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SPOILER WARNING: Many spoilers on this page are unmarked due to the nature of Awesome Music pages.
For the anime, see here.
Main series[]
Pokémon title theme[]
- The original Pokémon Theme itself.
- FireRed and LeafGreen brought about their own great remix.
- Its Super Smash Bros remixes qualify here as well. SSB64, Melee, and Brawl.
- Gold and Silver's is pretty great as well.
- Crystal's title theme slightly differs at the beginning from the Gold/Silver version, but soon becomes the traditional Gold/Silver title theme. It's just as good.
- Awesomeness driven Up to Eleven with the simply wonderful HeartGold/SoulSilver remix.
- Ruby and Sapphire's and its remix in Colosseum.
- Diamond and Pearl's title theme is great, too, although it plays more during the introduction video rather than on the title screen itself.
- And the epic remix from Black and White when you face a Gym Leader's last Pokémon.
- Especially when the music plays during the Gym Leaders' Big Damn Heroes moment in N's Castle.
- Black and White's title theme itself is great as well.
- The League Champion theme, specifically, Red/Blue/Yellow's. That song was given four extremely[1] epic remixes spread across Pokémon Stadium, FireRed and LeafGreen, and Black and White.
- The insanely awesome remix of the Champion's Theme.
- Also, the epic metal remix.
- There's also this excellent remix that uses HeartGold/SoulSilver soundfonts. Could've been a great Easter Egg remix for the battle versus Blue for the Earth Badge in Viridian City Gym.
- There's a real remake of this battle theme in Black/White. Here is the song
- The Trainer battle theme music.
- Gold, Silver and Crystal have a remix of said theme for Kanto Trainers, as does FireRed and LeafGreen. Finally, HeartGold and SoulSilver has a version that combines the G/S/C mix with the FR/LG one.
- FR/LG's Rival's Encounter theme qualifies for this.
- The Original Gym Leader Music. Awesome on a stick. You knew it was time to get serious when you heard it.
- Adding the Pokémon Stadium Remix. Even more win than the original, which is hard to do.
- They remixed it three times, that one above is for the actual Gym Leader battles. The second remix was for the Pika Cup Semifinal, and the third for the Petit Cup Battles 4-6.
- The FR/LG remix is awesome, too.
- Not part of the game per se, but the anime version of the song is so epic as well as nostalgic.
- The HG/SS version is incredible.
- Dear Lord, as awesome as the HG/SS version of this song is, the GSC version's first few seconds tells you just two things: you're going against the original gym leaders, and SHIT. JUST. GOT. REAL.
- This mix. Bad-ASS.
- Adding the Pokémon Stadium Remix. Even more win than the original, which is hard to do.
- Cinnabar Island (FR/LG version), one of the best non-battle themes in the game.
- And for the old school, the original Cinnabar Island theme. Kinda makes you feel like your walking on a low bit beach huh?
- Here's the new, albeit very sad Cinnabar Island theme from HeartGold and SoulSilver.
- The FR/LG remix of Power Plant/Pokémon Mansion also belongs in this category.
- The original version of the Pokémon Mansion theme from RBY was epic, too.
- Lavender Town.
- It's even more tragic (and awesome) if played backwards
- The Pokémon Tower music in R/B/Y.
- If anything, it's even scarier in FR/LG.
- Silph Co., which is, in a few words, creepy, chaotic, and totally awesome. Don't worry, the vid has the Leaf Green version already inside.
- That's also true for Team Rocket's Hideout (and again in FireRed and LeafGreen). The true theme of Team Rocket?
- The bike theme from the original R/B/Y games. It's so unbelievably catchy...
- The FR/LG version may not be as catchy due to the overproduction FR/LG did on the old songs but its still good.
- The S.S. Anne music. The Oceanic Museum's and the remake's are also good.
- And then there's this little known official Hoenn remix.
- The ending credits theme. Even better, up until Diamond and Pearl, the ending credits themes always ended with a short callback to this original.
- The FireRed/LeafGreen version is even better, containing nods to the Team Rocket, Pokémon Center and Pallet Town themes.
- Route 11. The greatest route theme (though Route 4 comes close).
- This version in Gold and Silver is no slouch either.
- Some Game Boy Advance and DS greatness.
- The aforementioned Route 4 music has this version from HeartGold and SoulSilver to offer. It basically embodies Pokémon as a whole, the sense of adventure and triumph that will come along the way.
- Did you know that Route 4 actually has a remix in Stadium 2? A battle remix, at that?
- Route 4 on the ocarina.
- The anime remix for Route 11.
- Route 1. You step outside, you get your starter and you leave your little pokey town and venture into the world full of hope and ambition. This tune nicely conveys that child-like sense of wonder and playfulness.
- The Brawl Remix of Route 1 good too.
- The one, the only, the original Victory Road. Short song, but packs an unbelievable amount of awesome into the time you spend with it.
- The Gold/Silver version of Victory Road and Mt. Silver. Here's the HG/SS version.
- The Hall of Fame music. R/B/Y HG/SS, Pokemon Stadium.
- The music that plays inside the Pokémon gyms.
- Pretty much the entire HeartGold and SoulSilver soundtrack is one long audio-gasm. Listen to these Kanto songs: Vermilion City, Viridian Forest!
- Beat all Johto's Gyms, go back home to New Bark, Surf to your right for a few seconds, and fasten your damn seat belt, because you're in Kanto now, bitch.
- The HG/SS remix is even better.
- How about a fan remix?
- HG/SS has an incredible remix of the original wild Pokémon theme. Encountering wild Pidgey will never be the same again...
- Route 24 and 25 just has that perfect adventure sound to it. Despite not appearing in Gold or Silver, the DS remakes have their own version, and it's something else.
- In 1999 Nintendo released a (fairly obscure) album of some of the music in Red and Blue called Pokémon Hikerukana? (Can You Play Pokémon?). The mixes of the S.S. Anne, the opening, closing and cycling themes are definitely worth listening to. A user on YouTube has the linked songs and more. Listen to it. Now.
- Somehow, these guys make bloody Team Rocket's theme threatening with what sounds like a harmonica.
- The music that plays in Cerulean City. Let's face it; this is awesome.
- And the original from Red and Blue.
- And you have to check out this fan remix!
- .The Pokémon Center theme.
- The Viridan/Pewter/Saffron City theme. This music is classic!
- The wonderfully calm Pallet Town. Just... beautiful. Especially the Stadium version.
- Celadon City (and the two remakes' versions) and the original Game Corner. So catchy and wonderful. Kind of jarring when you think about Team Rocket's presence there.
- Pokémon Stadium had an awesome soundtrack. Especially the Prime Cup.
- Let's just put it this way: a few years later those three composers worked with Koji Kondo on Wind Waker's soundtrack. Yeah!
- The one, the only, the original Surfing tune.
- The Indigo Plateau theme. A very short song, but it still makes you feel like the biggest Badass around when it plays.
- The HG/SS Remix.
- And the FR/LG version
- The Smashing...Live! Orchestrated remix of various Pokémon tunes.
- Vermillion City.
Sevii Islands[]
- The Deoxys theme from FireRed/LeafGreen and Emerald
- It's even more catchy when played backwards!
- Sadly, not many people got to hear it in game.
- Red. If you're not picturing yourself getting your ass kicked while listening to this, well, you might want to look into that source of heat that is your pants.
- And this remix.
- This remix too.
- This orchestral remix too.
- And HeartGold and SoulSilver. An incredible remix that's simply outstanding.
- There's this fan mix with the Black and White soundbanks, which gives the tune Ominous Pipe Organ.
- And yet another amazing fan mix from the Japanese hack, Pokémon Golden Sun (a hack of the FireRed and LeafGreen games).
- There's also this great remix, done by TheGimpsta on Newgrounds.
- Also from Newgrounds, this remix by bob3rt puts its own spin on the classic track.
- From Crystal, the Raikou/Entei/Suicune theme.
- There's a remix of it hidden in the data of Ruby/Sapphire that's even more amazing.
- And then there's HeartGolds and SoulSilvers three awesome remixes.
- and an orchestral remix
- The Rival Trainer music in Gold/Silver/Crystal already sounds catchy. The remixes in Pokémon Stadium 2, however, send awesomeness to a whole new level.
- The HG/SS remix.
- His leitmotif (and in the remakes...) is just as good as the first games' rival's theme. If not better.
- The Gold/Silver/Crystal Trainer Battle theme. GSC managed to make the second most-heard (first being the Wild Pokémon music) theme in the games epic.
- On that note, Stadium 2 naturally has a remix of the Johto Trainer battle theme.
- The HeartGold/SoulSilver remix. Holy CRAP!
- The Pokémon Gold/Silver/Crystal Battle Theme medley from Super Smash Bros. Melee/Brawl. Behold the sheer awesomeness of this masterpiece.
- The Johto wild Pokémon theme. Especially when it gets such an awesome remix in the anime.
- Give the HG/SS remix a try.
- The Johto Gym Leader theme. Also, the remix in HGSS.
- Goldenrod City, perhaps the best town theme EVER.
- And its awesomeness grows with the Bike theme REMIX!
- That, and it's where you find the GSC's Luck Channel/Game Corner music.
- It's even better if you take the train from Saffron into Goldenrod. They just meld perfectly into one another.
- The HG/SS mix.
- Then there's the Tour Music and all of the various remixes it's seen in the games.
- The Olivine City theme. Also remixed in FireRed/LeafGreen.
- The Tin Tower. THE. TIN. TOWER. Almost impossible not to like this.
- The music used in Azalea Town/Blackthorn City.
- Also remixed in FireRed/LeafGreen.
- There's even an amazing vocal remix.
- The HGSS remix.
- Team Rocket's theme.
- And in HG/SS.
- Their hideout theme in the DS remakes is sinister indeed.
- Dark Cave, awesome enough to make you WANT to go in there.
- And here's how they updated it.
- Dark Cave also has an excellent Pokémon Stadium 2 remix, which is criminally underused in the game.
- HeartGold and SoulSilver have now been released, and the remixed soundtrack does not disappoint, especially now that Ho-Oh has his own battle theme, as does Lugia.
- Also, the brand new Summoning the Legends of Johto theme and Ho-oh and Lugia's arrival themes perfectly capture the awe and wonder of summoning and encountering the two most powerful of Johto's living myths.
- The Credits Theme sticks the most out of all the tracks in the game. The HG/SS remix does it great justice, though this version of it a bit better.
- In HeartGold and SoulSilver, Cianwood City and Ecruteak City have different but beautiful variations on the same tune from the Game Boy Color games.
- The National Park theme.
- The HG/SS remix. The piano...
- The Bug Catching Contest music, a remix of the first-gen Bike Theme.
- The HG/SS version.
- Eusine's Leitmotif.
- Dragon's Den. The remake is even better than the original.
- The Route 42/43/44/Lake of Rage music is just incredible. So is the HG/SS remix. Dee, doo dah dee dee dah dah dah.
- And routes 38/39, and the HG/SS remix.
- It sounds vaguely like a military march.
- Pokémon Stadium 2 has a much calmer, but still awesome Route 38/39 mix. There's also an unused version in R/S/E.
- Lighthouse/Mt Silver from HGSS.
- Route 47/48.
- New Bark Town. Probably the best starter town music in the Pokémon games. As good as the HGSS version is, there's something about the original version that just can't be topped.
- As you may already know, there is a key item known as the GB Sounds which changes the music to 8-bit format. While most of the tunes are taken from the original G/S/C, even some of the ones that weren't were given this treatment. For some Retraux goodness, here's the 8-bit Global Terminal, Mart and Route 47/48.
- Your Johto adventure begins with Route 29 and 30.
- Clair's Leitmotif.
- In HeartGold and SoulSilver, the GB Sounds has the Johto Safari Zone Gate, and the Johto Safari Zone itself.
- The Retraux remix was mentioned, but the Johto Safari Zone Gate is pretty awesome even without the GB Sounds. Shame about the lingering traditional rules of the actual Safari Zone...
- HeartGold and SoulSilver's intro, which also qualifies as a Moment of Awesome.
- In one minute we have: Gold and Silver's intro music, New Bark Town, Goldenrod City, Burned Tower, and the Rival and Eusine's leitmotifs.
- "The Medley of Pokémon" by Hapi. It's absolutely breathtaking. Can be found on Youtube in three parts: 1 2 3. There's RBY in here too, but the majority is GSC. It absolutely FLOORS you. This video has the download link for the full version.
- Gold and Silver probably has the most elegant surf theme in the entire series. The remake isn't half-bad, either
- Sinjoh Ruins! Otherwise known as HGSS's remix of the top of Mt. Coronet from DPPt.
- The SNES-like audio for the GBA did wonders for the music of Pokémon, and the whole soundtrack doesn't disappoint.
- Everyone volunteer their love for the R/S/E Elite Four theme
- The anime also does a good job at remixing that theme.
- The Champion's battle theme and encounter theme qualify as awesome tracks.
- The utterly awesome official remix is called after Steven Stone. The beeping and Pokémon cries are all taken from the final battle against him.
- The Colosseum remix of the RSE Champion battle theme is pretty great.
- A fantastic remix of the RSE Champion battle theme was made by The Gimpsta of Newgrounds.
- Route 120, one of the most epic route themes in the series.
- The Archie and Maxie Battles are under-appreciated.
- Victory Road from Ruby/Sapphire is worth a listen.
- The obligatory Brawl remix is there, too!
- The R/S/E Gym Leader Theme. It's perhaps one of the BEST battle themes the series has!
- Colosseum gave it a remix, too.
- Also, the Wild Pokémon and Trainer themes.
- Route 113 from R/S/E, an utterly amazing track.
- Sound familiar? In the style of N's Farewell below, the beginning is taken from the Earthbound song Snowman.
- The Frontier Brain battle theme from Emerald.
- Mt. Pyre, Kyogre and Groudon's battle theme, the Regis' battle theme and May's theme are awesomeness.
- The Regis' theme gets an upgrade in Platinum.
- And the Kyogre/Groudon/Rayquaza's theme gets a remix in HeartGold/SoulSilver!
- Verdanturf Town. One of the most beautiful tracks in R/S/E, which is saying a lot.
- Flood is excellent for the situation, tense and ominous.
- The Mt. Chimney/Sky Pillar music, also appearing in at least one of Team Aqua/Magma's bases.
- Slateport City, arguably the best town music in R/S/E (and "arguably" only because Verdanturf exists).
- And then there's the vocalized remix of Slateport City by Hiroko Takano, making an already awesome track even better.
- The Sealed Chamber. A tranquil song that evokes the mystery and echoes the power of the Legendary Golems of long ago.
- This orchestral remix also does wonders with the melody.
- Sootopolis. It may be calmed and relaxing, but this song does tell you that you're in a legendary town. In the middle of a volcano.
- Route 119. Can't take your bike through the tall grass, which people also happen to be hiding in. Not to mention that it's usually raining - and don't bother with an umbrella, lest you get struck by lightning. You're earning your way through this route.
- Route 111. Almost made the endless sandstorm damage in battle worth it.
- Route 104 is a fantastic piece for the first beach you see in the game.
- The Battle Frontier theme. Particularly the opening few notes. The whole thing just screams "triumphant."
- All of the ending themes have a triumphant note to them, but Hoenn's... is a complete Tear Jerker.
- The Abandoned Ship had some great music. Sad, considering the place was never really plot-important.
- This remix is also beautiful.
- With the huge leap in sound quality on the Game Boy Advance, Ruby and Sapphire pull no punches; the first two towns' themes[2] are so... serene and soft, and yet brilliantly catchy.
- One kickass surf song coming right up. Made the massive amounts of surfing required in the game quite tolerable for some people.
- The Diving theme or Lilycove City.
- As with all other
Hoennroute themes, Route 110. - The Gym Leader victory theme in every Pokémon game is super-happy, but its Generation III rendition is probably the best of all of them; it actually makes you feel like you've accomplished something. Bask in your victory!
- You just want to get up and dance to the Poké Mart theme.
- Same with Mauville's Game Corner.
- The Magma/Aqua Grunt Themes were the most awesome pieces in the game.
- Route 101 is yet another great first-route tune. As if that weren't enough, though, there's actually an HGSS remix of this song! (After you get the Radio Expansion card, it plays on the radio's Music Channel on Wednesdays, and can be used to draw out various Hoenn Pokémon in the wild.)
- The cycling theme is so unbelievably happy and fast paced.
- Crossing the sea? No you aren't. You're going to sit on this boat for the next HOUR and listen to this incredibly awesome track loop over and over and over again.
- Petalburg City. This link here is 10 minutes of upbeat pleasantry.
- The Mt.Pyre/Shoal Cave/New Mauville theme. A tune which provides just the right mix of ambience and adventure to suit its locations, and is criminally underestimated when people talk about the best music of the series.
- Even the "Room of Glory" music is incredible...sadly, it's another Wasted Song in the Hoenn-based games, as it only plays when Steven Stone/Wallace is recording the player's League-triumphing feat in the Hall of Fame Room.
- Why hasn't the Rival Theme been added here yet? For the first time that the player's rival is friendly, this theme is both upbeat and epic at the same time!
- The Deoxys battle theme is pretty damn awesome. It becomes even more awesome if you consider that you're battling a Pokémon coming from outer space!
- Alone, the Kyogre flood theme is good. But combine it with the creepy Groudon drought theme and it really intensifies any uneasiness with good music. Flood, Drought.
- The Dialga/Palkia battle theme (Super Smash Bros. Brawl remix here for maximum awesome) and the "lake trio" battle theme from Diamond and Pearl...actually, you know what? Pretty much every battle theme in the damn series.
- Platinum Giratina!
- On the subject of Platinum: Looker's theme is pretty awesome is reminiscent of Casino Night Zone song from Sonic 2.
- Route 205 is a great and upbeat theme. Sets the mood for adventure.
- The battle with Team Galactic leader Cyrus music, from Diamond/Pearl along with it's unofficial remix , of course.
- The Team Galactic Battle Theme. Not only was it epic, so was its Admin variant, as well its Brawl Remix.
- Challenging Cynthia. Given how she's got possibly the best temperament out of all the Champions (Steven Stone in Ruby/Sapphire a close second), the sheer difficulty in fighting her (with mostly exhausted Pokémon, mind you) and the what-do-I-do-what-do-I-do-what-do-I-do-what-do-I-do?! feel of the music makes for one epic Championship battle.
- Black and White version. Cue epic, horrible asskicking.
- "battle gene M" is a song performed by MTM, a group consisting of Junichi Masuda on keyboards, Shinji Miyazaki on bass, and Hirokazu Tanaka on drums. This song is based off of Cynthia's battle theme, as noted in a blog posting by Junichi Masuda. More information can be found in this article.
- The music from before the fight is also epic.
- The Gym Leader, Elite 4 and Game Corner themes from D/P/Pt.
- The techno remix of the DPP Game Corner also deserves a mention.
- Game Corner? More like RAVE CORNER.
- Route 209 is also a lovely theme, as is its obligatory Brawl remix.
- Sunyshore City. That is all.
- There are so many under-appreciated songs from Diamond and Pearl...Route 216, Route 210, Mt.Coronet Peak, and Oreburgh City.
- The Platinum Frontier Brain theme.
- The Distortion World's background music. The perfect blend of unnerving, surprisingly peaceful, and awesome.
- This EPIC remix.
- Arceus's theme is unlike any other music in the game. Unfortunately, it only plays if you hack an unreleased event item.
- Route 201 just gets stuck in budding Pokémon Trainers' heads.
- Canalave City. Nice, relaxing, and it's basically a slowed-up version of the credits music from Pokémon Gold/Silver/Crystal!
- Route 225 is an epic way to kick off a post-Elite Four adventure.
- The above song plays all the way to Stark Mountain, at which point you are greeted with this trippy tune.
- Route 225 at night sounds even better than it does during the day!
- The Rival Theme, which gets remixed awesomely here.
- Route 228. A jazzy theme that wouldn't be out of place at the Game Corner to liven up your desert route. Listen to it. Love it.
- Platinum's Global Trade Station theme; the electrifying tune somehow gives a sense of the wonder of trading Pokémon all over the world.
- The Bicycle Theme.
- Do Diamond and Pearl have the best ending themes? Ehh, well, judge for yourself.
- The encounter themes are usually sped through after three seconds or so (barring Cynthia) but if you listen to them they're often extremely good. I present the Fisherman/Sailor theme.
- Mysterial's Theme from Pokémon Battle Revolution.
- I raise you the Legendary Pokémon theme. Backwards.
- I must object to Sandgem Town not being here yet.
- Cavern In The Lake. This plays in the areas you find the Lake Trio. It's a slower version of their battle theme and serves as great buildup.
- Veilstone City.
- Undella Town's spring/autumn/winter music.
- Nimbasa City has the most epic city theme ever.
- Driftveil City is pretty awesome as well.
- Lacunosa Town is nice and soothing.
- Mistralton City!
- The Pokémon White rendition of Opelucid City and its Black counterpart may sound nothing alike (with an exception; see below), but both are awesome in their own way. In particular, the White version becomes even better when you stand by a girl playing a violin, giving it a very Classical or even Celtic vibe, and standing next to the keytar player in Black fixes the lack of resemblance to White's by adding electronic versions of notes from White's music to the music.
- The one in Black is also reminiscent of music from early Sonic the Hedgehog games.
- This remix of Black's music.
- In the old days, low HP would be met by an annoying siren sound. Now it's been replaced with this.
- The battle themes for Reshiram/Zekrom/Kyurem.
- Final N battle
- Earlier N battles
- The remix of N's final battle. The badass level just shot through the roof.
- Emotion.
- Ghetsis Battle Theme. DENNIS!
- Enter Ghetsis, attacking his son with the most abusive words you are likely to hear in a Pokémon game.
- N's Castle Bridge. Very reminiscent of Pokémon Mystery Dungeon's music.
- How about N's Castle itself? It's somewhat reminiscent of Castlevania music.
- Legendary Battle Theme. The song is such a mess that as soon as a melody is found it throws you a curveball. This really puts into perspective just how powerful the Legendaries really are.
- Made even more epic in this 8-bit remix.
- The Normal Trainer Battle is epic. Not only that but it's surprisingly catchy.
- The Team Plasma Grunt battle theme. That is all.
- To Each Future, the credits theme, is amazing.
- The wild rare/double battle theme. Comes out of nowhere, but still awesome.
- The Surfing Theme, which reminds many players of Mother 3.
- Everything about N is awesome, including his personal Leitmotif, N's theme which is both haunting and childish... perfect for him.
- On the subject of N, let's not forget the music in his room.
- Speaking of Mother 3, N's Farewell takes its first five notes from the Mother 3 Love Theme.
- And then there's the amazing official remix. It brought tears to many a person's eyes.
- And then there's this Hauntingly beautiful remix that is just as sad, if not more so.
- This remastering is great too.
- Even better, Using the Soundfont from Mother 3 for the song. Its as beautiful and as Heartrending as it sounds.
- On the subject of Mother 3, we have Route 10. You half expect to bump into Boney.
- The Pokemon League theme when you're in the Pokemon Center or waiting to challenge one of the E4 members. Doesn't have that much, but that's what makes it cooler.
- The Elite Four Battle Theme. As one YouTube commenter said: "The bass and drums [in] this song is enough to make your Pokémon faint." Well, maybe not everyone's, but still.
- The Village Bridge. Starts out simple when you enter the area, but adds layers to the song when you talk to certain people scattered throughout the area.
- The background theme for the EntraLink. Sounds more like an epic background theme from Final Fantasy than one would necessarily expect.
- Relic Castle has some amazing, soothing music that reminds you of Pokémon Mystery Dungeon.
- Accumula Town sounds extremely great, but it gets even better when you talk to the drummer and the pianist.
- Although the Gym Battle music arguably qualifies. It starts out fast-paced and epic from the very beginning. Many consider the music that plays when you reach the Gym Leader's last Pokémon (listed under "Pokémon title theme" at the top of the page) to be even better, but others have complained that it kills the mood because of the completely different beat and pace.
- The Champion/Subway Boss battle music is upbeat, triumphant, and a major Ear Worm.
- Victory Road is pretty much finality and epicness distilled into musical form.
- Route 6 has some pretty awesome music.
- Route 11 has music that is very fitting for a postgame adventure.
- The diving theme: calm, mysterious, and soothing.
- Alder's Theme may sound out of place in a Pokemon game, but is still very catchy and enjoyable.
- Skyarrow Bridge. Words can't do it justice.
- The Rival battle theme. Quirky and catchy.
- Black City, and its counterpart, White Forest. The former is a haunting techno melody that seems to emphasize just how much the city is corrupted (heck, a few openly admit to being greedy), while the latter is a happy, upbeat tune with a cheerful innocence to it--perfect for a nature-filled forest. Certainly a harsh contrast, much like the opposing themes for Opelucid City.
Pokémon Stadium[]
- This folder is still in the process of being built. If you see a theme exclusive to Stadium (JP), Stadium, Stadium 2, or Battle Revolution in the other folders, please move it here.
- Mewtwo is given a suitably epic battle theme in Stadium 1.
- Pokémon Stadium 1's has the Prime Cup Semifinals and the Poké Cup Semifinals (of the Master Ball ranking/category).
- Pokémon Battle Revolution only has an extremely specific appeal to enthusiasts of Pokémon Diamond and Pearl's battle system, and hardly scored well or was successful. Which is why it's almost a shame that it has such incredible music, most of all Pokétopia Master Mysterial's battle theme as the final battle.
- This part of Colosseum Master Sashay's theme sounds extremely similar to part of the Cipher admin battle theme from Pokémon Colosseum. Justified, as the developer studio Genius Sonority worked on both games.
- Colosseum Master Joe's super awesome Jazz theme.
- This part of Colosseum Master Sashay's theme sounds extremely similar to part of the Cipher admin battle theme from Pokémon Colosseum. Justified, as the developer studio Genius Sonority worked on both games.
Pokémon Mystery Dungeon[]
Red and Blue Rescue Team[]
(Warning: Major Ear Worm material here):
- Mt. Blaze.
- Buried Relic
- Great Canyon.
- Darkness Ridge.
- Monster House version 1
- Sky Tower, the final level.
- And the Final Boss theme, Rayquaza.
- Stormy Sea and Murky Cave
- The ever-lively Pokémon Square
- Mt. Thunder.
- The song playing while you and your partner become refugees is just...man, it's sad and epic at the same time!
- This will play if you dare steal from a Kecleon Shop.
- Boss fight!
- The Credits theme is very nice
- Mt. Freeze Peak
- Benevolent Spirit
- The Legend of Ninetales
Explorers of Time/Darkness/Sky[]
(Warning: Major Tear Jerker material here):
- Temporal Tower, the final level of the main story. And Temporal Spire, the end part of the level.
- Dialga's Fight to the Finish!, the final boss of both the main story and the fifth special episode. In the latter, it actually begins to play well before the battle actually begins, serving to make the prior scene even more epic.
- For maximum awesome, there's the remix.
- And the other remix.
- ZUN remix. Enough said.
- Time Gear (Remix), the game's first iteration of the Time Gear theme. The calm beginning slowly rising to the determined ending... awesome.
- Through the Sea of Time.
- Farther Away...
- Here is "Don't Ever Forget...". Grab the tissues.
- If you're not done crying, there's "Have to Get Home", which follows soon afterwards. Short and simple, but nevertheless beautiful.
- And then there's Memories Returned, which plays over your partner's montage of memories of your adventures together, just before the end credits.
- Steam Cave.
- Also Upper Steam Cave.
- Hidden Highland
- The Outlaw/thieves battle music from Time and Darkness was truly awesome.
- Blizzard Island Rescue Team Medley. Odd how they can conjure nostalgia even when the original was only about two years old.
- The ending theme is also one of the most epic songs in the game.
- The Darkness/Planet Paralysis, Sealed Ruin and the waah-inducing In the Hands of Fate. Or, heck, the incredibly moving Time Restored and Time Gear.
- The themes of the Hidden Land, Treeshroud Forest, Quicksand Cave, and Brine Cave demand your attention.
- Team Charm's Theme
- Depleted Valley, the first dungeon of Grovyle's extra chapter
- Great Iceberg Peak, the final dungeon of Grovyle's extra chapter
- The music from the first part of the Great Iceberg is quite sad.
- In the Morning Sun, the music before Special Episode 5's credits as Grovyle, Dusknoir and Celebi begin to fade away. *bawls*.
- A New World. Leaves this troper crying tears of happiness every single time.
- Special Episode 5 Ending Theme
- The Fortune Ravine theme. The whole thing just screams "EPIC ADVENTURE"
- The Star Cave theme. It's very pretty~
- Mt. Horn.
- Northern Desert.
- One for All, All for One!, from when the Wigglytuff Guild shows up to back up Bidoof in Special Episode 1 and Defy the Legends, for the Seven Guardians (it itself being a remix of the first games' final boss theme.).
- Two games into a subseries, and we're already starting to have recurring themes... not that that's a bad thing when the Boss Theme is so awesome.
- What about the lamely named but epic Random Dungeon Theme 3?
- The battle theme used for Dusknoir and Darkrai. Take a listen and get pumped and creeped out at the same time. Ooh!
- Dusk Forest. To some it might be a bit tacky, but to others, it's just awesome.
- Palkia's Onslaught! is a suitably epic theme for a suitably epic boss.
- Dark Hill.
- The music for Dark Crater. The music for Deep Dark Crater is also pretty good, thought it doubles as Hell Is That Noise.
Pokémon Ranger[]
- The music when you battle Raikou and Suicune in Pokémon Ranger is pretty cool. The music for the final battle against Entei, however, is pure awesomeness. Gordor's theme is also good.
- Go Rock Quad's Last Chance, Go Rock Squad's Secret Base and Sekra Range.
Shadows of Almia[]
- Darkrai
- The Ranger School theme is one of the most awesome Pokémon music. This version at 8:52 is heard outside.
- Team Dim Sun also has a very catchy tune.
- And the Go-Rock Quad music.
- Altru Tower.
- This Altru Tower Remix is amazing...and this one.
- Ladies and gentleman, I give you the Cargo Ship/Oil Field Hideout. Note how it's a medley of several Dim Sun themes. Also, the video's picture is a spoiler, so view at your own risk.
- The Altru Building music.
- The Shadows of Almia Ending is beautiful, especially from 1:05-1:36.
Guardian Signs[]
- Mewtwo phase 1 and Mewtwo phase 2
- Tea Party battle
- Arceus battle
- Normal boss battle
- Riding the legendary beasts
- Pinchers Boss battle
- Wild Capture
- Pinchers Capture
- Mitonga Road
- Sinking Submarine
Other spinoffs[]
Pokémon Colosseum/XD[]
- The GameCube Pokémon games have Miror B.'s battle music. The original gave him a wacky salsa beat for his Ludicolo-heavy team, and the second game outfitted him with a funky-fresh, disco-riffic battle theme, perfect for groovin' to.
- Then try this awesome chiptune version.
- XD's Cipher Admin battle theme!.
- Pokémon XD's final battle theme is even better.
- You probably used the Master Ball instantly on Shadow Lugia... but if you did, you missed out on his awesome battle theme.
- The Phenac City takeover music, officially named "Cipher Command". At first you just think, "Hmm, the music is a little different." It's certainly not worse than the original, but something about it just doesn't feel right... and then the theme suddenly gets progressively more sinister until it comes to a positively demonic crescendo... and then it loops back and goes back to the pretty, serene theme that it was at first. This theme plays when, unknown to the player, Team Cipher has taken over the city with its members disguised as the various characters who are normally in the city. While this music is playing, you begin to notice things like the fact the guy running around the water fountain with his Castform suddenly has a Duskull.
- Pokémon Colosseum includes, in ascending order of awesome, the friendly battle theme, the normal battle theme, the Cipher Peon battle theme, the Cipher Admin battle theme, Semifinal Battle, and Final Battle.
- And those are just the battle themes. There's also the relaxing Realgam Tower, the peaceful Agate Village, and the beautiful Relic Forest. And though it may not fit the trend, there's The Under, which is a town theme that sounds nothing short of awesome.
- XD's Cipher Peon theme
Pokémon Snap[]
- The western-sounding Canyon.
- The war-drums of the Volcano.
- The dark and scary Tunnel.
- The chirpy "party time" Main Theme.
- The surreal, mythical Rainbow Cloud.
- From the TCG video game, the Club Master battle theme.
- On the subject of the TCG video game, the Grandmaster Battle Theme is pretty epic too.
- While we're talking about the TCG video game soundtrack, Ronald's theme because it's awesome and it reminds me of beating the absolute tar out of that jackass.
- To put it another way: Ronald is Blue/Gary's Expy. But unlike Blue, you will want to face him, if only for this awesome theme. That can't be said for most Rival battles.
- The regular battle theme. Who says awesome tunes can't be laid back, especially with that bass.
- How about the chiptune beauty that is... the theme to the Water, Rock and Psychic Clubs?
- By contrast, the theme for the Fire, Fighting, & Science Clubs is very hardcore. But hey, children's card games are Serious Business. As something of the odd middleman, the Grass & Lightning Clubs gets this feel-good beat.
- The theme for Mason's Lab/the World Map is oddly soothing. Has a bit of a "getting ready to depart on a grand journey and explore the world" feel to it.
- GR Duel from the second TCG game is cool stuff.
- Mewtwo's theme in Pokémon Rumble.
- And Pokémon Fort Team Battle from Pokémon Rumble Blast. That guitar...
- Hey You Pikachu's credits. This song, in which Pikachu himself sings, may not be "awesome" in the "I just captured Mewtwo with a Great Ball" sense, but it is the cutest song that was ever sung.
- Another from Hey You Pikachu. This game had a surprisingly good soundtrack for how simple it was.
- And while we're on the Pikachu spinoffs, Poke Park Wii has some great tracks near the end. The boss style battle music, Rayquaza's Balloon Panic, and especially Mew's Tag Race stand out.
- Pokémon Pinball gives us "Mezase Pokémon Master", the first Japanese intro of the anime, in 8-bit form if you go play Blue Field in "Catch 'Em" mode.
- Pinball: Ruby & Sapphire gives us the calm and relaxing Pokédex theme, as well the ominous Kyogre battle theme.
- Pokémon Conquest gave us some pretty good battlefield themes. For example, here's the Flying, Fighting, Electric, and Poison battlefield themes.
- The main theme of Pokémon Conquest exudes awesomeness and seems to be a fitting tune for such a unprecedented crossover game.
- This track [3]/dir_english/?p=438 link to Junichi Masuda's blog] was composed by Junichi Masuda of GAME FREAK (who is a part of the music group MTM and helps compose music for a lot of the handheld Pokémon games) at the request of Shokotan (Shoko Nakagawa) of the television show Pokémon Sunday. It was apparently played in a live performance by MTM on September 4th, 2011. As of now, it does not seem to be a "Generation 6" Pokémon game music track; it was likely just composed in the style of such game music. Nevertheless, it sounds awesome, perhaps fitting for a wild Pokémon or Trainer battle theme.
- There's also a terrific "triumphant" remix of the above theme.
Fan games/ROM hacks[]
- Pokémon Prism's wild Pokémon battle theme is surprisingly good for a romhack. Also, the two versions with the HG/SS soundfont are terrific.
- The Gym Leader battle theme for Prism is simply amazing!
- The astounding HG/SS soundfont remix by SuperiorLarxene also deserves a mention, as well as the grand orchestrated arrangement by GRonnoc (the original composer of said theme) and Cat333Pokemon's remix.
- The Cave Theme composed for Prism is a nice leisurely tune to stroll along to. There's also a different take on the Cave Theme for the game.
- Prism's Trainer/Rival Battle theme is another fantastic track. Bonus points regarding the marvelous HG/SS soundfont version of the theme.
- The neat Pallet Patrol Encounter theme for Prism should be very familiar to some players; it's just so morphinomenal.
- There's also the main introduction theme for the game, which is actually a rearrangement of "Everyday" by Carly Commando.
- The Gym Leader battle theme for Prism is simply amazing!
- The fan game Pokemon Garnet from Pokecommunity.com has its own fair share of nice music as well composed by Tobinus, most of which are currently tentative:
- The game's wonderful title theme (Version 1) sounds like a somber take on the classic Pokémon main theme, while still providing unique elements of its own that preserve a sense of optimism, perseverance, and mystery.
- The amazing music of Shadefern Forest is quite relaxing and could practically lull someone to sleep with the tranquility it conveys. It also seems to have elements inspired by Pokémon Mystery Dungeon to The Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap, and some people even think it sounds a bit like something from Golden Sun.
- ↑ Extended version
- ↑ Littleroot Town and Oldale Town
- ↑ according to the video description's [http://www.gamefreak.co.jp/blog