reese (John Vernon) when Reese betrays him, taking both the money ($93,000) and Walker's wife Lynne. Walker survives the shooting and with the help of the mysterious figure Yost begins to hunt down Reese, his wife and the money.
It turns out Reese needed the cash to pay off a debt to the mysterious Organization, a crime syndicate led by a trio of bosses. So not only does Walker have to deal with Reese, but also a large criminal enterprise with enough resources to take down one lonely man...
Based on the novel The Hunter by Richard Stark, first of a series in which the central character is named Parker, not Walker.
Point Blank includes examples of these tropes:[]
- Badass: Lee Marvin. And his character.
- Big Bad: There's a trio of Organization bosses — Carter, Brewster and Fairfax. Walker tricks Carter into getting killed, and kidnaps Brewster to force payment. When the drop is being made, Brewster gets shot, and the one shooting him - Yost - turns out to be Fairfax.
- Combat Pragmatist
- Determinator: The Organization should really pay him his money.
- Department of Redundancy Department: The little dialog in the film is strange and repetitive. It is all part of the stylized world.
- Dying Dream: Or so says the director.
- Film Noir: Like Chinatown, this movie is a Film Noir that escaped into the daylight where it became even harsher and more cynical.
- Flashback Cut: To the point of non-linearity at times.
- Implacable Man: Walker
- Jack Bauer Interrogation Technique: Walker could show Bauer a thing or twelve about getting information.
- MacGuffin: $93,000.
- No-Holds-Barred Beatdown: Many.
- Only One Name: Walker.
- Roaring Rampage of Revenge: More like Silent Rampage of Revenge.
- Tap on the Head: "We just knock 'em on the head, it's that simple!"
- Neutral Female
- Silence Is Golden: The film is famously laconic.
- The Syndicate: The Organization.
- Villain Protagonist: Walker.
- Wakeup Makeup: