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SPOILER WARNING: Many spoilers on this page are unmarked due to the nature of Awesome Music pages.

For the anime, see here.

Main series[]

Pokémon title theme[]


Sevii Islands[]






Pokémon Stadium[]

  • This folder is still in the process of being built. If you see a theme exclusive to Stadium (JP), Stadium, Stadium 2, or Battle Revolution in the other folders, please move it here.
  • Mewtwo is given a suitably epic battle theme in Stadium 1.
  • Pokémon Stadium 1's has the Prime Cup Semifinals and the Poké Cup Semifinals (of the Master Ball ranking/category).
  • Pokémon Battle Revolution only has an extremely specific appeal to enthusiasts of Pokémon Diamond and Pearl's battle system, and hardly scored well or was successful. Which is why it's almost a shame that it has such incredible music, most of all Pokétopia Master Mysterial's battle theme as the final battle.
    • This part of Colosseum Master Sashay's theme sounds extremely similar to part of the Cipher admin battle theme from Pokémon Colosseum. Justified, as the developer studio Genius Sonority worked on both games.

Pokémon Mystery Dungeon[]

Red and Blue Rescue Team[]

(Warning: Major Ear Worm material here):

Explorers of Time/Darkness/Sky[]

(Warning: Major Tear Jerker material here):

Pokémon Ranger[]


Shadows of Almia[]

Guardian Signs[]

Other spinoffs[]

Pokémon Colosseum/XD[]

Pokémon Snap[]



  • This track [3]/dir_english/?p=438 link to Junichi Masuda's blog] was composed by Junichi Masuda of GAME FREAK (who is a part of the music group MTM and helps compose music for a lot of the handheld Pokémon games) at the request of Shokotan (Shoko Nakagawa) of the television show Pokémon Sunday. It was apparently played in a live performance by MTM on September 4th, 2011. As of now, it does not seem to be a "Generation 6" Pokémon game music track; it was likely just composed in the style of such game music. Nevertheless, it sounds awesome, perhaps fitting for a wild Pokémon or Trainer battle theme.

Fan games/ROM hacks[]

  1. Extended version
  2. Littleroot Town and Oldale Town
  3. according to the video description's [