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' Back to Pokémon/WMG'
This page is for discussion of the sixth generation and onward of Pokémon. Guesses about Pokémon Black 2 and White 2, and any other Generation V titles, go here instead.
Full list of types not yet done - Have at it![]
- Normal/Fire
- The cow that started the Chicago Fire?
- A Legend with a flamethrower?
- A mountain dwelling prey species?
- A fire rat?
- Inuyasha's fire rat?
- A Man On Fire.
- Normal/Electric
- Something involving neutrons.
- A nurse shark with defibrillators.
- Static electricity
- Carpet monster?
- Porygon expy, or alternate evo (Porygon 3, anyone?)
- Normal/Ice
- A beluga
- Polar bear Ursaring evo. [1]
- White rabbit/fox.
- An Inuit.
- Normal/Poison
- A shrew or Solenodon. Both are small furry mammals with a venomous bite. Note that Sandshrew is more of a pangolin.
- Platypus-based Pokemon that's Always Male, since male platypodes have a venomous spur.
- A zombie hog.
- A rabbit. They were considered pests, after all.
- Normal/Ground
- A Dunsparce evo. Or a bunny.
- Mu.
- Prairie dog?
- Ground up spices
- Gopher
- I always thought that a Dunsparce evo would be this.
- Normal/Bug
- An adorable fly larva.
- Something like a Porygon Expy, but with an insectoid appearance and the habit of creating countless computer bugs in nearly any system (not including the PC boxes, of course) it gets into. It would almost be like a canonical version of Missingno, and its Ability could be a version of Moody Turned Up to Eleven with a lot more effects than stat changes.
- A literal spider-monkey
- A banana slug
- A millipede
- Normal/Rock
- Mountain goat
- Rock candy
- An Onix baby form that's bigger and stronger than Onix and Steelix. As it turns out, Onix's original purpose is to have babies and die, that's why it sucks so much. A recent mutation in modern Onix populations caused them to live longer and eventually evolve into Steelix.
- Normal/Ghost
- Apart from being ridiculously awesome at defense, it could be some being that can travel between the spirit realm and the real world. And, with Levitate, it would be immune to four types of attacks, including both of its own STABs.
- Banette evo that repossessed a doll?
- Childs Play, anyone?
- Zombie Pokemon.
- Schroedinger's Cat Pokémon.
- It would be a box with a radioactive symbol (subtle or not), a couple of eyes, and with the shape of two cat ears (just to remember what's inside). With a trade, it would have 50% chances of evolving into a Poison/Ghost Radioactive Cat or a Normal/Psychic Cat (Psychic type would be to reflect the experience of being half dead), and it would also give a nice excuse to make a "physicist" Pokémon, like an Einstein/Planck/Bohr-based Cat. The physics-based cat could also be Normal/Electric.
- Another idea of a Normal/Ghost could be a program from cyberspace, similar to Porygon (hence the Normal typing) but intangible like a hologram (hence the Ghost typing). The one weakness to Dark would make sense as hackers/bots tend to damage such programs.
- In that case, it could be Porygon-3, a new and improved alternative to Porygon-Z. Or it could be the American counterpart to Porygon.
- A ghostly Sifaka Lemur?
- I came up with a legendary Pokemon trio based on the idea of life, death and rebirth. The rebirth one is a Normal/Ghost type (yes, Normal-type legendary) - half dead, half alive. The others are Ice/Ghost (death - "cold as the grave") and Normal/Water (life - water is the basis of life). Basically, the antagonist gets the life and death ones in order to control life and death and become God. Main character gets the rebirth one to stop her.
- A cartoon pokemon. The spirit of an animated character brought to life. It would have godly defenses, but weak attack, to represent a toon's resiliance and the fact that anyone can survive on of their gags. It would probably have Prankster as an ability. Bonus points if it looks like one of the Warner Brothers.
- A Nopperabou. Could also work for Normal/Dark.
- Doctor Strange, he can astral project
- A bedsheet ghost.
- A Living Shadow.
- Victims of The Punishment
- A soul.
- The Wandering Jew.
- A cleanly white rat, that is also a scientist trying to understand the nature of the world. It ended up in its contradictory state during an experiment gone wrong.(version exclusive) An expy of that enemy from Zelda Twilight Princess(other version exclusive)
- Apart from being ridiculously awesome at defense, it could be some being that can travel between the spirit realm and the real world. And, with Levitate, it would be immune to four types of attacks, including both of its own STABs.
- Normal/Dragon
- A depowered mythical dragon? It would have average stats, too.
- Some fans believed that Reshiram would be this before its Fire typing was revealed.
- A Dunsparce evo. Dunsparce is based on a mythological creature called a Tsuchinoko, which is a snake that had the potential to turn into a dragon.
- A pseudo-dragon, like a wyvern.
- A pseudowyvern?
- "Pseudyvern"?
- Kecleon evolution, maybe?
- A normal type that wears the shed skin of a dragon that eventually became a dragon
- A Fin Fang Foom expy, right down to the inexplicable shorts
- Any dragon design made Acrofatic.
- A whale that specializes in HYPER VOICE! It evolves into some terrifying underwater monstrosity by leveling up with ancient power. The modern form is actually a power limiter because the species ate everything to death in the past.
- A penbroke corgi. They're the official breed of dog owned by the British Queen, and Dragon types are somewhat "royal."
- Normal/Dark
- A two faced Pokemon. Not literally, but one that seems nice at first but is in fact a douche.
- Or quite possibly literally.
- So a Bitch in Sheep's Clothing?
- A Screwy Squirrel
- A pig based of the Legion from The Bible. The demons were driven into a pig, after all. It can specialize in special type moves.
- An invasive species, that is unaware of the damage it's doing to the enviroment.
- A two faced Pokemon. Not literally, but one that seems nice at first but is in fact a douche.
- Normal/Steel
- Reconstructed Caribou... erm, Stantler.
- Cyborg (too obvious?)
- An armored Pokemon
- White Tiger of the West, representing the metal element.
- Ladies and Gentlemen, Signimal and Audorate, made by Cardiac Fluxx!
- A sheep Pokemon, with iron wool.
- So, basically, living steel wool?
- A Pokemon based on architecture meant to repel ghosts.
- Fire/Water
- Steam Pokemon, perhaps?
- A literal fire-bellied toad.
- A Pokemon that gives off alcohol?
- Salamander, see below.
- A Torkoal evolution?
- Two words: Pistol shrimp.
- Which then evolves into a mantis shrimp! Or would that be more Water/Fighting?
- Oil spill Pokemon!
- Luvdisc evolution. Because everyone knows that love is represented by Fire.
- A humpback whale with geothermic vents or volcanoes (prevo is a calf with vents, evo is a full-grown one with volcanoes?) that are supposed to represent barnacles.
- A kettle?
- A living hot spa.
- A tea pot, perhaps?
- A black smoker vent.
- Something that lives in a deep sea thermal vent, a hot spring or an underwater volcano.
- A boiled lobster!
- Steam Pokemon, perhaps?
- Fire/Grass
- Wildflare, the brushfire Pokemon.
- Tiki torch or jack-o-lantern; see above.
- The Tiki torch could evolve into a masked ape-like Pokémon, and the jack-o-lantern could evolve into a scarecrow! And they could be version exclusives!
- A giant citrus plant-based Pokemon.
- A eucalyptus tree. Can learn Explosion, just to give more nightmares to Earthbound veterans.
- I'd imagine that it would likely turn out similar to "Stop Having Fun!" Guys Smogon's take on this, except with a less uninspired moniker.
- Napelm!
- Timburn: The Forest Fire Pokemon
- Something like a flower Pokemon with flame petals.
- A chili/capsicum/pepper plant. Preferably of the Ghost Pepper or Trinidad Scorpion variety.
- A methane-fueled, compost-like Pokemon based on swamp gas.
- Chili pepper Pokémon! The first Fire Pokémon with Chlorophyll as its ability. Sounds REALLY awesome.
- Building on this, there's apparently a kind of pepper called a "tyrant habañero." A pun on this (like, maybe a cross between a pepper and a T. rex) could be pretty awesome.
- Another Pinecone Pokemon, to go with Pineco and Ferroseed. Some pinecones only open at high temperatures; heck, some species of pinecone practically need to be incinerated to open.
- An effigy. If given a Dusk Stone, it will evolve into a Grass/Ghost effigy(with smoke instead of fire.)
- A tree Pokemon that excretes oil or some other flammable substance. It attacks by lighting its seeds on fire and flinging them at opponents.
- A piranha plant expy.
- Something based off of the Firestick plant
- Fire/Ice
- A Pokemon based on temperature sounds suitable.
- A thermometer Pokemon.
- Or two Pokemon, one Fire and one Ice, that only evolve (into Fire/Ice and Ice/Fire forms, respectively) when both are on the team.
- The living incarnation of Hailfire Peaks.
- A Japanese macaque. They live high in the mountains, and yet they soak a lot in volcanic-fed hot springs. And we already have flaming monkeys running around...
- A jackalope Pokemon with flaming fur and ice fangs/antlers.
- A comet?
- A Pokemon that's half solar plasma and half Bose-Einstein Condensate, to serve as the "master" of a second Legendary Trio based on the states of matter. (The Creation Trio's secondary types hint at this with Steel/Water/Ghost, but it's easy to miss.)
- The legendary based on solids is Ice/Steel, and the legendary based on fluids is Water/Electric.
- A two-headed snake.
- Building on this, a two-headed snake that has a thermometer for a body and is a legendary that embodies temperature.
- Living freezer-burn?
- Or liquid nitrogen. So cold, it burns.
- Since we already have a Pokemon based on Ice Cream, why not have one based on Baked Alaska? Maybe make it the end of a three part evo line where the other two also have unique typings? Starts off as a small prey creature with an icy core (Ice/Normal), then becomes an omnivore and covers itself with a poisonous foam to protect it from predators and to hunt - the foam also insulates it from heat (Ice/Poison), finally when exposed to a Fire Stone the foam catches on fire while still protecting its core from the heat. At this point, it wanders its icy home as an apex predator (Ice/Fire).
- An ice demon.
- An oni?
- If The Reveal of Kyurem having two forms based off the Yin/Yang Pokemon is any indication, this would probably be the typing of White Kyurem.
- A legendary who's very purpose is to be a self-contraditon, aka a living paradox.
- And maybe it coukld be an Eldritch Abomination, that was once human...
- A Snowman wearing hot pants.
- A Pokemon based on temperature sounds suitable.
- Fire/Poison
- A smoke Pokemon, of course.
- Flammable gas (not that kind)
- Flammable gas (Yes, that kind!)
- A lit cigarette!
- A Fire-Bellied Toad with Dry Skin (Not Croagunk or Toxicroak evo)
- A tar monster.
- Radiation.
- A poisonous salamander.
- A spitting cobra that shoots sulfuric acid instead of venom.
- It could serve as a fire starter. After all, the snake is one of the twelve animals of the zodiac.
- Propane?
- Electric/Fighting
- He's the fighting robot!
- Could be a new Rotom form. It's been said that he possessed a toy robot before...
- Retcon the Electabuzz family into three of these. Or at least the last two.
- Ampharos may be a slight possibility, too.
- The Duracell Bunny!
- An angel.
- A bare knuckle boxer with electrified fists. A Muy Thai fighter who can shoot lightning from its elbows.
- King Kong, as detailed below.
- He's the fighting robot!
- Electric/Poison
- ...battery acid?
- Building on this, a slug made of battery acid, like how Slugma is made of magma. A Fakemon that's based on this is called Teslug.
- A platypus could work, if it's not already Normal/Poison. They sense electricity and the males have a poisonous spur. Of course, that wouldn't make sense if there were females of the species, but Pokemon has made worse biological errors. And if it not being Water-type bothers you, neither is Hippowdon.
- Something radioactive?
- GLaDOS? Because of the deadly neurotoxin?
- Elecobra?
- An Electric Jellyfish. Originally a pure poison type, the species got tired of people making that mistake and while evolving to get the electric attribute, grew large enough to eat people and now actively hunts them out. The final form has one big eye that moves around its transparent body. A ground type with some kind of water resistance keeps them from spreading out of one area and overtaking Tentacool.
- Food disposal-Rotom.
- A computer virus. Because Steel is the closest thing to tech, it would have a special ability allowing it to poison Steel types.
- ...battery acid?
- Electric/Psychic
- Brain-based.
- A neuron! The soma would be its head and body while the axon is its tail.
- Seeing how we now have a Pokemon based around cell division, this is quite possible.
- Neurohm/Cerebellohm/Encephalohm, the Neuron/Floating Brain/Brain In a Jar Pokemon, who tends to build up a sizable electric charge around its body while thinking. Glass Cannon-type that turns into a Mighty Glacier upon evolving to Encephalohm.
- A neuron! The soma would be its head and body while the axon is its tail.
- Living supercomputer.
- Another promising Rotom new form, namely a possessed computer.
- A Manectric evolution. [3]
- A Pokémon based around the concept of chi. On the one hand it involves meditation, on the other it's a sort of "energy". This would counterbalance Aura, which seems more aligned with Fighting, as another life-force in Pokemon.
- An electric Victini, but it will represent defeat.
- Grumpig evolution based on a coilgun.
- A hologram, or disembodied mind.
- Our Mermaids Are Different:Playful giants accidentally awoken by divers, they now curiously study the world, though they can get rough in their play.
- Brain-based.
- Electric/Rock
- Kirby64 fans should remember Kirby's combined copy ability of this type, involving a rock tethered to a line of electricity. A Pokemon incarnation of that could work...
- With the critical praise its getting, it could be combined with a fossil expy of the plasma dinos of Xeno Blade.
- An electric guitar. (It uses The Power of Rock.)
- Guitar Rotom!
- Dynamite. Come on, you were thinking it too!
- Magnetite Pokemon? Nosepass could have been this.
- Velociraptor fossil Pokemon.
- A glowing quartz crystal, perhaps?
- An automatic toilet with the water absorb ability. Storm drain in dream world.
- A fossil Pokemon based off an ancient rodent. Possibly the ancestor of Pikachu and its expies.
- The Rock: He is the most electrifying man in all of entertainment.
- Ancient prototype of Klink, building on the idea that Klink is an artificial Pokemon. It could be partly based on the Antithkyeria Mechanism and other technology centuries earlier than it should be. A fossil Pokemon.
- Kirby64 fans should remember Kirby's combined copy ability of this type, involving a rock tethered to a line of electricity. A Pokemon incarnation of that could work...
- Electric/Dark
- An animate black thundercloud?
- Dark Kracko expy.
- Voltran. Shuddering may ensue. [4]
- A creature that absorbs and gluts itself off nearby electricity.
- Some variety of saboteur-type gremlin that causes blackouts, say a Rotom Expy?
- Some type of deep sea fish or glowworm? Of course the fish one might work better as a Water/Electric (like another Lanturn) or Water/Dark.
- Blitzle's evolution?
- Jossed, though a future gen might go and add a Stage 2 form.
- Retcon Luxio and Luxray?
- Perhaps one based off a computer virus would work.
- A blacklight!
- An energy sucking vampire?
- A tiger
- Dracula could manipulate weather in Bram Stoker's book so why not something based on him?
- Satan itself. Why? Well, Satan is the Morning Star, or bringer of light. Electromagnetism is an important aspect of light. However Satan is known by most as the lord of darkness, despite never being referred to in the Bible as this. Thus, Dark is its secondary typing. In terms of appearance, it would have an angelic, beautiful appearance while possesing traits commonly associated with the Devil. It would be one of the legendaries in a Italy-based region
- A huge disgusting rat, the anti Pikachu.
- An animate black thundercloud?
- Grass/Ghost
- An autumn-themed Pokemon based on falling leaves?
- Legendary Spirit of Growth/Life?
- A dryad-like Pokemon, similar to the dryads from the Film of the Book of The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe.
- Jack-o-lantern, or one of those leafless trees with creepy branches you always see near haunted houses.
- Another scarecrow Pokemon that hides in fields just to scare birds like Spearow and Murkrow.
- It could have the Static ability, paralyzing them with fear.
- Oh! Oh! Combine the two above ideas - the unevolved Pokemon is an ambulatory pumpkin with vines to help it move, sprouting from a stem on top of its head and a face like a carved jack-o-lantern. It's a cruel trickster type, getting its jollies off of others' fear. Call it Punkin. Its evolution has the pumpkin sprout a spindly body of vines from its 'neck', which is dressed in tattered looking clothes and a beat up hat with vines poking out of random places, resembling a Zerg-infested scarecrow. This one is still cruel, but goes from merely being a trickster to being outright malicious, enjoying suffering as well as fear. This, of course, gets called Punkinhead. It follows Nintendo's love of puns and referencing things from real life and doesn't exceed 10 letters in a name. Sleep tight, target demographic!
- And then there would be a Stage 2 or alternative Stage 1 that was the Headless Horseman (as he is often depicted with a pumpkin head)! If it was an alternative Stage 1, it could have the long-waited Ghost/Steel combination!
- PEQUEDARK-VELVET [sic] has created a jack-o'-lantern/scarecrow with the type combination.
- If it scares off birds, it should have some Electric moves to deal with its weakness.
- A Parasect evo based taking the cordyceps concept to the final extreme. The bug may be dead, but its soul now controls the mushroom...
- A tumanuwos - a guardian spirit from Makah society associated with music and the forest. It could totally work, I'm serious!!! [5]
- Boo Berry?
- Perhaps this guy has the right idea, with a Pokemon based around lament over deforestation, in a constant state of mourning over its fallen tree brethren.
- A Skull Kid-like trickster, supposedly born from people lost forever in the woods, that draws travelers deeper and deeper into the forests where it lives with distracting lights.
- A shaman.
- An unopened seed pod
- An empty seed pod
- A rotted fruit
- An old dead tree.
- How about Hollowseed (as well as Swampress/Eternatree, of course) from the Pinwheel Village creepypasta?[6]
- A log of wood/kindler, re-animated by the spirit of the forest.
- Another pitcher plant. Even larger than victribel, they defend the setting from wayward souls.
- A philcoxia minensis
- Grass/Dragon
- A Black Rose Dragon Expy?
- With the Legendary Evolutions speculation below, I can see this happening to the first generation starters - if given access to some kind of Stone of Legends when they hit their normal tertiary evolution point, they turn into Fire/Dragon, Water/Dragon, and Grass/Dragon types instead of Charizard, Blastoise, and Venusaur. Since all of these are reptilian (Venusaur is a dinosaur, Charizard is already kind of a dragon, and Blastoise is a tortoise), it would work better than the later generations (where mammals and birds are included in the lineup.)
- An evolution to Tropius. It's in the Dragon egg group, can learn Dragon Dance by breeding, and sort of looks like a dragon.
- Alternative final Snivy's evolution.
- A Pokemon based off of the Azure Dragon, which represents the element of wood?
- Mandrake possibly?
- A frill-necked lizard whose frill has been replaced with a flower.
- Captain Ersatz of the Forest Dragon from Dragons: A Fantasy Made Real
- A therizinosaurus
- Snapdragon.
- Gaea?
- Gaia?
- Ice/Fighting
- Viking?
- A Valkyrie themed evolution of Jynx? She does look a lot like an opera singer, so it would fit with the Scandinavian theme.
- Or it could be the male version of a Jynx, which would be a Viking.
- Polar Ursaring. Ursaring are basically Fighting-type Pokemon with claws, though they lack the typing. Polar Ursaring would be their Dire cousin to the north (though they missed their chance to put them in Sinnoh, they could still show up in a Lost World colony similar to a cross between the Mossleaf caverns in Hoenn and the Ruins of Alph in Johto).
- For a completely-out-of-left-field Ice/Fighting Pokemon, something that looks like a tan-coated Ice Climber with Red Boxing Gloves and a triangular body in the visual style of a small netbeing from Mega Man NT Warrior (Rush in particular).
- Beartic should really have been this...
- An Ice/Fighting turkey?
- Two words: Fighting snowman.
- Hockey players
- Polar wolf.
- Adlet. Would definitely have Snow Cloak as an ability.
- Ice/Poison
- A Pokemon themed around frostbite?
- A common cold virus?
- Pneumonia?
- A snake that injects venom that freezes the bloodstream.
- A white furred ambush predator that hides in snow.
- Ice/Bug
- Arctic butterflies.
- Butterfly with wings that look like snowflakes.
- Frost beetles (look like a hemispherical ice cube with legs).
- Smogon's done one... It's called Syclant.
- A Weta Pokemon. (Wetas can survive being frozen for months.)
- It could fit as part of a New Zealand-based region.
- A Pokemon based off of a Tardigrade.
- Ice worm.
- An ice bug?
- Arctic wolf spider
- Arctic butterflies.
- Ice/Rock
- Glacier or mountain themed.
- Frostran, an embodiment of frozen mountain peaks, to serve as another counterpart to Heatran and complete the Fire, Ice, Lightning trio. [7]
- Thardus.
- All of the fossil-revival Pokemon have been Rock-typed. Something from the Ice Age?
- A Smilodon[8] Pokemon.
- Or, you know. A mammoth. Although there would be cries of "too much like Mamoswine, except Rock, not Ground."
- Scrat!
- Brontotherium or wooly rhino. Maybe instead as an alternate evo for Rhydon?
- A comet or asteroid. They're made of ice and rock, after all.
- A rock-hopper penguin could work.
- A frozen crystal or gem
- Glacier or mountain themed.
- Ice/Steel
- Arctic-exploration equipment themed?
- Probably a sentient pick-axe.
- The ultimate incarnation of solid matter? It's related to low temperatures...
- A refrigerator? Either that or a metal ice box...
- Another Viking.
- Similar to Garchomp being a "land shark," maybe a "land whale?"
- Muskox?
- As someone said above, a Bose-Einsteinium Condensate.
- Inuit.
- A snowplow inspired monster
- Narwhal, with a giant steel horn.
- Arctic-exploration equipment themed?
- Fighting/Ground
- Another golem based more closely on Jewish legend.
- Regiland? Regiground?
- More like something unrelated to that family.
- Golurk Expy.
- And it would be part of the theorised "New Jersey region."
- A boxing hare.
- A fighting armadillo?
- An Islamic warrior Pokemon... yes, seriously. Complete with a lot of Fire-type and Dark-type attacks... and also Explosion! (and Selfdestruct, Memento, Healing Wish...) [9]
- A whip-tailed lizard.
- A greco roman wrestler
- Gorillas hate rain and can't swim...
- Another golem based more closely on Jewish legend.
- Fighting/Flying
- Bruce Lee says high.
- A Combusken Expy without the Fire type. Because who wouldn't like a falcon that could use Mega Punch or Sky Uppercut?
- Fighting/Flying samurai-themed Farfetch'd evolution is a popular choice.
- A Superhero Pokemon.
- A crane or stork?
- Braviary could have been this... If they give him an evolution, they could make him Fighting/Flying.
- This.
- Smogon's working on it right now. They call it Tomohawk. (Well, actually, Tomohawk is Flying/Fighting, but you get the idea.)
- A Garuda, harpy, or tengu
- A secretary bird.
- A humanoid lemur with retractable fleshy wings and the ability to bend wind around itself.
- Fighting/Ghost
- A Pokemon themed off of spirits of fallen masters.
- A play on the phrase "Shadow Boxer".
- Mega Hitmonchan?
- Revenankh
- A fighting-mummy could work out as an evo of Cofagrigus. Mummy arms would come out the sarcophagus making him a Fighting-type, but keeping the shadow arms in the back.
- A disembodied, extremely muscular arm. That evolves from Duskull.
- Master Hand! And Crazy Hand as the version counterpart.
- A rooster, based on cockfighting. Although we already have Blaziken, we can have another.
- A Gashadokuro. Maybe it could even be a legendary Pokemon.
- A creature that can go between the physical and ethereal planes at will. Though maybe that would be Normal/Ghost...
- A ghost that haunts bars, alleys and popular party areas where it instigates fights.
- Both Bruce Lee and The Undertaker fit this, although 'Taker also fits Fighting/Dark. And it would be AWESOME.
- Literal Shadow Archetype. It'll be a parallel to Scraggy and Scrafty. Both are gangs, however while Scraggy form groups, this version are at war with one another. It'll have the same stats that Scraggy and Scrafty have.
- Like a Badass Out of Hell.
- Fighting/Dragon
- Martial-arts based. Preferably based off of Bruce Lee, although we do already have Hitmonlee.
- The Last Dragon, complete with the glow
- Mega Hitmonlee?
- Maybe a humanoid muscular martial-arts Pokemon with a draconic wing and tail. Its ability would be Levitate.
- A Pokemon based on Sobek? Like how Lucario is based on Anubis. Could also work for Water/Fighting or Water/Dragon.
- A large, humanoid dragon that doesn't have a breath weapon, but has incredible strength.
- A Panda?
- Expy of Ultimo Dragon or Ricky The Dragon Steamboat
- Martial-arts based. Preferably based off of Bruce Lee, although we do already have Hitmonlee.
- Poison/Psychic
- Random sort of Pokémon whose shtick is poisoning the mind?
- The propaganda Pokemon?
- Cipher's backup plan in case somebody manages to snag and purify Voltran... The Pokemon's name is Mistikal, and it's basically a sentient cloud of poisonous mist whose shtick is to invade a victim's body and take over their brain. Yep... Nightmare Fuel ahoy!!! [10]
- Something based in the Wonderland. It's a surreal looking place, which mixes both mind tricks (Psychic) and hallucinations (Poison). Imagine a Blue Caterpillar Pokémon, or a Mad Hatter Pokémon with poisonous tea.
- The Corruption.
- See Mistikal above.
- What about... PINK ELEPHANTS?!
- A witch.
- An alien
- Psiama?
- A spider whose venom causes insanity. It could also be a Psychic/Bug type.
- Keep in mind that, since psychic powers often relate to purification/holy powers in Japanese mythology, this would be a huge contradiction, since it's basically the essence of purity combined with poison. Possibly, a poisonous creature that was purified, but is still able to manipulate poison? (An evolution of Muk, perhaps.)
- Or the reverse: a psychic pokemon whose happiness can drop below the baseline, which evolves into part poison at low happiness. And to discourage players from actually getting one that way it'll have worse stats than it's pre-evolution and there will be some other way to get one that has much better stats. Or maby this should go in Psychic/Dark.
- A garbage eating raccoon
- Something that starts off psychic and has a predatory, parasitic, commensalism or mutualistic relationship with a poison type that allows it to become poisonous too.
- A Fire coral.
- Something based on TV Tropes. Think about it. It poisons your vocab with Troper Speak but it will also enlighten you with all the information available on this site.
- Random sort of Pokémon whose shtick is poisoning the mind?
- Poison/Rock
- Brimstone (Because a Radioactive Isotope Pokemon would never get approval).
- Sulfur?
- Better, a geyser that spews sulfuric acid and toxic gases.
- A Fossil Pokemon that is made of tar and the bones of its victims.
- A fossil Pokemon of any poisonous or venomous prehistoric creature game freak wants to choose.
- A stonefish. Hey, they made fish that aren't water types (Stunfisk, Eelektross), so why not a stonefish?
- Camouflage has the added benefit of removing it's water weakness
- It can have either that ability, or Poison Point.
- A giant virus, probably a bacteriophage due to the design being crystalline. Consider, viruses are kind of like poison in that they are infectious and hurt people. Viruses also use a capsid shell, which could be compared to minerals, so maybe a crystalline virus?
- A camouflaged mountain dwelling Pokemon that inspires the saying "never step on what can be stepped around or stepped over."
- The Horta?
- Poison/Dragon
- Poison/Steel
- The Toxic Needle Pokemon.
- Or even better - a disease-infected needle.
- It could start out as something with a needle for a nose, and when it evolves, it has two huge needles for arms.
- Or even better - a disease-infected needle.
- Mercury Mon (Quicksilver? Alternate evolution of Scyther when it is holding a certain poison-type item?)
- Something based around heavy metals in general.
- A Pokémon version of Dumb Drum.
- Or something like a walking waste plant.
- Junker! But seriously, some kind of rusty scrap metal abomination.
- A Pokemon based off of a factory and/or toxic waste dump.
- An evolution of Muk with a toxic waste barrel on its head.
- A snail whose slime is poisonous and shell is made of steel.
- How about a Cone Snail whose shell and venom harpoon are both made of metal?
- Uranium based.
- Cyborg Weezing evolution named "Hacking". Its shtick would be Mind Control (hacking your mind). Also works as electric/poison.
- Shouldn't it be something like "Hakking" since Koffing and Weezing are spelled in an alternate way?
- Forget GLaDOS being Electric/Poison, this would be a type combo for a Pokemon based off of her - a machine that uses toxin, and is weak to fire (end of Portal 1, anyone?)
- A trash can in a symbiotic relationship with the Trubbish line.
- Or an evo of Garbodor that has him wearing bits and pieces of a trash can as armor!
- An armored scorpion. It could start out as a Bug/Poison type, but gains an armor to protect it when it's run out of venom.
- A Grey Goo Pokemon
- A two formed Pokemon based off magnesium, with a solid form and a liquid form. The solid form specializes in Attack and Defence whilst the liquid form specializes in Sp.Attack and Sp.Defence. It changes formes with some kind of refrigerating item.
- Alternatively, it takes the second form if hit by a Fire type move, or is burned. To prevent it doing too much damage, it will have the ability Heatproof.
- The Toxic Needle Pokemon.
- Psychic/Bug
- A single bug that "evolves" into a swarm, like a locust version of Diglett or Magnemite with a hive mind.
- A bookworm.
- A legendary Battra Expy, since Mothra's already got Bug/Fire covered.
- A housefly whose reaction time has been exaggerated to the point of it being precognition.
- An insectoid Cute Monster Girl based off of Mimi. Yes, that Mimi.
- This would be more Bug/Psychic, but Genesect re-engineered to assault opponents' minds rather than their bodies. [11]
- A dreamcatcher looks like a web right, so how about it being a spider.
- How about a Kricketune evo? It could control others by focusing it's Psychic powers with music.
- Kricketrik?
- A mantis with psychokinetic powers. Geddit? Psycho Mantis?
- Tentaquil.
- A Luminoth
- Psychic/Ghost
- A Traumatic Memory Pokemon, maybe?
- I suggested a Poltergeist Poke would be this type. Some corruption of 'Poltermageist', since that's three letters too many?
- A lich. They're undead sorcerors, so it wouldn't be that much of a stretch.
- A genie
- A Chimecho evo based off of a mourning bell.
- Mournecho?
- Mournknell, the Church Bell Pokemon?
- A Ghost that taunts families by imitating their dead members.
- Psychic/Dark
- Something akin to a Mage or a Wizzrobe.
- A Legendary based on The Power of Love. Because, as we all know, Love Makes You Evil.
- Something akin to a heavily nerfed Gigyas.
- Or a not-even-remotely-nerfed Giygas.
- Mewthree, a second its Gone Horribly Wrong
- A Vampire Pokemon.
- A cute glittering vampire that's very friendly but indiscriminately eats people when hungry.(Unless well trained)
- An owl vampire because owls are wise.
- Actually, owls aren't as wise as everyone thinks they are, since their huge eyes take up much space of their head that could be used for their brains.
- Why not make it an evolution of Absol? I mean, it predicts the future... It makes sense, right?
- An Elder God-inspired Pokemon.
- The Crawling Chaos himself. Yes, Nyarly as a Pokemon.
- A mashup of the blue and green ancients from Eternal Darkness colored red?(shiny is purple)
- A Grosbeak, preferably one that can shift between a dedicated Dark-Type and a Psychic-Type form...
- A Pokemon based off either serial killers or the criminally insane in general.
- A warlock, or user of black magic.
- The Dark type is characterized by underhanded and vicious/brutal fighting, while Psychic tends to be very calm and reserved, making this a very difficult type combination. Perhaps a Pokemon with Dissonant Serenity — having the appearance of being very calm and stoic, but is extremely brutal and sadistic in its tactics? It could also look like something that's about to snap at any moment but is just barely keeping its psychopathic urges under control (perhaps expressed in its animation, now that Pokemon have those — it looks very calm at first, but occasionally twitches and growls violently). For appearance, I got nothing — an Uncanny Valley humanoid with disproportionately large hands/head, maybe? Possibly with a mask or missing a face, too, to fit with the whole "emotional suppression" thing. Gameplay-wise, it would also fill an interesting niche of a specialist Dark user, something that isn't very common, to my knowledge.
- An alternate evolution for Gothetelle. Just like Gallede was for Gardevoir, we could have a male only evolution. Goth fits dark, you just say that it's a melancholy and depressed Pokemon.
- A chimera of conflicting parts
- You do realize that that would be full of Unfortunate Implications, considering that Dark is "evil" and Psychic is "holy"?
- In that case, how about a Fallen Angel? They're both "evil" and "holy."
- A mutliple personality Pokemon with two faces on either side of it's body.
- An evolution of Zoroark. It's speed would decrease, so that its special can benefit. It'll reach the point where its illusions have become so powerful they can psychically harm the Pokemon, or just sneak past them.
- Bug/Dragon
- Sadly, we already have an evolutionary family of dragonfly Pokemon with Yanma... But what the heck, it's not like there isn't room for another.
- Not just a dragonfly, a Meganeura, the largest dragonfly ever.
- Flygon Expy.
- Alternatively, have another Japanese-based region. Then have an alternative evolution to Trapinch.
- Arthropleura. A humongous 8.5 feet long centipede and the largest known land invertebrate ever, and them actually coming from the same time period as Genesect opens up some ideas for a backstory.
- That "Yanmaku" idea that was going around on the forums a few months ago. Bonus points if it wound up looking like Hirow.
- A prey species that lives deep within the planet's crust, hunted by Steelix and Roggenrola...until it gains Magikarp Power.
- A line of mantis that look more like mantis than Scyther does
- Dennis before Team Plasma modified it.
- Sadly, we already have an evolutionary family of dragonfly Pokemon with Yanma... But what the heck, it's not like there isn't room for another.
- Bug/Dark
- A flea?
- Cockroach, obviously!
- They could take this to a whole new level of sinisterness where they introduce bug-type Pokemon that get infected with mind-controlling mushrooms and then die after a couple of battles.
- Parasect evo. Do it, GF.
- Beelzebub pseudo legendary!
- That would be awesome.
- Beelzebug?
- Or an alternate evolution line for Trapinch. Trapinch DOES learn an awful amount of Dark type moves...
- A female mosquito! It would have an ability that gives it back a portion of hp from biting moves, and STAB Bug Bite/Crunch...
- A tick?
- An Expy of Paras that is a cricket with a hairworm sticking out of its rear that evolves into a writhing mass of tentacles squirming out of the zombified cricket's body?
- Mothman.
- A Tapeworm. It can be 35 feet long and the Pokedex will mention some growing up 100 feet. It will have a signature move that's an 80 power version of Leech-Life and will have an ability that either increases damage of draining moves or increases amount of health taken from draining moves. Its Dream World ability will cause a toxic poisoning affect on fainting.
- A wolf spider which takes the name a bit too literally.
- A black widow spider.
- A No See Um
- Widow spider. They will be a female-only species, and have a a Bug/Psychic male counterpart.
- Dracula louse.
- A parasitic wasp. You'll know why when you read about them.
- Rock/Ghost
- Gloomstone, the gravestone Pokemon.
- As said under Ghost/Ground, a living dinosaur skeleton.
- A gargoyle?
- A possessed artifact of some kind, kind of like Claydol but more rocky.
- A guardian angel statue similar to the statues found in cemeteries. Maybe a Weeping Angel, but with a lot more emphasis on the angel aspect and as such somewhat more benevolent.
- Any ancient statue or bust could count.
- A sentient, skeletal fossil. Or just Dem Bones in general.
- A fossil Pokemon that Came Back Wrong.
- Any random object made of limestone could do, as that type of rock is... commonly composed of material that came from dead marine organisms.
- An expy of someone from Pompeii.
- A Ubume http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ubume
- Rock/Dragon
- Good candidate for evolved Dunsparce. Like an earth-themed Gyarados.
- How about a living, flying Quetzalcoatl statue with Tron Lines and glowing eyes? That would kick ass.
- It could be a Captain Ersatz of this guy from by a completely different Mon-using anime.
- A Pokemon based off of the Sirrush of Babylonian Mythology.
- A Druddigon evo. The skin on his face is already described as being harder than stone, his classification is Cave Pokemon, and he's supposedly based on gargoyles.
- A living dinosaur skeleton.
- An Aerodactyl evolution. It's the only fossil poké who lacks one. Could take on the Quetzalcoatl idea mentioned up there by another Troper.
- The T-Rex. It's one of the most powerful, and definitely most popular dinosaur in history. Furthermore, it could be an event legendary.
- A dragon made out of rock.
- A porcelain dragon
- Well, Medusa had snakes for hair and turned her victims to stone... Though this might work better for Rock/Poison.
- A Mosasaur fossil Pokemon, the first pseudo legendary fossil. Slightly longer and much heavier than Wailord.
- A Jimi Hendrix Expy.
- Ghost/Steel
- Now this would be darn close to Game Breaker, having only 6 types that do normal or better damage.
- Actually, not really, Smogon has done tests. That being said, Kitsunoh could work.
- Considering that steel alone has only five types that do normal or better damage, there's not really a problem.
- Dusknoir looks like he should be this already.
- Haunted suit of armor, as above.
- Dullahanmon!
- Similar to Omega-Xis?
- Nice Idea! Here's some expansion: it starts out as an blobby shadow with yellow eyes and sharp teeth that wears random scrap metal as armor (it could even use a trash can lid as a shield!), and as it evolves the ghost gets bigger and scarier, and the armor gets more coherent.
- An old west style gunslinger, maybe?
- A possessed Gashapon?
- A Ghost train!
- An evil, possessed car?
- How about a legendary that's ruler of the underworld, like a Hades expy? Hades was in charge of all the precious metals in mythology...
- A possessed robot, perhaps? Or maybe even a robot that no longer functions properly?
- Better yet, it'll be a robot with Brain Uploading. You start with a Ghost/Psychic, and after trading it with a Metal Coat, it transfers its mind to a robot.
- A metal pole that collects candy.
- A legendary that used a sunken ship to build its body.
- Possessed scrap metal.
- Modern version of Golurk/Golett. Basically a mecha Pokemon with the ghost elements of the Golett line.
- Now this would be darn close to Game Breaker, having only 6 types that do normal or better damage.
Type combinations that already exist, but only one evolutionary line has[]
- Normal/Water
- A bottlenose dolphin?
- A capybara, perhaps?
- A muskrat.
- The "missing link" between fish and amphibian.
- Axolotol.
- Normal/Grass
- Maybe a sloth. Sloths often do have algae growing on their fur.
- Grassloth?
- Belphoss(Belph as in Belphagor, the demon prince of sloth)
- The animal, not the sin. That said, Mossloth could work.
- Belphoss(Belph as in Belphagor, the demon prince of sloth)
- Grassloth?
- Maybe a sloth. Sloths often do have algae growing on their fur.
- Normal/Fighting
- An evolution for Tauros based on the Minotaur?
- Or, just for laughs, a martial arts hamster, guinea pig, or rabbit... that proceeds to beat the opponent into a pulp.
- A wood chuck with nunchucks.
- I came up with the idea of an Eevee expy called. It's found in a dojo, and called Basusil. You can evolve it into a Water/Fighting, Fire/Fighting or Grass/Fighting depending on what item you have. In later generations, like Eevee, it can evolve in other ways(Dusk Stone makes it a Dark/Fighting, Thunder Stone makes it an Electric/Fighting)
- Fire/Electric
- Whatever it is, it constantly gives off sparks, making it both an electrical and a fire hazard.
- Static burns? Like Kirby?
- An Electabuzz/Magmar hybrid?
- Saint Elmo's fire?
- A ball of flaming plasma, much hotter than Rotom.
- A Liger Pokemon that is created by breeding a Luxray with a Fire-Type Tiger Pokemon.
- Pokesho has suggested a kotatsu Pokemon (translation, has NSFW ads/rest of site.
- An energy hummingbird that has high special attack and speed, poor defense, and can learn Explosion!
- A star, which is somewhat of a Solrock Expy.
- A Hedgehog that shoots either or from it's fur and a porcupine that's has a similar ability but prefers physical contact.(roles reversed on purpose).
- A seraph.
- Fire/Ground
- Volcano?
- Maybe a rainbow agama?
- Rabbit starter.
- Or an ox, to keep with the zodiac theme. A snake might work too.
- Fire/Bug
- A fire ant Pokemon would be obvious.
- The fan-made Pokemon Twilight had one of these, and it was awesome. It was a three-evo Pokemon (Mant, Termight, and something else) that occurred relatively early in the game.
- Better yet, two - Fyran and Fyreen. A female Fyran evolves into a Fyreen.
- And males become Infernant. FOR THE RRRROYALTY!
- Better yet, two - Fyran and Fyreen. A female Fyran evolves into a Fyreen.
- A bombardier beetle Pokemon.
- Bugbomb, the Blast Beetle Pokemon. Bugbomb mixes chemicals under its shell to create fire, which it shoots from the tip of its abdomen. Sometimes, the chemical mix is too strong and can cause explosions.
- A literal firefly.
- Along with Bug/Electric, an evolution for Volbeat and Illumise. Illumise becomes a Bug/Electric Magical Girl, Volbeat becomes a Bug/Fire Tokusatsu hero.
- A fire worm parasite.
- Fire/Rock
- Charcoal that came to life?
- A Fossil pokemon. Maybe a dimetrodon with high speed and attack.
- A Torkoal evo, evolved by a Fire Stone.
- Pyroraptor.
- Fire/Steel
- Incinerator! Or maybe a smelting furnace...
- A blacksmith Pokemon.
- A walking barbeque grill
- Oxen starter. The Steel is its manly horns.
- The Quiznos oven.
- An expy of Ghor, but that might be too obvious
- Fire/Ghost
- Exactly What It Says on the Tin: a ghost made of fire.
- A.k.a. will o wisp.
- Evil Elemental Expy.
- A Ghost Rider Expy.
- A Poe Expy.
- Freddy Kruger? He was killed by being burnt alive, after all.
- Exactly What It Says on the Tin: a ghost made of fire.
- Fire/Dragon
- Seems obvious in retrospect.
- A dragon based on Arthurian legend. It could serve as its generation's pseudo-legendary.
- A dragon with a Mohawk down its body that shoots fire from its hair.
- If we ever get triple-typed Pokémon or type retcons, Charizard should become this. Unless Gamefreak decides to be Gamefreak.
- Fire/Dark
- Another demonic Pokemon besides the Houndoom line wouldn't hurt...
- The Wizard of Oz Captain Ersatzes! An apprentice with a choice to make, should she be good and kind like Glinda? Or should she become someone all will fear, like Elphaba? Dark/Water and Dark/Fire, respectively.
- An empusa!
- A Bomb Throwing Anarchist
- Water/Grass
- Seaweed
- Potential for a branch evolution of Tangela, since the vines covering its body are similar to seaweed.
- Reed beds?
- Driftwood?
- Seadragons, which resemble plants.
- Sundew?
- Seaweed
- Water/Bug
- A Tardigrade, aka Water Bear. Most likely with Wonder Guard, what with the tardigrade's ability to survive heat, cold, radiation, and vacuum...
- Wouldn't this mean it becomes a One-Hit Wonder to balance this out?
- Diving bell spider. They spend nearly their entire lives underwater, only coming up to renew their oxygen supply.
- A moon-themed butterfly/moth that acts as a counterpart to the sun-themed Bug/Fire Volcarona.
- Any aquatic crustacean could be Bug/Water, as hermit crabs are considered Bug types. Perhaps a mantis shrimp, seeing as there are no Pokemon based on one?
- A water beetle.
- I think this is what Masquerain should've been(it could've had a Levitate ability.)
- A Tardigrade, aka Water Bear. Most likely with Wonder Guard, what with the tardigrade's ability to survive heat, cold, radiation, and vacuum...
- Water/Ghost
- Drowned Pokemon?
- Ghost ship.
- A ghost pirate!
- Sentient mass of water, possibly drawing from Morpha a la Ocarina of Time.
- A Pokemon made of water vapor.
- The fan-made Pokemon Twilight had an interesting one in the form of Dessafish.
- Another anglerfish. One that actually looks terrifying, unlike Lanturn.
- Cthulhu!
- A possessed fish skeleton
- like the Skullfish or Desbreko from Zelda: Majora's Mask.
- A Pokemon based on an Asian glass catfish?
- As said under Ghost/Dragon, a cave salamander.
- Crown of Thorns Starfish
- A giant squid. Giant squids are usually found as corpses, after all.
- Water/Steel
- A Pokemon based off a Chan Chu?
- A hammerhead shark.
- I see where you got that idea...
- That shark Badnik from the Sonic games. Or one based on the piranha enemies that leap out of the bridges.
- An depth charge Pokemon.
- A Cloyster expy.
- Helicoprion or Stethacanthus?
- Dunkleosteus. It has armor plating, what more do you want?
- Swordfish.
- I like. It could start out with a Water-type Magikarp expy, but evolves into a powerful and awesome Water/Steel swordfish, with amazing speed.
- A sawshark.
- A thresher shark. They're notorious for being able to decapitate a man with a single swing of their tail.
- Electric/Grass
- Bioluminescent plants, taken to absurd degrees.
- Maybe an alternate evo for Shroomish based on bioluminescent mushrooms?
- A Christmas tree. Possibly an alternative evolution for Snover.
- A lightning rod tree.
- A sundew, but with the sticky things replaced with electric barbs.
- A walking Pickle light with wires as arms and legs.
- Pokemon Industries came up with some bizarre grasshopper thing.
- A telephone pole.
- A citrus fruit
- Walking plants that gather electricity to power radio links they communicate through.
- Bioluminescent plants, taken to absurd degrees.
- Electric/Ice
- A sentient refrigerator. (Granted, we have Rotom's ice form, but still...)
- A living superconductor.
- Aurora Pokemon.
- A macaroni penguin could work, given the crest.
- An electric Artic Fox. It would be pretty unique.
- If Canada becomes a region, we could have a Pikachu expy with this. It would be a cute little snow rabbit with Run Away/Static ability, and Camoflauge as a higher-up move(given the snow colour would help it hide).
- Electric/Ground
- Similar to Raichu, an Electric Pokemon that can ground itself when needed with a body part.
- A bison Pokemon. Bison were oftentimes associated with thunder in Native American myths, and they would most definitely fall under the Ground-type. Maybe a calf-pronghorn-bison trio?
- Maybe for the next Pikachu Expy there could be a prairie dog or ground squirrel.
- Or a rabbit, as it fits the "cute critter" type.
- Mongolian death worm?
- Electric/Bug
- Volbeat or Illumise evolution? Given they're already lightning bugs.
- Electric Cockroach (why not?)
- Named Shockroach!
- A pepsis wasp. Their sting, which is among the most painful of all insects, is described as feeling like an electric shock.
- A literal computer bug that turns into electricity and traverses Cyberspace?
- A Japanese rhinoceros beetle, as they're typically associated with lightning.
- Any kind of terrestrial arthropod with paralyzing venom could work, in theory. Perhaps a centipede?
- Electric/Ghost
- A dead battery.
- A jaguar?
- Living electricity.
- The Undertaker, with a cry that sounds like a church bell mixed with a lightning strike.
- Electric/Dragon
- Thunderdi- er, Cyclohm.
- A dragon that calls electricity with its horns.
- A dragon with a fluffy cotton coat
- Living thunderclouds?
- Electric/Steel
- A Pokemon based off a Tesla Coil or Gauss Gun.
- Powered Armour. Perhaps an alternative form with whatever's inside without the armour could also exist, with a different typing.
- A robot.
- A living buzzsaw.
- Electric eels.
- A knife fish? They can sense electrical signals.
- ...Rotom-P: Rotom as a PINBALL TABLE.
- Grass/Ice
- A christmas tree
- A plant that blooms during winter
- A flower that turned predator due to a prolonged lack of sunlight, freezing the Beautifly that came to feed on it, in turn causing them to turn more predatory and rely less on plants.
- A frost monster
- The wood frog, due to its ability to endure being frozen. Naturally it would have the Snow Cloak ability.
- Grass/Ground
- A potato, yam, ginseng, or any other fleshy root vegetable?
- Maybe a kiwi bird. They're flightless, so it could work. We already have Doduo, but this would be completely different.
- Maybe even extend the pun and make it a strawberry kiwi.
- Or make the shiny strawberry colored. The normal is green.
- Maybe even extend the pun and make it a strawberry kiwi.
- Grass/Rock
- A moss-covered rock.
- A rolling stone that somehow gathers moss?
- A cycad could work, as they're living fossils.
- Potted plants, anyone? (upon evolution, it breaks the pot, then fuses with the shards)
- A desert rose/rose rock.
- Triceratops fossil.
- Brontosaurus grass starter line (Chikorita/Turtwig expy)
- A moss-covered rock.
- Grass/Steel
- Ironwood! Sawgrass!
- Despite Shiftry, this makes me think of a Tengu or something.
- A metallic tree. Like a fake tree you'd see in Sonic Chaos's Mecha Green Hill stage.
- A wood and power tool based Pokemon.
- Two words: Wasabi... Ninjas!!!
- We already have Kecleon, but a different chameleon could work for this.
- A Twayblade
- A Sword Plant
- Ice/Ground
- A muddy glacier thing.
- A burrowing rabbit
- A monster with built in snow shoes or skis
- Ice/Psychic
- A colossal squid
- One of those cliche old guys who are very wise and live on top of a snowy mountain
- The Ishigaq from Inuit legends. It could have Levitate as an ability.
- Ice/Ghost
- An Expy of Sir Weston from Luigis Mansion.
- A wendigo!
- A creepy matryoshka doll.
- A Living Popsicle; a Pokemon that was frozen in ice, and is in a near-death status. However it's still aware, and has the ability to move around thanks to its mystical powers(give it the ability Levitate.)
- The Iceman.
- Fog of the dry ice!
- Ice/Dragon
- Seriously, what element has the fantasy setting not already tied to dragons that Pokemon couldn't easily rip off?
- A Chilly Willy Expy?
- The Frost Wyrm?
- Ice/Dark
- If it's not a Ghost/Ice type, a Wendigo could work here, as well.
- A penguin.
- A Moose
- A celebratory ice sculpture created by satanists that has been brought to life? (A little dark for Pokemon...but it'd be awesome)
- A sea lion or orca, feared by the penguins.
- The Amarok from Inuit legend.
- Also from Inuit legend, the Ijirait.
- Fighting/Poison
- A poison-themed assasin or ninja could work.
- An expy of the Great Kabuki, innovator of the Asian mist.
- An expy of the rattlesnake Stone Cold Steve Austin, a fearless heavy beer drinker who blasts opponents with streams of alcohol after beating them up.
- Fighting/Bug
- A Spider-Man Expy?
- A pair of Kamen Rider expies, specifically the Twin Riders. That or you know who.
- A Kricketune evo!
- A Harvestman
- Fighting/Rock
- An actual golem.
- Terracotta soldier.
- A fossil Pokemon based on a caveman.
- A troll, perhaps?
- A gargoyle Pokemon.
- A statue of a soldier, athlete or hero
- Fighting/Dark
- An assassin-themed martial artist poke or mercenary, morality may vary.
- A ninja Pokemon; however, the Dark Is Not Evil trope applies for it.
- A much more aggressive and more anti-hero styled Gallade-Expy.
- Dark Is Not Evil Combat Pragmatist Pokemon?
- Hitmontyson, anyone? It works well, Bite being a Dark move.
- PokeBatman!
- Who will be the Pokemon Joker?
- A bull elephant in rut. Bull elephants are famous for their fierce tempers when in rut.
- An oni, perhaps?
- Voodoom.
- If Fighting is essentially "hero type", a happiness-based evo of poor old Absol.
- A Rudo Masked Luchador. Starts off naked faced but after evolution never removes the mask till it dies.
- A gargoyle, because they protect buildings(fitting the "hero" archetype) by scaring enemies(fitting the "dark" archetype).
- Needs rock and water attacks by level up too.
- An assassin-themed martial artist poke or mercenary, morality may vary.
- Poison/Ground (Nidoking and Nidoqueen count as one evolutionary line)
- Poison/Flying
- A vampire finch.
- Pegasus with snakes for a mane
- Since pigeons are notorious for pooping on people's heads, maybe a pigeon that attacks by doing just that. It could also work well even when it's not attacking because street pigeons are notorious for carrying diseases.
- That works better with Flying/Dark, you know...
- How so? It carries diseases and drops smelly weaponry on people.
- That works better with Flying/Dark, you know...
- Poison/Ghost
- A zombie whose zombie plague has been converted into a Poison subtype.
- The Virus
- A possessed syringe full of eyes.
- A sea anemone(No, Cradily is based on something else)
- A Jiang Shi (Chinese zombie) could work quite nicely.
- A ghost that looks like Pigma's head from Star Fox Assault and kills people by blowing ammonia on them
- The Keelut from Inuit mythology. It also could work as Dark/Ghost or Dark/Poison.
- Ground/Psychic
- A mud doll, though Baltoy and Claydol may already have this
- Naked mole rat queen who uses psychic powers to control the others?
- In evolutionary terms, it could be similar to Vespiquen.
- Ground/Ghost
- A living dinosaur skeleton.
- A Zombidillo expy.
- A Mummy.
- Another evolution past Marowak?
- An alternate evolution of Cubone. The result of one who passed away, unable to cope with the death of its mother, but is not ready to join the afterlife.
- You could probably use something like a Dawn Stone on Female Marowak. ...Which may mean you either killed the Marowak or made her Ascend to a Higher Plane of Existence, like the Snorunt --> Froslass evolution. Not really a "higher plane" per se in the latter case, but it's definitely not of this world anymore.
- Zombies, since zombies are often depicted as rising from the ground. Besides, how cool would a zombie pokemon be?
- As mentioned under Rock/Ghost, a tombstone.
- Something based on the Elephant Graveyard. Like, maybe a skeletal elephant. For the name, Skelephant.
- A legendary that's a haunted hourglass that counts down until the end of the world (or someone's death, whichever works better).
- The shadow that the groundhog flees from
- Ground/Dark
- A Sand Worm! There haven't been any worm Pokemon yet, after all!
- Colossoil.
- A Diprotodon or bunyip could work, though a bunyip could also work for Ground/Ghost.
- A Dugtrio evo that finally has the claws it's been using since Gen 1.
- A horned toad
- Pure Flying.
- A pair of wings and nothing else. It'd be a laugh for sure!
- A living cloud
- A Heli Critter of some sort that generates tornadoes.
- Or, just a tornado.
- An expy of the enemies from Balloon Fighter.
- A perpetually floating jellyfish.
- A reindeer
- An Eeveelution would work for this.
- A balloon dog
- Flying/Ghost
- A vampire finch that looks like Dracula.
- A raven or crow, based on the European myths of them being related to death.
- Another vulture would probably work, as they're notorious for circling dead or dying animals.
- A Pokemon based on Nut, Egypt's old sky deity.
- Jersey Devil
- Flying/Steel
- An Airplane or Helicopter Pokemon?
- An Airship. Like, Wailord-size gigantic air ship.
- An armoured putti.
- Psychic/Dragon (Latios and Latias count as one evolutionary line)
- Any Eastern dragon could work. They're generally depicted as wise and benevolent.
- A dragon with glasses and a spoon in its mouth
- A tilapia, the hardy fish of the Nile, fed upon by Jesus and his disciples. Also a call back to the first region to introduce psychic/dragon, as it was full of water.
- Bug/Ghost
- A Butterfly of Death and Rebirth?
- How about a louse, or another parasitic bug?
- Or a vampire flea.
- A death's head hawkmoth. With an English name that's a pun on "Clarice".
- Deathwatch beetle. It counts down to its trainer's death, based on the old wive's tales about deathwatch beetles clicking just before someone dies.
- Rock/Dark
- A fossil Pokemon of a Utahraptor.
- A terror bird fossil
- Being the wolves of their time, a velociraptor.
- Ghost/Dragon
- A pharaoh Pokemon. Dragons are often associated with kings.
- Cofagirous evo?
- An alternate Cofagrigus in a future game, revealed to be none other than Ghetsis. Yes, that Ghetsis. It'll be Lv70, and will only be available via event. Why is he a Cofagrigus? Well, they aren't going to let that bastard alive! Plus becoming your Pokemon is a very appropiate Ironic Hell.
- One of those cave salamanders. Could also work well for Ghost/Water.
- A skeletal quadruped with a skeletal humanoid torso fused to its back
- A pharaoh Pokemon. Dragons are often associated with kings.
- Dragon/Dark
- Surely some sort of shadow dragon.
- First thing that came to mind after reading this was a line of dragons with a needle motif.
- A jabberwock?
- Ing possessed Ridley?
- Kigatilik. It would have some ability that would reference its killing of shamans.
- Devil Worms
- Dragon/Steel
- Something like the Egg Wyvern From Sonic2006? Capable of firing Seeker Missiles and shit.
- A Pokemon based on the Cyber Dragon?
- A knightly dragon, like Slayedramon?
- The Hydreigon line was originally supposed to be cybernetic dragons that incorporate aspects of tanks into their design.
- One of the leftovers of Team Plasma's experiments, a Cyborg Hydreigon. It can breed, but only produces normal Deino.
- Skarmory evo. Because it would be awesome.
- Dark/Steel
- Turns out everyone's plugged into The Matrix.
- Just expy those attack machines from The Matrix
- Spikes of Villainy. Think a cross between Darkrai, Arceus, and Giratina, with just a hint of Heatran. Basically, a big old dark spooky thing made of untempered steel. For what it is... Sort of a junkyard version of Grimer and Muk? Magnetite/ton, with much austerity?
- Zero Beat expy.
- A Reaper
- Black Knight
- A slot machine Pokemon, because it's the one-armed bandit?
- A Terminator-based Pokemon.
- A snake with two die for eyes.
- Turns out everyone's plugged into The Matrix.
- Non-specific
- Eeveeloutions for the rest of the types (including a Normal-type one for giggles) and then, if Game Freak really wants to go crazy, all the double-type combos.
- This is highly unlikely to occur, but if they eventually started to make some Pokemon have three types, the possibilities are insane.
- Sun or Light type. You already have your first move: Solarbeam (Seriously, when it's a concentrated blast of intense sunlight, wouldn't that be more of a fire attack and not a grass attack?). Given Dark is actually "Evil" type in Japan, Light type would be called "Good" or "Pure" there.
- Type chart: Supereffective vs Ghost and Dark; not very effective vs Water and Ice; no effect Steel. Resistant to Bug and Ground; immune to Dark.
- Alternate type chart: Supereffective against Dark; not very effective vs Rock, Ice, and Ground; no effect vs Steel and Fire. Weak to Poison and possibly Ground [13], resistant to, immune to Dark and Fire. Not very effective or no effect vs. Grass [14].
- Alternately, Light is weak to Dark instead of supereffective and immune.
- Perhaps it wouldn't have to be a foil to Ghost or Dark Types in any way.
- It wouldn't have to be, but if it wasn't, it would be a serious missed opportunity to get rid of Ghost/Dark's pesky lack of weaknesses.
- While the Fighting-type already essentially fills the role of "hero" [15], if Dark = Rogue and Fighting = Knight, Light may = Paladin. Fighting is the opposition of Dark, but Light could be its exact opposite.
- Complete with Eevee evolution: Soleon!
- Or Photeon, as a terrible pun on "photon".
- Not to mention the resident Solrock (Rock/Sun) and Bellossom (Grass/Sun), as well as all the fun stuff that you could use a Sun Stone for.
- If a Sun type is made, no doubt a Moon type will be coming out shortly after. Pokemon like Lunatone (Rock/Moon) and Clefairy and Clefable (they're believed to come from the moon) would be good Pokemon that already fit the category.
- If this does go through, we might see a sort of mirror-image of Absol - white skin, black fur, and a reversal of that yin-yang symbol on its forehead. Whether it actually causes disasters or just buys into the belief that Absol does is up in the air.
- One reason we may never see a Light-type: if you look at the attack descriptions, a number of special attacks are described as attacking with light in some form or another, regardless of type: Solarbeam (Grass), Luster Purge (Psychic), Flash Cannon (Steel), Power Gem (Rock, somehow - how can a rock be a beam?), and on the extreme end, Judgment, which can be any type in the game. Including Dark-type. It seems that "light" is less an actual type and more a generic "element" used by Special Attacks, particularly those that one normally would not expect special attacks from. Of course, this doesn't prevent the possible inclusion of a "Pure" type that can be renamed to Light...
- Actually, it kind of does. Psychic is already purity, essentially. The Japanese tend to modernize their holy priestess powers from mythology into psychic powers, which is why the psychic type is super-effective against Poison and sometimes associated with light (Morning Sun, Luster Purge). So a "Purity" type would be redundant.
- "Wind" or "Air" could be a distinct type from Flying; in fact, it should be super effective against it. We have Razor Wind and Air Cutter, perhaps Twister and Gust?
- Could cause some issues, as all flying attacks that could possibly be Special (Aside from Chatter) would be shoved into Wind. If it ever did become a type and needed non-flying moves, let's go with Smog and Twister.
- Most likely, it would just turn out as a small-scale reversal of the Special-Physical split. What's next, Dark type being split into Dark and Trickster? Fighting being split into Fighting and Qi?
- Sound type. There are plenty of attacks that are sound related (Screech, Hyper Voice, Sing, etc.) and plenty of sound related Pokémon with only one type (Jigglypuff, Exploud, Chimecho, etc.). The only problems are the strengths and resistances.
- Space-type. It'd be based a bit on the abilities of old movie monsters, and since there are only a few Pokemon based off of aliens so far, there would be little retconning, if at all, and the field will be wide for newbies.
- Type chart: Supereffective vs. Psychic, none that are resistant or immune to it. Immune to Normal; resistant to Fighting and Dark; weak against itself, Electric, and Steel.
- This is extremely unlikely to be accepted, but Nuclear-type? Weak to Fire, Ground (as both can cause meltdown), and Electric (as nuclear energy is used for electricity); resistant to Water (since it can help calm down meltdowns) and Flying (radiation can travel on the wind); immune to Fighting (just makes sense). Super effective on Grass (radiation kills plants), Normal (radiation kills most animals), Fighting (radiation can harm people), and Dragon (see Normal); not very effective on Steel (certain metals can block radiation), Rock (certain rocks can block radiation), Bug (many invertebrates can survive high levels of radiation), and Ground (hiding underground can protect you from fallout); no effect on Water (water can calm down meltdowns) and Electric (Nuclear energy is used for clean electricity).
- Pollution type that splits off from poison. Steel also gets poisoning moves in the form of heavy metals.
- Bird type, to replace Flying. Missingno gives us some evidence that "Bird" used to be a type that was replaced with Flying, but it makes a whole lot more sense. Almost everything that's Normal/Flying is a bird, and the type matchups (and even more obviously, the movesets) are clearly based around that. It makes sense that birds would be weak to Rock (fragile bones weak to heavy, crushing attacks), but our first pure Flying-type is a genie on a cloud that flies through magic rather than wings. Why in the world would he be weak to Rock? It's also rather egregious in that he can't use most of the physical Flying moveset, since they're based around beak- and wing-based attacks, and he has neither. It makes more sense to change the type to "Bird", since that's obviously what the design team based the type around. And we already have "grass", "bug", and "dragon" as types, so I don't see how naming a type after a specific category of organisms would cause problems if it's already being done.
- None. There are seventeen elemental types already — do we really need more?
- We could have a unique Eldritch Abomination Pokemon with no type. It would be a legendary that embodies the chaos preceding the universe, and is essentially a glitch Pokemon. It's also an Omnicidal Maniac who wants the primordial chaos to roam free, and ultimate enemy of Arceus. Much like the idea of Kaos being a god and thing.
- Ice will be fixed. It will gain resistances to Grass, Dragon, Normal, and Flying. Water will no longer resist it, and it will not be weak against Rock or Fighting. (Hell, I don't see why anything should be weak against Fighting, almost all of it's moves could easily fit in Normal.)
- They could also become strong against and/or powerful against Poison types. My reasoning is that most pathogens are killed off or slowed by cold.
- Poison types will be fixed. They will become super-effective to Normal types(it's not like you can defend against Poison).
- Mana type. When Pokemon finally goes into a medieval fantasy setting, there will be pokemon based more on wizardry and magic, and the mana type will be born from that. For typing, they're only vulnerable to themselves, and otherwise deal neutral damage to everything except for Steel (duh) and Dark.
There will be Pokémon based on...[]
If you have a concept for a specific type combo, put it in one of the above folders. If you have a more general concept, put it below in "other future Pokémon concept ideas".
...various creatures.[]
- A koala: Japan loves them (probably the Normal type Com Mons).
- A flea: Poison/Bug type.
- A tiger. It seems to be the most popular idea for a Gen 6 Fire starter family.
- A Tyrannosaurus Rex. Not a creature that is ambiguously a T. rex, like Tyranitar or Groudon; an honest-to-goodness prehistoric Tyrannosaurus, possibly a fire starter or a fossil.
- A dolphin!
- Water/Psychic, to reflect their incredible intelligence.
- Kyogre is an orca (which are the largest dolphins), and Lanturn is arguably a cross between an anglerfish and a porpoise or Risso's dolphin (which like the deep seas), but a bottlenose dolphin Pokemon would be nice.
- Then it would be Water/Dark, because Bottlenose Dolphins are pretty mean, but can be okay, if they don't try to rape you.
- A cockroach (hopefully Bug/Dark)
- An earthworm (Bug/Ground))
- An electric eel starter (Water/Electric)
- Eelektross says hi.
- Eelektross is a lamprey. Note the mouth shape, as well as fins.
- Eelektross says hi.
- Something from the Teiidae (Whiptail Lizard) family. It would have a literal whip (or flail) for a tail and would be an all female species. It would have unique breeding mechanics of mating only with female Pokemon (the other Pokemon is always the "father", passing down egg moves and T Ms).
- Perhaps they would be able to be left in the daycare alone and then breed by themselves.
- A tardigrade (aka water bear), which will be Bug/Steel with Flash Fire, a typing and ability with no weaknesses. By far, they are one of if not the most resilient animals on Earth. Between surviving temperatures near absolute 0, oven level heat, extreme pressure in the deep sea, 1,000 times the radiation of other animals, and the vacuum of space, these Nigh Invulnerable bastards deserve no less than having no elemental weaknesses when they finally get a Pokemon equivalent.
- I read that eventually the vacuum killed them within a few minutes, so perhaps an Ability that weakens Fire(Heat), Ice(Absolute Zero), Water(Deep sea), and Electric attacks(Radiation), but makes Ghost-type attacks(Vacuum of space) Super-Effective.
- True, but this is Pokemon, so they could be more resilient than their real life counterparts. To balance this, they'd be very slow
- I read that eventually the vacuum killed them within a few minutes, so perhaps an Ability that weakens Fire(Heat), Ice(Absolute Zero), Water(Deep sea), and Electric attacks(Radiation), but makes Ghost-type attacks(Vacuum of space) Super-Effective.
- A dromaeosaurid that starts out slow, ponderous, and featherless, evolves into something faster and smarter with a few feathers sticking out here and there, and eventually matures into a Lightning Bruiser with a full coat of feathers. The second two forms would have a red patch on their snouts, larger in the females.
- In fact, we could have a lot of fun with Pokemon based on prehistoric animals that start out as the oldschool, outdated visions of the beasts, and mature into the most up-to-date reconstructions allowable in a childrens' mons game.
- One of those prehistoric giant bird Pokemon. It could be Rock/Fighting.
- The secretary bird (#2 in this article). This bird is so Crazy Awesome, it's amazing it hadn't been made into a Pokemon yet. It could probably be an avian Expy of Zangoose, complete with Immunity as its ability and a serpentine rival Pokemon. It'll either be Normal/Flying or Fighting/Flying and have various kicking and stomping attacks to choose from [26], along with the staple Flying attacks[27]. It should also be a part of the Field and Flying egg groups. That way, if you get a female, you can have her mate with a Blaziken, resulting in a secretary bird Pokemon that knows Blaze Kick.
- A poison porcupine
- To counterbalance the secretary bird, a black mamba Pokemon.
- Give it a Poison/Steel typing. It'd then be made very weak to the Secretary bird.
- Don't you mean Dark/Steel?
- Give it a Poison/Steel typing. It'd then be made very weak to the Secretary bird.
- To complete that Secretary Bird/Black Mamba duo, perhaps and animal that can be killed by the Black Mamba, but can kill the Secretary Bird. Because of natural order.
- A Ground-type Peafowl Pokemon that evolves differently depending on the gender. If it's a male, it would evolve into a Fire/Steel Peacock, with the ability Levitate. If it's a female, it would eveolve into a Grass/Ghost Peahen with the ability Sap Sucker. I have some drawings of them based on the near-extinct Green Peafowl. I made the male Fire/Steel because the males shimmer like polished bronze or a heat mirage. The female is Grass/Ghost because the females are a dark, glittery black, and tend to stay around the ground and forage for food. So yeah, I put a lot of thought into this.
- Same troper as the above two, and I had an idea for sidewinder that is Ghost/Ground, a Fer de Lance(Ultimate Pit Viper) that is Poison/Ground(Look up the Fer de Lance. This snake is extremely deadly.), and an Australian King Brown Snake with the Poison/Dragon typing and the ability Wonder Guard. Why is that King Brown so goddamned strong? Because it's venom turns human blood to jelly and makes you bleed that jelly through EVERY. SINGLE. HOLE. That and it's from Australia. At that point, it's painfully obvious that nothing short of an Ice Age will kill it.
- See both Australia and New Zealand. Examples include the platypus, echidna and kiwi.
- Problem: We already have a platypus (Psyduck. Note the claws, fur, and lack of wings), an echidna (Cyndaquil, surprising as it may seem, is indeed a long beaked echidna), and a family of kiwis (Doduo and Dodrio. Note the wings being so stubby they can't be seen, the fuzzy brown bodies, and the long beaks). Of course, this doesn't mean we can't have more Pokemon based on these.
- I can think of types: the Platypus will be Fighting/Poison(its spurs are used for battle), the echidna will be Normal/Poison(its from Australia and has spines), and the kiwi is Grass/Ground.
- Problem: We already have a platypus (Psyduck. Note the claws, fur, and lack of wings), an echidna (Cyndaquil, surprising as it may seem, is indeed a long beaked echidna), and a family of kiwis (Doduo and Dodrio. Note the wings being so stubby they can't be seen, the fuzzy brown bodies, and the long beaks). Of course, this doesn't mean we can't have more Pokemon based on these.
...various plants.[]
- More Grass-types based off edible fruits and vegetables, because Oddish, Exeggecute, Sunkern, Seedot, Ludicolo, Tropius and Cherubi aren't enough when compared to the other Grass-types out there.
- Chilli: Grass/Fire
- Potato: Grass/Ground
- Pumpkin: Grass/Ghost
- Orange/Tangerine/Lemon/Lime/other citrus fruit: Grass/Electric (citrus batteries, anyone?)
- Garlic: Not too sure about the typing, but will have Stench as one of its abilities
... superheroes![]
Predominantly American, but a few Japanese as well. All of them are Fighting types except for one or two.
- Fighting/Steel for the Man of Steel and Logan
- Fighting/Dark for the Caped Crusader, The Merc With A Mouth, and The One
- Fighting/Psychic for the Spirit Of Truth, Hal Jordan, J'on J'onz, The Spectre and The Guardian Devil
- Fighting/Water for King Of The Seas
- Fighting/Electric for The Worlds Mightiest Mortal and Thor
- Fighting/Flying for Hawkman
- Fighting/Bug for Your Friendly Neighborhood Webslinger and The Twin Riders
- Fighting Pure for Black Canary
- Or possibly Fighting/Normal (For STAB Hyper Voice)
- Fighting/Ground for The Hulk (he does use earth-based moves in the Marvel vs. Capcom series)
- Electric/Fire for Flash (with a moveset based on Physical and Speed moves).
- Fighting/Fire Human Torch (with Levitate)
- Fighting/Rock for Benjamin Grim
...Sha Wujing.[]
Specifically, a Water/Fighting starter. Many people have complained that the for the past 3 generations, there has always been a Fire/Fighting type starter. While Blaziken can't be argued for, Infernape and Emboar can. Both seem to possess some very deep similarities to one another; both are Fire/Fighting type, both are bipedal, and both are said to have their designs inspired by Chinese motifs (they both even have that odd golden swirl). Why is this? Infernape and Emboar are based on Sun Wukong and Zhu Baije, respectively, 2 supernatural warriors that starred in Journey to the West. These two were accompanied by a third demon, a creature by the name of Sha Wujing, who is occasionally known as "the water buffalo". Thus, it would follow logically that this creature shall appear as one of the next Generation's starters, be it as a water buffalo or some other creature.
- As a corollary, Yulong will be completely ignored.
- He is the least regarded of the cast. But regardless - you can't make a Dragon-type a starter, and as a Dragon in the shape of a horse, a Yulong Pokemon would logically be Normal/Dragon anyways.
- Alternately, it would be a Water/Dark Monk Seal that evolved into an Ogre Seal.
- In Japan, Sha Wujing is popularly portrayed as a kappa, so while I do think we'll get a Water/Fighting starter based on him, it might look more like a turtle or monkey than a buffalo. But yeah, it's definitely on the way in some form next gen.
...the Oracle Of Delphi.[]
...weapons of war.[]
- A Tank Pokemon: Pure Steel
- A Flamethrower Tank Pokemon: Steel/Fire
- An amphibious Tank Pokemon: Steel/Water
- A Fighter Plane Pokemon: Steel/Flying (A Fragile Speedster kind)
- A Bomber Plane Pokemon: Steel/Flying (Either a Glass Cannon or a Mighty Glacier kind)
- A Stealth Bomber Plane Pokemon: Steel/Ghost (Levitate as an ability. A fast annoyer.)
- A Battleship Pokemon: Steel/Water
- An Atomic Bomb Pokemon: Steel/Poison (more people in the Hiroshima and Nagasaki died of the radiation poisoning than the direct explosion)
...military troops.[]
The first form is based off the lowest ranking in the military, the first evolution will be based on a higher rank, and the final evolution will be based on an even higher rank.
...British royal guards.[]
A pseudo-legendary that excels in both defense stats.
...the Queen of England.[]
Legendary Pokemon just to go along with the previous WMG.
...various electronics[]
All will be either Electric or Steel type.
...software or coding[]
A porygon evolutionary family expy perhaps?
...The Olympians.[]
- An Electric/Fighting Zeus(because he's a badass with thunderbolts). He has Levitate(lives in the Heavens) and some dark moves(he's a Jerkass.) Also Attract.
- An Electric/Dark Hera(she's the wife of Zeus, and a Bitch in Sheep's Clothing. It also fits with her being unable to directly affect Zeus)
- A Ghost/Steel Hades(Hades is said to rule over precious metals)
- A Ghost/Ice Persephone(the wife of Hades, and when with him winter occurs) with Grass moves(she's needed for spring)
- A Water/Ground Poseidon(also god of earthquakes)
- A Fire/Steel Hepheastus(he's the blacksmith of the gods)
- A Psychic/Fire Aphrodite(her manipulation of sexualtiy as Psychic, and intense "firey" lust) with the Attract move(for obvious reasons)
- A Fire/Normal Hestia(goddess of the hearth, and a Flat Character)
- An Electric/Fire Apollo(carries the sun, which is hot and made of plasma) with Levitate(like I said, he carries the sun)
- A Grass/Fighting Demeter(a hunter)
- A Psychic/Grass Dionysis(Grass for the plants harvested as alcohol, and Psychic for his popularity)
... King Kong.[]
- It'll be a Pseudo-Legendary Electric/Fighting type to compliment Tyranitar and Hydreigon. Why is it an Electric-type? Because in King Kong vs. Godzilla, the Eighth Wonder of the World had some Electric abilities. And the reason it's a Fighting-type? Word of God from Toho confirms Kong beat Godzilla, and this Pokémon would be doubly strong against Tyranitar.
Other future Pokémon concept ideas[]
If you have a concept for a specific type combo, put it in one of the above folders for types. If you have a concept for a Pokemon based on a specific animal/plant/mineral/thingy, put it in the "There will be Pokemon based on..." folder above.
In Gen VI, the Pokemon with the National Dex number of #666 will be an evil, demonic dark type Pokemon[]
- Might be tricky. Because the Starters would bring it up to 658, meaning after that there have to be the Generic Bird, Bug and tiny animal Pokemon, so unless one of those would be evil and demonic, 666 will probably just be a Com Mon (Though it may reach Memetic Mutation status because of its number).
- Think about what you just said. A bird Pokémon available at the very beginning of the game that looks dark and scary and eventually turns into a GIANT DEMONIC CROW. And you get to RIDE IT.
- Better idea: a region based off the British Isles could have ravens (Tower of London). So... a crow that evolves into a raven? A raven that is said to be the staunch protector of its homeland, much as the Tower ravens are said to protect England from falling?
- Actually, number 666 will be the evolved form of Pinsir. Prehaps it would be a Dark/Flying type?
- Maybe a second ev stage for Houndour? It becomes bipedal and gets a pitchfork? Maybe it'll get enough stats to be on par with the pseudo-legendary suite (total base stats = 600)?
- Do keep in mind that, with the exception of Spiritomb, the developers haven't done anything special with the 108 entry either, despite that holding more cultural significance to them than the Number of the Beast. And this is when they've had the opportunity to do something special for it four times now, since there's a #108 entry in every regional dex, but they've only taken up the opportunity once. So, combined with the aforementioned fact that #666 would have to be a Com Mons, I highly, highly doubt it'll be anything special. It'll probably just be the third evolution of the Pidgey Expy.
- Well, the early-game com mons always represent a small mammal of sorts, and a small imp or demon could certainly qualify. I was thinking Ifrimp - Coronimp or something along the lines of those names, and it would start out as a normal-type and evolve into a normal-fire type, or possibly a normal-dark type (similar to how Bidoof evolved into a normal-water type.) Of course, being a com mon, it wouldn't be very powerful.
- They could also do a Bug-type maggot as #664 (Maggross?) similar to a Darker and Edgier Caterpie, which evolves into a cocoon for #665 (Pupatrid?) and then into a giant, demonic Bug/Dark-type fly for #666 (Beelzebuzz?).
- Think about what you just said. A bird Pokémon available at the very beginning of the game that looks dark and scary and eventually turns into a GIANT DEMONIC CROW. And you get to RIDE IT.
In the Generation VI, there will be a Distaff Counterpart of Bouffalant.[]
And she will be based on a Sassy Black Woman.
- ...Except that Bouffalant comes in both genders already.
- So did Gardevoir, but nobody told Gallade that.
Possible starters.[]
- A Grass/Electric monkey who uses its tail to shock fish, a Fire/Poison frog, and a Water/Psychic dolphin. In dex number order, I call them Implonkey(impulse+monkey), Statichim(static+chimp), Electrape(electric+ape), Flammog(flame+frog), Magmoad(magma+toad), Burncroak(burn+croak), Hyphin, Dolphic and Delphini.
- A Fire/Dragon (Charizard expy), Water/Dragon (Gyarados expy) and Grass/Dragon Trio
- A Grass/Fighting polefighting lemur line (Bushby, Treemur and Tribole), a Fire/Dark volcanic Tyrannosaurus Rex Charizard expy line (Tyrannaw, Tyrantorch and Rexuvius), and a Water/Psychic Aztec dolphin line (Porphin, Delphet and Aztecean)
- Alternately, we'd get a Grass-type kappa/cactus that evolves into a Grass/Fighting Expy of Sha Wujing to compliment Infernape and Emboar, and a Water-type wolf cub that evolves into a Water/Ice Akhlut - basically, a wolf with some orca whale-like elements.
- A fire/dark spotted hyena (has mostly balanced stats, but with physical a bit higher than special. Learns Bite and Fire Fang early on. Can also learn ground-type moves via TM as a Take That to Luxray.), a water/poison platypus (Strong defenses, mediocre attacks and speed, but can poison enemies), and a grass/fighting jaguar (Fragile Speedster).
Instead of the standard Fire/Water/Grass starters, we will get a Fighting/Rock/Flying trio.[]
This, of course, will lead to cries of Ruined FOREVER.
- Or a Psychic/Dark/Fighting trio.
- But Dark is outright immune to Psychic, which ruins the balance. People always seem to not pay attention to that.
- People pay TOO MUCH attention to that. It is not like you'd use Vine Whip on Charizard, and the immunity is pretty much the same as a NVE. It is not like a starter would have a limited movepool...
- Gamefreak has acknowledged the three as forming a triangle in Black/White. In the city with the eighth Gym badge, the female Ace Trainer in the battle house uses a team of such (while the male uses a Grass/Fire/Water core).
- Psychic/Dark/Fighting could be possible if the Psychic type's ability let it hit Dark for NVE damage instead of an immunity. Of course, the Dark type would still be immune to other Psychic-type's STAB.
- Anyway, Fire/Rock/Steel and Grass/Poison/Ground also work. The problem with those combos is that Steel has too many resistances and that Poison is super-effective on ONLY Grass. Fire/Rock/Steel is additionally unbalanced by the latter two resisting Normal, meaning that only the Steel type can make up for the disadvantage with Normal attacks.
- But Dark is outright immune to Psychic, which ruins the balance. People always seem to not pay attention to that.
- Full list of type triangles:
- Fire/Water/Grass, Fire/Rock/Steel, Grass/Poison/Ground, Fighting/Flying/Rock (traditional 2x/0.5x)
- Grass/Ice/Rock (2x/1x, avoiding the "Rock resists Normal" problem)
- Water/Dragon/Steel, Electric/Grass/Steel, Electric/Dragon/Steel (1x/0.5x)
- Possible type squares:
- Fire/Water/Grass/Bug, Fire/Rock/Ground/Grass, Grass/Flying/Rock/Ground (2x/0.5x)
- Electric/Grass/Dragon/Steel (1x/0.5x)
- Finally, type pentagons:
- Fire/Rock/Ground/Grass/Bug, Grass/Bug/Flying/Rock/Ground (2x/0.5x)
- Full list of type triangles:
There will be another Fire/Fighting starter, but it will be counterbalanced.[]
The fourth Fire/Fighting starter will be counterbalanced with a Grass/Psychic with a possibly-hidden ability that's the Psychic equivalent of Scrappy, letting it hit the Water/Dark starter with Psychic attacks for neutral or maybe not very effective damage. This distribution of secondary types would neatly mirror the primaries. This would also work with any of the other type triangles mentioned above - to keep with tradition, make 'em the secondary types of the traditional Fire/Grass/Water starter trio.
There will be a Pokemon named after the Sprint phone company[]
This is based on the fact that there is a pokemon named Virizion (Verzion) and that Kabuto's name was originally Att (AT&T).
There will be two or more Pokémon that evolve into the same Pokémon[]
Each of the unevolved forms would learn moves that the other one(s) couldn't, leaving the evolved form with multiple, separate movepools. Only the evolved form would be breedable - the unevolved forms would be baby Pokémon, each requiring a different incense to produce (with the lack of incense producing the evolved form, as always).
Possible future legendary mascot trios[]
- A trio of ancient Super Robot mecha-golems based on Norse Mythology: a special-attacking Glass Cannon Ice/Dark Loki with Illusion, a physical-attacking Mighty Glacier Electric/Fighting Thor, and a mixed-attacking Steel/Psychic trio master Odin. As robots, all 3 would learn Steel-type moves by level-up. Possible names: Lokaeis (from "Loki" and a corruption of "ice"), Thorebrak (from "Thor" and "Torebrak", Norwegian for "thunder)[28] and Siderodin (from "Odin" and the steel-related prefix sidero-). If the games are a direct sequel to Black/White, then Lokaeis could be the white-colored mascot of Onyx Version and Thorebrak the black-colored mascot of Opal Version. That way, they'd be direct expies of Reshiram and Zekrom (strengthening the "sequel" connection) without being ripoffs.
- A trio based on the console war (Wii, PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360), or on political alignment (Left, Right and Centre), or religions (Christian, Buddhism, Islam).
- These would probably be done as indirect analogies. For example, if they had a trio based on the console war, instead of having giant robots or something that look like giant PlayStation 3's and 360's, they'd just have one red-and-black member that's Awesome but Impractical (referencing the PlayStation 3 and its high pricepoint), one bright green/white/gray member that's pretty much your average legendary with at least one 4x weakness (referencing the 360 and its tendency to break down), and a blue-and-white trio master that's smaller and weaker than the other two, but has the most potential (referencing the Wii and the fact that it's made by Nintendo). Of course, this would most likely be a subtle Shout-Out to the console war rather than the main theme of the trio (which would be based on mythology or fictional characters or something).
- I thought political alignment was already done in Black and White(Reshiram and Zekrom are left/right wings, Kyurem is balanced.)
- The 360 one could be Bug/Steel, with a 4x weakness to Fire. And isn't it strange that the colors match up? (Red ring of Death, Green and White for the regular colors of the X-Box 360)
- Pokemon based off nature. These include a Grim Reaper Pokemon(Ghost/Steel), a Mother Nature Pokemon(Grass/Dragon) and a balance Pokemon(Fire/Ice). The reason why the Grim Reaper has an advantage is because death is inevitable.
- If there's ever a Pokemon game to take place in a region based off of Florence, Italy. It's gotta have a legendary trio based off of the three main contenders of the High Renaissance.
- Leonardo da Vinci- A steel/psychic type: steel to represent all the machines he's designed, psychic to represent Da Vinci being a man of science for his time. He'll probably look like a big, metallic owl with wings resembling those of one of Da Vinci's flying machines. Why an owl? Because owls are a symbol of wisdom to the ancient Greeks and Romans where artists of the Renaissance drew most of their inspiration from.
- Michelangelo- a rock/ghost type: rock because Michelangelo did a lot with sculpting by carving statues from marble, ghost because Michelangelo is the more religious/spiritual of the trio. He'll most likely be a pokefied Expy of Michelangelo's David (sans the junk of course). Plus, in a similar vein to Regigigas, he'll just appear as an ordinary statue in some hidden location posed a lot like the statue he's modeled after until you bring the designated artifact to the pokemon.
- Raphael- ???/dark I was originally thinking ground as the primary typing since A)no pokemon typing to my knowledge is really appropriate for representing paint, which was kind of Raphael's thing, and B)I figured it would look consistant with the other two having a mineral-based type in their typing. However, that struck me as maybe too cheap. Does anyone else think it'll work? Anyway, the dark typing is to represent Raphael's more devious nature. While Da Vinci was studying human anatomy and mechanics and Michelangelo was praying, Raphael was out partying. I don't know what the pokemon would look like though.
- This wouldn't work without Donatello, you know.
Not Trio, but Quartet[]
- Well, the Four Symbols of Chinese Constellations. Azure Dragon (Dragon/Grass), Vermillion Bird (Fire/Flying), White Tiger (Steel/Normal), Black Tortoise (Water/Poison (the snake)). Seems quite appropriate, especially if the VI gen wants to improve the seasons' mechanics.
- Considering that we've got Moltres and Ho-oh already, Lugia could fit as the Azure Dragon (he is a blue dragon-like creature, despite the fact that he's associated with water rather than wood). The latter two (the White Tiger and Black Tortoise) could be a new legendary mascot duo and form a quartet with Ho-oh and Lugia (and would probably end up being Expies of Reshiram and Zekrom due to their color schemes).
- Ho-oh is based on the Fenghuang and Lugia is based on Ryujin, so I don't really think Ho-oh and Lugia can represent Vermillion Bird and Azure Dragon (though a Fire/Flying legendary does seem a little bit derivative now, however, a Dragon/Grass would be quite cool indeed - chances are, GF might reinterpret Qing in Qing Long as Green rather than Azure). And we finally get a Poison-type legendary (Black Tortoise would be something like a uber-Tentacruel with much better Defense stats).
- Considering that we've got Moltres and Ho-oh already, Lugia could fit as the Azure Dragon (he is a blue dragon-like creature, despite the fact that he's associated with water rather than wood). The latter two (the White Tiger and Black Tortoise) could be a new legendary mascot duo and form a quartet with Ho-oh and Lugia (and would probably end up being Expies of Reshiram and Zekrom due to their color schemes).
- Personifications of morality. A Psychic/Fighting personification of good, a Psychic/Dark personification of evil and a Psychic/Steel personification of moral neutrality.
We will get a Fighting-type that is Always Female.[]
She'll be more Special based than the Male Physical attackers, getting moves like Aura Sphere and suchlike.
- Alternatively, a Kick Chick.
There will be a legendary Pokemon that has The Power of Rock[]
It will probably be an Electric/Steel type. Its battle theme will have electric guitars. It will also be the focus of a movie.
There'll be a single gender pokemon that evolves into the opposite gender (probably a fish of some sort).[]
Some real world animals do something like this, and it would be interesting.
There will be legendaries based off the Cthulhu Mythos.[]
Here are some examples:
- A Psychic/Dark Nyarlathotep. Call it Crawlatep(Crawling Chaos+a+Nyarlathotep)
- A ???(as in, NONE) type Azathoth, which in many ways will be an Ascended Glitch(the enviroment will glitch a bit when its in battle, and a lot when it scores a critical hit). Call it Nuclaos(Nuclear+Chaos)
- A Bug/Dragon Shub-Niggurath. Bugs are usually an example of Explosive Breeder, and Dragon fits with its god-hood. Call it Shubliath.
- We don't need a Yog-Sothoth, since Giratina fits that part.
- Great Old Ones can be the trio legendary. You can get a Water/Dragon Cthulhu, an Electric/Dragon and Psychic/Dragon Y'gol...no, I'm not going to summon him.
There will be a pokemon which evolves at level 100.[]
Zweilous evoulved in Hydreigon at level 64, so maybe at some point, they will have a pokemon that evolves at level 100?
In Gen 6, there will be at least three pseudo-legendary pokemon[]
The minimum three will have their primary typing such that it follows the Grass-Water-Fire triangle. The typing of the pseudo-legendaries needs to get more diverse.
There will be fossils found in ice[]
The pokemon revived from this sort of fossil will all be ice-types and not all will be rock-types. Only a minority will be rock as well.
- Examples could include a smiladon(Ice/Fighting).
There will be fossils that are Steel type instead of Rock[]
They will be more heavily armored than other fossils, and will be a Steel/Water Dunkleosteus and a Steel/Bug Megarachne.
There will be a legendary connected to Yamask.[]
Specifically, it'll be a "pharaoh" and the most powerful of its kin. It'll also be an certain type of event Pokemon, and a "boss." When you enter the event area(you'll need a Yamask/Cofagrgius to enter), it'll be full of ghost types connected to themes of the afterlife and/or humans: Dusclops, Litwick, Golurk, Banette and of course Cofagrigus. Some will be possessed by this legendary, who is trying to go out and take bloody revenge against society for capturing the souls of humanity. All of his Pokemon will be influenced by/worked with humanity(they'll include Golurk, Rotom, Porygon3, Garbodor, Conkledurr and Castform.)
The true Pokemon will then be fought. Unlike all others, it cannot be caught(being a literal ghost, and to avoid further Fridge Horror), however once beaten, it'll be entered in your Pokedex. It'll be called Yamoast(combination of Ghost and Yama, the Hindu lord of the dead) and be about Lv60. It is effectively a bonus fight, and will be Ghost/Normal(the normal part being how close to human it is.) The apperance will be a humanoid Yamask. Expect Nightmare Fuel ahoy, as you enter the spirit world!
Once beaten, the soul will be released and finally pass on. What will be left is a special item that, if held on by a Yamask when it evolves, it will become a Ghost/Normal Cofagrigus.
There is a Governor of Sand somewhere.[]
Pokémon Black 2 and White 2 gives some credence to setting Kyurem as an ice counterpart to Kyogre and Groundon. This leaves Sandstorm needing a Legendary of its own to complete a Weather Quintet. Probably in the Poke-Equivalent of North Africa. I mean, how else would the Sahara have formed?
Pokémon evolution predictions (Of already existing Pokémon)[]
Skarmory will get a pre-evolution[]
Skarmory is already spectacularly good enough on its own, and it would be instantly banned from Little Cup if it got an evo. Which is why it could get a prevo.
- You could also consider how the Pokemon that was meant to be its counterpart--Mantine--got one already. But then again, the Pinsir and Scyther duo ended up with only one getting a evo... And Jynx didn't get an evolved form when Electabuzz and Magmar did... and Banette didn't get an evo when Dusknoir did, and Weepinbel didn't get an alternate evolution when Gloom did, and Delibird didn't get an evolution when Gligar did, and... eh, the point's probably made by now.
- Heracross seems to have become Pinsir's new counterpart these days.
- They're based on "Japanese Beetle Brothers", apparently.
- Heracross seems to have become Pinsir's new counterpart these days.
Blitzle, Minccino, Audino, Purrloin, Scraggy, Zorua, Pawniard, Bouffalant, Alomomola, Sigilyph, Throh/Sawk, and Druddigon will have baby forms[]
Pawniard/Bisharp counterparts will have Light/Steel and based on knights. Druddigon needs a baby form because it's currently unevolved and Haxorus is fully evolved but Druddigon is heavier than Haxorus.
Heracross and Pinsir will get a convergent evolution.[]
Hitmonchan, Hitmonlee, and Hitmontop will get a convergent evolution...[]
Called "Hitmonchuk", based on Chuck Norris.
Gurdurr will get a hammer wielding alternative evo based on John Herny.[]
Basculin will get an evolution.[]
Unlikely, since its base stats are already equal to a number of fully evolved Pokémon.
- In that case, make its evolution really high(Lv 50), or have a stone evolution(it won't learn any non-TM moves afterwards). Furthermore, the typing would depend on the form: Red Striped Basculin become Water/Fighting, while Blue Striped Basculin become Water/Psychic.
Stunfisk will get an evolution.[]
Throh and Sawk will get a pre-evo and an alternate evolution for the pre-evo.[]
Someone on Deviant ART came up with an idea: the pre-evo (forgot the name) would have its belt change color as it gets more experienced, and when it becomes a black belt it can either evolve into Throh, Sawk, or the kendo-based Thwak.
- Given the parallels between R/B/Y and B/W, this seems especially likely.
- While it is fine that they're using the gimmick that Hitmonchan and Hitmonlee used to have, I personally don't like the idea of them copying them that much.
Gothorita will get a male only Alternative evolution.[]
Maybe a Psychic/Steel Emo Teen wielding knives?
- It should be called "Killmo" (Kill + Emo).
- Is it just me,or does Killmo sound like a character from a Darker and Edgier Sesame Street?
- Or maybe, he'll be based off of Visual Kei.
Emolga will get an evolution.[]
- Or a prevo.
Mawile will get an evolution.[]
A Steel/Dark type or a Steel/Fighting type would be cool.
- With that yawning maw, I bet it'll be a Steel/Dark.
- And to balance, we could get a Ghost/Rock Sabeleye
- Pure Steel types are still a bit too rare. I like the idea of Mawile getting an evolution, but it should remain a pure steel type since there's already a Steel/Dark family.
Qwilfish will get an evolution.[]
It should be based off of a lionfish, since they have poisonous quills like Qwilfish has.
Sudowoodo will get an evolution.[]
After all of the years of pretending to be a tree, it finally becomes one! Its evolution barely moves, has moss growing on it, and sometimes bird Pokemon will nest on its arms.
- Here's a fakemon based on that idea... [29]
Swoobat and Audino will get evolutions in Gen 6.[]
Considering that Golbat and Chansey got Crobat and Blissey in Gen 2, this is a given.
- Swoobat would most likely have to evolve via stone (Shiny or Dawn stone, perhaps?). And it would be like Crobat but much more special-oriented.
- And Audino's evolution will be a bigger bunny-like creature with great defensive abilities.
Kangaskhan will finally get a pre-evolution[]
Or at least some explanation for the second head in its sprite.
- Maybe it will be called "Joeykhan"?
- Joyroo.
- Kangaskid.
- The pre-evolution could then get a male alternate evolution, named Ghengaroo or Kubaskhan.
- Kubaskhan will be Normal/Fighting, but not as strong as Kangaskhan.
- Alternatively, it will get a male counterpart, that'll be Normal/Fighting.
Absol will get an evolution[]
Because such a fan-favorite deserves better stats. Probably something that's still pure Dark-type, maybe called Ution.
- Or, it could be a happiness-based evolution into a Dark/Fighting type. Because Absol is so thrilled to find a Trainer that loves it, and if it gained a Fighting secondary type, it could be seen as the hero it is!
- Absol already has stats comparable to many fully evolved Pokémon. Although Magneton has the same base stat total...
Cubone and Marowak will get an evolution.[]
It would use full body armor, tools, and weapons using fossils from actual fossil pokémon.
Unown will get an evolution that is not useless.[]
Maybe call them Unowble, and they will be based off the Greek alphabet.
- How about Nigma? Its moveset depends on the type of Hidden Power it has. Each letter has a different super-powerful move they learn at a high level.
Pawniard will get four alternate evolutions besides Bisharp, carrying Chess Motifs even farther.[]
- King: Male only; powerful, but a shallow movepool.
- Queen: Female only; Fast and versatile, but only average HP.
- Rook: Mighty Glacier.
- Knight: Fragile Speedster.
- Possibly, the other evolutions replace Steel with some other type.
- As a twist, a certain area will change a Pawniard's Dark type to Fighting, and these "White Forme" Pawniard evolve into White Forme versions of their Dark Forme counterparts, Fighting/X instead of Dark/X.
- Possibly, the other evolutions replace Steel with some other type.
- Wouldn't all this make more sense if Bbisharp did more with special attacks? I always saw bishops in a chess game as being magic users.
- The family only has a chess motif in its english names. they're more of a Super Sentai character. I'd rather leave the chess basis for an entirely new family.
The next Eeveelution(s) will be...[]
- Phanteon. You get it by having your Eevee reach minimum happiness while holding a razor claw. It will be ghost type. You Bastard.
- I think a reaper cloth would be more fitting.
- Or a Dusk Stone.
- I think a reaper cloth would be more fitting.
- Aveon. It's a flying type. It could be a parallel to Phanteon, like Espeon with Umbreon and Glaceon with Leafeon. This evolution is obtained by making Eevee reach maximum happiness while holding a sharp beak.
- Or a Shiny Stone
- Litheon (as in lithosphere). Ground type.
- Metaleon. Steel type.
- Orreon
- Ferreon
- Stoneon. Rock type.
- Jeweleon.
- Scuffeon? Brawleon? Fighting type.
- Champeon!
- Xiaoleon.
- Toxeon. Poison type.
- Arachneon. Bug type.
- Fafneon (from the legendary dragon Fafnir). Dragon type.
Luvdisc will somehow manage to evolve into Alomomola...[]
Either through a strange middle evolution that is somehow considered a baby form for Alomomola but an evolved form for Luvdisc, or (more simply) just introducing a new item or other evolutionary method allowing Luvdisc to evolve. Lord knows Luvdisc needs the boost to its stats...
- Not possible, since they're not in the same egg groups (Alomomola is in the Water 1/Water 2 while Luvdisc is just in the Water 2).
Cryogonal will get an evolution[]
And after evolving, it will gain a gender, given it can learn TM 45 Attract.
- Its stats are too high for one. Although there is Rhydon...
Lapras will get a pre-evolution[]
It's 8'02" (2.5m). How could you have an egg that big ?!
- It also shares its base stat total with many fully evolved Pokémon such as Swampert, Crobat and Magnezone. If Game Freak ever decides to expand the family, a baby is certainly the way.
Farfetch'd will get an evolution.[]
However, it wields a piece of bamboo and uses it as a bo staff. Might be an Expy of Billy Kane.
Future region ideas[]
There will be a region in later generations geographically based on...[]
- An archipelago, like Indonesia for example.
- One or two states/territories of Australia, probably Victoria with at least part of Tasmania.
- This is also when we'll get triple-typing, since literally every Pokemon will be part-Poison type.
- And there'll be three groups of villains, modelled on the Carlton Crew, the Moran family, and the Williams gang.
- Cities to be based on Melbourne (in two or more parts, as with Tokyo being represented by Saffron and Celadon City), Geelong, Ballarat, Bendigo, Wodonga, Hobart and Devonport (badges), along with Melton, Mildura, Hamilton, Launceston and Warrnambool (filler).
- At long, long last, a Poison-type Legendary would show its face here.
- Madagascar. Dozens of lemur-variant Pokemon!
- Doubtful: With the existence of the Pokerus, you wouldn't be able to trade!
- Except that the Pokerus doesn't hurt a pokemon so much as strengthen it.
- Doubtful: With the existence of the Pokerus, you wouldn't be able to trade!
- Some European country
- Great Britain, with a little bit of France. It even fits the Sinnoh/Hoenn model of self-contained area, so they can just copy/paste and then mess around, rather than work out where to stop like with Johto, Kanto, and Unova.
- The British Isles as an actual series of Islands.
- Germany. The Enemy Team will be the Nazi Party with the serial numbers filed off and no Holocaust-ish events.
- The Scandanavian Peninsula. The Cover Legendaries will be the more monstrous of the Children of Loki (Jormunganr and Fenrir).
- Alternatively, Loki and Thor. Thor as a Electric/Fighting (or Steel) type and Loki as a Dark/something (Fire? Poison?). Loki would be in the Ditto egg group.
- There's a suggestion above for Loki as an Ice/Dark type with Illusion (he's part frost-giant), plus there's also some speculation that Reshiram and Zekrom might already be based on aspects of Loki and Thor.
- Note this picture of the world from the Anime. The Scandanavian Peninsula is clearly visible. Hmm...
- Alternatively, Loki and Thor. Thor as a Electric/Fighting (or Steel) type and Loki as a Dark/something (Fire? Poison?). Loki would be in the Ditto egg group.
- Greece; they could base Pokemon off of Greek Myths like the Hydra.
- Italy: You can see it very distinctly on the anime map linked above. Villainous team will probably be a group trying to revive the poke-Roman Empire.
- Or are the Sicilian Mafia.
- Or there are two villanious teams ala Aqua and Magma. Each representing the extremes of religion and secularism.
- Iberia, which is also very clearly on the aforementioned map. At least one Pokemon there would be based on a bull. The villain team could be based on Franco's fascist regime.
- Great Britain, with a little bit of France. It even fits the Sinnoh/Hoenn model of self-contained area, so they can just copy/paste and then mess around, rather than work out where to stop like with Johto, Kanto, and Unova.
- The rest of the United States, along with Canada and Mexico (possibly all as one region).
- New Jersey.
- If this does happen, it would almost certainly be the Johto to Unova's Kanto, with a Gold/Silver/Crystal style ability to return to Unova after beating the Elite Four.
- If that happens, there better be a Jersey Devil Pokemon.
- The Deep South
- New Jersey.
- Chicagoland is better fitting than New Jersey because Osaka is basically Chicago in Japan.
- Canada: Icey location similar to the northern part of Sinnoh.
- The northern part of the region would be like this. Other than that, we'd have a Castelia-like Toronto analogue with a tall CN-like tower that gives you a great view of the whole region, a Montreal-based city with a Cirque du Soleil-themed gym and a few French-speaking NPC's (not to mention a Gym Leader who uses Gratuitous French like Fantina - possibly Fantina herself), and an Edmonton-based city with the region's shopping mall crossed with a Nimbasa-ish amusement park (the West Edmonton Mall).
- The region would also have Buffalo and Detroit, since both cities are right on the border, and you can't forget about Vancouver, either. Not just that, but the Game Corner could be in either Windsor or Detroit. You'd also find Octillery and Shinx, Luxio and Luxray nearby.
- Mexico/Texas: Desert area filled with some Mayincatec ruins and some Wild West Cowboys.
- Maybe the villian team could be a rogue militia or seccessionists.
- Florida: Similar to the resort area in DP Pt, but bigger.
- D.C.: Politcs city, with a big Expy of the White House.
- California: Metropolis filled with celebrities (channeling LA, Hollywood, and San Francisco).
- Specifically, the celebrities will be famous trainers from the previous gens, like Red, Gold, Brendan and May, Lucas and Dawn, Hilbert and Hilda, Lance, Steven Stone, Cynthia, N, and Alder. Perhaps this is where that Champion vs. Champion Olympics-type event that Cynthia mentioned will take place?
- Also, in the San Fran-based area, there'd be a streetcar system of some sort and Trainers with male Gardevoir and Gothitelle.
- Las Vegas: Hopefully the Game Corner would be brought back.
- Arizona: A possible visit to Orre Just Before the End.
- Or just Orre as it exists in Colosseum/Gale of Darkness, albeit in handheld form. I like that desert just how it is.
- Regions could be in order of distance from Unova(New York): New Jersey for Gen VI, and Maryland(with Washington DC) for Gen VII. Gen VIII can be Canada.
- Canada: Icey location similar to the northern part of Sinnoh.
- The Amazon Rainforest: The region will be surrounded by forests, and the large Amazon River will be the spot for surfing.
- A totally original world
- If a new world would be used, why not make a medieval Europe fantasy setting, where most of the traditional Pokemon mechanics like Pokeballs are used with magic? And maybe if we get trainers with swords and stuff, we could use the move Cut out of battle ourselves, or other HM possibilities. I don't see why not.
- Maybe somewhere in Russia?
- The Yucatan Peninsula, complete with Mayan and Aztec themed legendaries.
- New Zealand. Each island can be its own region, and be like the Kanto/Johto dynamic. New Zealand does have a pretty varied climate...
- Maybe Australia too ? Or the rest of Oceania ?
- The Kiev Oblast in Ukraine. It could have an area with deserted buildings and lots of shiny pokemon.
- The Middle East. Bonus points if, given his Villainous Breakdown and the fact he's still alive, they use Ghetsis as a No Celebrities Were Harmed version of Muammar Gaddafi.
Ideas for future villain teams.[]
- A band of military-themed types who want to overthrow the reigon's government to "keep order" and prevent catastrophies like those of previous generations. Possibly called Team Ironside.
- (Original Poster)Opposing them is a band of anarchists who want to tear down the government...and not replace it. Possibly called Team Blackheart.
- A cyberpunk gang, with the token "subjugate all of nauture" plot.
- A group based off The Ubermensch and The Fundamentalist respectively. In a way, they will personify the extremes of belief and non-belief. They will be at each other's throats, much like Team Aqua and Magma. The Ubermensch is led by a Satan expy Pokemon, not necessarily evil or good. The Fundamentalist is led by a Crystal Dragon Jesus, who wants to restore the old belief system.
- Lucent Types, an artificial Pokemon type that is takes reduced damage from all Pokemon types except other Lucent types, who hit super effective against it and shadow types, which it has a neutral relationship with. A type that was not meant to exist, it can only be acquired through a long, artificial process of extracting a Pokemon's emotion, making them like Cyrus. They are primarily used by an organization called "Falling Star" that believes the mutual understanding between Pokemon and people is a weakness and for society to advance people need to start treating Pokemon less like friends and more like tools.
- This sounds waaaay too much like a rip-off of Team Cipher.
- As a massive Take That to the portion of the Fan Dumb who believes that Game Freak should've stopped after the first and/or second gen, they should make a criminal organization set in the Kanto Region whose goal is to purge the world of all pokemon who don't orignate from the Kanto and/or Johto Region. You can even say that they're nazis by another name.
- That could work in a new region that has no previously introduced Pokemon in its National Dex, maybe generation six or seven. Pokemon is old enough that if the new group is only using generation one Pokemon that you can't get yet, they could come across as mysterious to new players with their light colors and 8 bit cries, following trainers who say all Pokemon must be like this.
- A team of Mad Scientists! This would be contrasted by a region of ancient legend and harmony with nature, a bit like Sinnoh but turned Up to Eleven - so, obviously, not much SCIENCE!. The scientist team would be trying to overthrow the natural order of the region and subjugate it by having their leader control the legendary Pokemon (using SCIENCE!). The leader themself would be a huge Mad Scientist whose motivation is the fact that SCIENCE! is limited by pesky rules about morals and the like - think Mugabe in Pokemon, only with the horrible stuff filtered out. If they suceed, though, the region will be utterly trashed, so you have to stop them. Also, you know the leader? Yeah... they're the professor, who was using you the whole time. FOR SCIENCE!
- A team with no set uniforms based on Hipsters, trying to get people to stop working with Pokemon just because everyone is doing it. They will disband when it finally sinks into their leader's head that they are using Pokemon to achieve these goals, or else when it is pointed out that if everyone stops using Pokemon, not using them will become mainstream.
- There will be a villanous team that has considerably more advanced technology than everybody else. The future villanous team will do something involving causing a meteor shower with a nearby comet. Everybody will learn to their shock that the resulting meteorites had pokemon in them that are ice/rock types (inspired by some of the above speculation in types not yet done). They are an evolutionary family with the last one being a pseudo legendary. The bad guys get over their shock first, find out the pokemon's stats and take full advantage of the unexpected turn of events.
- There will be a villainous team who will later be revealed to be working for the local Mega Corp, and the leader of the team is the Corrupt Corporate Executive. Could be an Expy of Umbrella.
Future Gym Leader/Elite Four/story ideas[]
The next Kanto remake we get will feature Mewtwo as the cover legendary, and the story will revolve around it.[]
And it'll also have its own battle theme (possibly a remix of its Stadium theme). Hinted at very slightly by its new signature move in Black and White (Psystrike) despite being unobtainable.
In the next gen, the Elite Four will be entirely composed of previous characters[]
The've already shown they have no problem having previous characters become Elite Four (Koga and Caitlin), so in the next gen we'll see an elite four composed of...
- Saturn: He has learned that extremism is not a solution, and becomes an Elite Four member as repentance.
- N: This time, he's trying to achieve his goal peacefully, after discovering Ghetsis' trick in gen 5.
- Giovanni: He attempted to redeem himself after Red beat him, but fell back to darkness when Neo Team Rocket appeared. Gold defeating him made him turn back to good.
- Miror B: Hey, he's an Ensemble Darkhorse, I'm sure Game Freak can think of a way to redeem him. Plus, he has Awesome Music.
And the Champion will be... Professor Oak !
In Gen VI or the rumored Gen V remake, there will be a league composed of past Champions in the post-postgame.[]
Basically, this would be the analogue to Red in Gold/Silver (where he's the definitively final boss), but this time with all of the Champions of the previous games. All of the Pokemon would be around Lv. 80-100. Such a league would be:
- Blue (Gen I) - He would have a team very similar, if not identical to that of his Champion team from either Gen I or III (FR/LG), of course buffed to around Lv. 80-86. His battle music would be a remix of his Gen I battle theme (similar to what was found in Black and White).
- Lance (Gen II) - His team would be very similar, if not identical, to that of his Gen IV final Champion battle (after the Kanto arc in HG/SS), of course buffed to Lv. 84-89. His battle music would be a remix of his Gen II/IV battle theme.
- Steven Stone (Gen III) - Once again, his team would be similar to, if not identical to, that of his Gen III Champion battle team (because we don't care about Wallace :P), leveled around Lv. 88-93. His battle theme would be a remix of his Gen III battle theme, or his Gen V battle theme if an R/S remake comes to fruition.
- Cynthia (Gen IV) - Her team would be similar, if not identical to, that of her Gen IV team (not her Gen V team), leveled around Lv. 90-95. Her battle theme would be a remix of her Gen IV battle theme, because her Gen IV battle theme sounds better and is more iconic than the Gen V theme.
- The final member is up in the air. Depending on when they implement this, if ever, the main portion of the league could end here (if this is implemented in Gen V) or include Alder (Gen V; if they implement this in Gen VI). If it is implemented, Alder's team would be very similar to his B/W team and be leveled around Lv. 92-96. The battle theme would be a remix of his Gen V battle theme.
- The Champion of Champions would be Red (Gens I [PC] and II [NPC]). His team would be very similar to his Gen II or IV team (with maybe Espeon/Lapras swapped out for something else) at Lv. 97-100. His Pikachu, obviously, would be the sole Lv. 100 Pokemon on his team. His battle score, contrary to everyone else, would be a rather original composition, starting out rather epicly at first, and gaining more epicness as the battle continues, until he reaches his last Pokemon, at which point it completely becomes a tense and epic version of the main Pokemon battle theme.
- Note that Cynthia mentions an idea for such a thing in B/W. Such an event may be more likely to happen in the Gen V Wii game we are rumored to have, being a secret cup that functions as a "final challenge" akin to Stadium's Mewtwo fight. Throw in Wes and Professor Oak to make it eight.
The Champion of generation VI will be Caitlin, with Clay and Marshal from Unova in the region's elite four.[]
Clay's daughter will run Driftveil Gym, Brycen has relocated Icirrus Gym at Twist Mountain, and Alder is the new leader of Opelucid gym.
Team Rocket will come back[]
But as a crime fighting organization. ...Or vigilantes.
The leader of a villainous team will be... the professor who gave you your starter.[]
And the PokeDex he/she gave you? It's been tracking your location all over the region, transmitting the conversations you have, and generally aiding the bad guys in staying one step ahead of you. Being betrayed like that would be the mother of all Player Punches.
- Of course, after you learn this fact, there will have to be a replacement professor (or a Heel Face Turn by the original) so you can still have your Dex evaluated. Maybe the evil professor's parent, sibling, or child?
You will face the Professers from each gen in an elite 4 style Boss Rush.[]
They will all have Max IV's and optimised EV's. The levels will go from 80 to 100. The Pokémon they will use is as follows (in the order they will be fought):
- Juniper: Victini, Serperior, Emboar, Samurott, Zoroark, and Hydreigon.
- Rowan: Torterra, Infernape, Empoleon, Garchomp, Lucario, and Shaymin (Sky Forme in day, Land Form at night).
- Birch: Sceptile, Blaziken, Swampert, Kecleon, Metagross, and Jirachi.
- Elm: Meganium, Typhlosion, Feraligatr, Togekiss, Tyranitar, and Celebi.
- Oak: Venusaur, Charizard, Blastoise, Pikachu, Dragonite, and Mew.
The 3 uncaptured and unrepentant Complete Monster villains will team up[]
Ardos, Ghetsis (perhaps with the Shadow Triad), and Cyrus will team up. A match made in... I'd say hell, but it's often interpreted as exactly what Cyrus wants. As for why Cyrus (destroy the world and remake it without emotion) will team up with the other two/five, to quote Bulbapedia, "Shadow Pokémon are created through an undisclosed process that removes the Pokémon's emotions, turning it into a soulless fighting machine" and Ein (who should know) refers to the process as "shutting the door to their hearts"; perhaps he would like to use the process on humans, and all three are easily sick enough to do it. Bonus sicko points if he does it (and Ardos goes along with it) on Eldes, who tries to stop him. Given that we have a Wii game coming out, rumored to be an XD like game, it may not need to wait till next gen.
- Cyrus can be The Chessmaster, Ghestis The Starscream that Cyrus hates, and Ardos will be the Corrupt Corporate Executive. Oh, and you get to play as Eldes, serving as The Atoner. As him, you start out with Glaceon and Leafeon, carrying out the tradition. Archie, Maxie, and N will appear, having all been Well Intentioned Extremists before their plans were spectacularly foiled (by which we mean that it became painfully apparent that they were doomed to failure to begin with.) The Big Bad trio will be trying to corrupt the lake trio, in an attempt to close all hearts everywhere. Being the least monstrous of the group, one could maybe expect Cyrus to have a Heel Face Turn, that'll lead to Redemption Equals Death.
- If not Eldes, N will be the male hero, with a female former admin of Team Magma or Team Aqua as the female hero.
- Cyrus can be The Chessmaster, Ghestis The Starscream that Cyrus hates, and Ardos will be the Corrupt Corporate Executive. Oh, and you get to play as Eldes, serving as The Atoner. As him, you start out with Glaceon and Leafeon, carrying out the tradition. Archie, Maxie, and N will appear, having all been Well Intentioned Extremists before their plans were spectacularly foiled (by which we mean that it became painfully apparent that they were doomed to failure to begin with.) The Big Bad trio will be trying to corrupt the lake trio, in an attempt to close all hearts everywhere. Being the least monstrous of the group, one could maybe expect Cyrus to have a Heel Face Turn, that'll lead to Redemption Equals Death.
Archie and Maxie will return as double battle gym leaders.[]
Similar to Tate and Liza, but will be Dark type primarily, with all the Gym Trainers using Ground and Water types, based on their former alignment.
- Or they'll be a Water and Ground type gym respectively, however you only fight one. It depends on which type you started with.
There will be a Dark-type Gym leader.[]
Ever since Gen II, there has never been a Dark-type Gym Leader. It's high time we get one.
The Big Bad will be a female.[]
Gen IV introduced the first female Champion, and Gen V introduced the first female professor. Perhaps Gen VI will follow this pattern.
- And she'll be poratrayed somewhat sympathetically, and/or have goals that are essentially noble. It would be a nice change of pace, and besides we really can't get more revoltingly evil than Ghetsis.
- Although this would bring calls of Unfortunate Implications among fans, seeing as she would be the first female antagonist...
Gen VI will lack an evil team[]
Instead, the legendary just awakens on its own (perhaps as a once-every-100-years ordeal) and causes wild Pokémon to go... wild.
- Or it leads the evil team.
Generation VI will have multiple protagonists, and span multiple regions. The story will revolve around the previous villain teams.[]
I know, it's not likely to happen (unless they suddenly move the main series onto the Wii), but I'd like to see it. It could be like, have one character battle with Team Rocket in Kanto and Johto, another thwart Team Magma and Aqua (who will both be treated as the Butt Monkey) in Hoenn, another character will stop Team Galactic in Sinnoh, and a final one will deal with Team Plasma in Unova. The protagonists will communicate with each other over the course of the plot and eventually meet up(somehow), and near the end the story becomes Hijacked by Ganon when Cipher shows up and declares their dominance, necessitating a massive Enemy Mine with Giovanni, Archie, Maxie, Cyrus, and N (who is representing Team Plasma, as I find it much more likely that Ghetsis would join Cipher).
The next game will be a direct sequel to Gen V in the way Gen II was to I[]
By that I mean the story will directly follow the story of a revived Team Plasma and the main character's struggle to stop them. N will be heavily involved in the story again but this time as the game's Pokemon Professor. Ghetsis will be the final boss again but with a new team. Cheren and Bianca will make cameos also: the former as a Gym Leader and the latter as another Professor. After you complete the main story you are allowed to return to the Unova region and see how it has changed in the last how many years since the Gen V. The champion will alternate between Hilbert or Hilda depending on the gender the player pics for their character.
Generation VI will have an Another Side Another Story plot[]
The story returns to Kanto and Johto, some time after Gold/Silver (possibly after Black/White). The hero of one game starts in Kanto, the other in Johto (preferably in previously unseen towns close to the established ones). The villainous team(s) are operating in both regions, and we frequently hear references to their plans in the other game. The story climaxes when you reach the end of Victory Road and join with the hero of the other game to defeat the villains. And then in both games when you travel to the other region you will witness the aftermath of some of the other hero's actions.
Generation VI will have a Nice Job Breaking It, Hero plot[]
As in: the usual "team after legendary, you catch legendary and proceed to beat team's ass with it" stuff... except that by catching the legendary, you threw the natural balance out of whack, and you have to catch the other two members of the trio and take them to a certain place to restore it.
There will be a Pokemon game whose story isn't centered around the bad guys' evil plots or the legendary Pokemon, but instead is based around the main character's past.[]
The MC will have a dark past, which they either don't know about or they just want to forget.
Instead of a single mom, the PC of Gen VI will have a single dad.[]
Single dads need love, too.
A future Pokemon game will take place in the Poke-past.[]
That is, before the invention of the Pokeball, Pokemarts, etc. Traps will be used to capture Pokemon, your team will have to follow you on a leash instead of in a Pokeball (thus, it will be smaller), Pokemon Gyms will just be places to train your Pokemon, Pokemon Centers will simply be places to recuperate and apply first-aid, and fossils will just be fancy rocks. In addition, there will be loads of Mythology Gags calling back to Sinnoh myths, such as the legendary man with his sword, people taking Pokemon as wives, etc.
- That sounds like a neat spin-off...
Going further, a game that takes place in prehistoric times will be made.[]
All of the fossil Pokémon from the other games will be Com Mons. Without Pokeballs or Capture Stylers, Trainers would have to either invoke Defeat Means Friendship or use Apricorns hit several times with a stick. May not be possible due to the fact that humans are a recent species on the Pokemon World by millions of years, just like in the real world... time travellers, maybe?
- You could play as Mew, sent by the aliens that incubated Arceus's egg in an artificial universe to study the surprising developments. It could be like Dragon Quest or similar to the Mystery Dungeons games. The new(old) Pokemon can show up in the wild during an event to get a time traveling event only Pokemon like Celebi for those who want to use them in the main series.
Gen VI will have two new regions[]
A version will start in one, B version will start in the other. My guess would be the UK and France.
- To expand, just using the UK:
- The Region Itself. Both regions are attached, border to border as a united country. Of course this area is based on the United Kingdom. The one on the left is Poke-Ireland, also known as Oirie. This region's flag promintently features this games color and therfore title, Crimson. On the right is Scotland, known as Screo. This region's flag is covered in the color Navy. Both regions share a fair amount of Pokemon, but there are still exclusives. The landscape however is far different. Oirie is fairly mountainous. Screo has a whole lot of rolling plains. Also, the ninth gym and Elite Four are in a small third region called Noble, based on both Britain and Wales. It appears more prominently in the third game, Violet.
- Gyms And Elite Four. There are nine gyms instead of eight, the ninth being the exact same in both and being on the Oirie/Screo border, with the other sixteen being version exclusives in each region: Flying and Ground, Normal and Ghost, Grass and Poison, Electric and Water, Fire and Ice, Rock and Bug, Psychic and Dark, and Fighting and Steel. As this is the United Kingdom, the final type is obviously Dragon and each member of the Elite Four a Dragon-type. The Elite Four will be knights as well, at least with the titles of Sir or Dame. In the third version, your Pokedex acts as a passport, and you go through all seventeen Gyms with all the Pokemon available. You recieve your Pokedex in Noble, as you yourself have noble blood, and are flown to the start city in Screo where you get your first Pokemon and Pokeballs, with your two triplet siblings in competition, as the journey is a right of passage.
- Starters. This time around, every starter has a secondary type as with Gen IV, though from the start. Each is based on an animal kept as a pet: a Fire/Dark type based on a black cat, a Water/Ice type based on a combination of a beagle and a Klee Klai, and a Grass/Flying type based on a parrot.
- One question-what would be the villain team? Would it they be representative of the War of the Roses?
The next Pokemon game will take place in a dystopian future.[]
Trainers with mastery over legendary Pokemon form a union and take over the governments of all known states. The story will follow the Trainer after he or she befriends a wild Pokemon in a cell who is selected by an early decision. The final boss will have an Azelf, and Gym Leaders will be replaced by members of the union.
Alternatively, it's a Bad Future.[]
Essentially, it's what happens if you don't stop Team Plasma. Essentially, it ends with Ghetsis taking over Unova, and allying with Team Cipher. It will obviously be the darkest game in the series, considering how it's the two worst monsters in the series.
Also alternatively, it's a future where Pokemon have become obsolete.[]
Pokemon have become a thing of the past thanks to technological advances, and now exist all by themselves in the habitats that are left after massive deforestation. However, a new crime syndicate has popped up, and humanity realizes that the only way to fight them is by using Pokemon once more. It is up to our intrepid hero to resolve this conflict and reconnect humans and Pokemon. Somehow.
A Pokemon will be the Big Bad.[]
It would be interesting.
The protagonist will not be a native to the region[]
As an extension of the above Another Side Another Story suggestion, the protagonist of each game will arrive in the region by ship, in Vermillion in one game and Olivine in the other. The starter (and therefore the protagonists) will come from either a region introduced in another game in the generation, or a completely offscreen region.
There will be a post-apocalyptic Pokemon game[]
And the stinger would be that the main hero caused it.
There will be a True Final Boss battle (much like Red and Cynthia) against someone who is completely unknown.[]
Their sprite shows them wearing a mask and hood to conceal their identity, and when you defeat them, they disappear without a trace and never return. They aren't even referenced anywhere in the game.
There will be a Mirror Match battle[]
And I'm not talking about like the one in Colosseum, I'm talking about the fake being an exact mirror of you. All of their Pokemon are identical to yours, the Pokemon's levels, stats, moves, and hold items are identical to yours, and they even have the exact same type and quantity of items that you do.
Generation VI will be the modern counterpart to the Gold/Silver games.[]
That is, it'll be the Johto to Unova's Kanto. Here are some ideas:
- The region will be based off the state of New Jersey. It's the closest state to New Jersey, so it'll fit geographically.
- Much like Team Rocket in Johto, the bad guys will be remnants of Team Plasma. They'll be led by three of the six Sages, specifically the ones that knew the truth about Ghetsis. This time, you'll actually be able to fight them. Each Sages' Pokemon will be color coded(as areference to their names): Zinzolin will use purple/pink Pokemon(violet), Gorm will use blue Pokemon and Giallo will use yellow Pokemon
- Ghetsis will appear, as we'll find out what happened to him. He'll be reasonably insane, and be even darker and crueler than before. After some time, he'll have discovered the power of the orbs, and believes that you are the Unova player character. Before you defeat him, he'll lunge out and attack you. While knocked out, N will appear and confront Ghetsis(you get to control N). Finally, he'll have vengeance on Ghetsis.
- The Champion could be N!
There will be a Pokemon game whose protagonist is an Anti-Hero.[]
Albeit darker than Wes. I was thinking something along the lines of Batman, perhaps (main hero locks a lackey in a cage with a rampant Pokemon until he reveals what needs to be known?)
There will be a Pokemon game with a Stinger like no other.[]
The game goes on like usual, beating gym leaders, the villainous teams, winning the Pokemon League, etc., etc. However, after the credits are done rolling, we are treated to a scene of the main character holding the MacGuffin, monologuing about what had happened during the game and mentions having future plans for the MacGuffin.
Future Trainer Class ideas[]
A Greaser[]
Mainly uses ruffian pokemon such as Scraggy and Scrafty, among others.
Uses a variety of Pokemon, most of them being fully evolved. Likely won't appear until later in the game, like after the 6th gym badge.
We have Lt. Surge, so this shouldn't be too much of a stretch. May largely use Fighting, Electric, and Steel types, with a few Fire types.
Obviously uses Water types, and perhaps could be the only trainer class you can find underwater.
Primarily uses Grass and Ground type Pokemon.
Probably would specialize in Steel and Dragon types, and could work nicely in a region based on the British Isles.
For the lulz. Would use entirely 1st gen Pokemon and would only be fightable post-game.
Might be found in areas like the streets of Castelia city. Probably would have a team mostly consisting of Pokemon obtainable early in the game, especially rodent-based Pokemon or Poison types.
Future game mechanic ideas[]
Eventually, you will be able to breed hybrid Pokemon that have physical traits of both parents.[]
But you will only be able to breed specific hybrids based on species and type; also, the resulting offspring does not evolve and will be sterile.
- Or, breeding two Pokemon will get you an already existing species, IE: Ryhorn and Grimer will get Nidoran.
Legendary Pokemon will finally be given egg groups, but they will always produce a Pokemon of the spouse's species.[]
Just as a child Pokemon might recieve its father's moves, so too will the resulting Demilegend recieve its legendary parent's moves. So, instead of a baby Lugia, you could get a Pidgey that knows Aeroblast.
- I noticed that the text above links to the page "Disc one nuke." This is not true, because you'd have to obtain Lugia first in order to breed it. And even if you'd gotten the Lugia from a trade, Lugia himself would probably be quite a bit more gamebreaking that aeroblast pidgey.
- What if you breed a Groudon with a Mewtwo?
- Unfortunately, those two probably wouldn't be of the same egg group. Or maybe Legendary Pokemon will just be unable to breed with each other.
- They'll probably just make jokes like Phione if you try to breed one.
Maybe there will be a mechanic for taking some people or three for you to travel with, just like in the anime[]
- Or maybe more than six Pokemon in your party? Like maybe ten tops?
You'll be able to fight alongside your Pokemon someday.[]
The mechanic will probably be much simpler than regular Pokemon battles (e.g. 50% chance of a knock-out with a normal hit), but it will add a new dimension and challenge to battles.
Pokemarts will disappear entirely[]
Gen V relegated Pokemarts to the Pokemon Centres. Gen VI will go that final step further: You will be able to shop from any PC. Seriously, why does a world that has perfected "store physical items and even living things as data and put them on a server for access anywhere with a PC+internet connection" not used this tech advance for instant shipping? Why would anyone pay to rent/own the land, rent/build/convert a building, and pay staff for a physical Pokemart to reach a target buyer of a single town when you can, when for what must be a fraction of the cost (especially considering the Pokemon Storage System is free), one could reach the entire world (or anyone you are willing to process the money of, which isn't an issue given that Pokemon has global currency) with no inconvenience to the customer or you (shipping times+costs are gone under such a system, removing a physical store's main advantage over an online retailer), and reach the entire world as potential customers.
- Possible snag: If the Pokemon world's governments realized the economy would crash if there weren't physical Pokemarts, they may have banned online marketing.
Here's some (im)possible future game mechanics.[]
- Spray-type medicine like Potions will be applied manually by touching the Pokemon.
- You will be able to move in eight directions, instead of just four.
- Kind of likely, seeing as Pokemon is pretty much the only RPG that hasn't caught on to this trend yet.
- You can access the menu without pressing X. It even works when you're walking. Whatever replaces the Poketch only fills half of the screen.
- You mean like in Heart Gold and Soul Silver? Yeah, I liked the interface there too.
- The game actually shows the Pokemon attacking, rather than just a green sword floating around pretending to be the other guy wielding a leaf as a weapon.
- Maybe attack poses along with attack effects?
- That would probably kill the graphic design team. Be grateful we got idle animations, it must have taken a Herculean effort to implement them for every single Pokemon, implementing an animation for every single move of every single Pokemon would just be impossible.
- Yeah, but Stadium partially did this - Hydro Pump for Blastoise is a pair of water "bullets" shot from its cannons, while Drowzee (Metronome) happens to shot one.
- That would probably kill the graphic design team. Be grateful we got idle animations, it must have taken a Herculean effort to implement them for every single Pokemon, implementing an animation for every single move of every single Pokemon would just be impossible.
- Maybe attack poses along with attack effects?
- Some known moves will be HMs. That strange looking wall? Dig. Crossing gate in your way? Brick Break.
- The strange looking wall can be crossed with Rock Climb.
- Provided the 3DS has Mii's, you can make your own character instead of using May or Dawn or Hilda.
- Black and White(and Battle Revolution) already let you alter you appearance in multiplayer, probably just go deeper into that.
- Three words: Multiple save files.
- But then what motivation would we have to buy the other version?
- More realistically, New Game+.
HMs will be able to be used without teaching them to something.[]
You will only need to have the HM and a Pokemon that could learn the move to use it.
HMs will disappear entirely/become TMs.[]
Basically, while Cut, Strength, and all the other former HM moves will still be usable in battle, the Pokemon will not have to know the moves to clear obstacles in the over-world. Instead, they will exist as skills that don't take up a moveslot. Additionally, many of them will be tweaked to allow a wider range of Pokemon to use them (at least outside of battle).
- Cut will be changed to the ability to clear trees and small obstacles. This will allow Flying types without claws to destroy them with gusts of wind, Fire types to simply burn them away, etc.
- Fly will basically stay the same, as will Dive.
- Surf will stay largely the same, but Flying and Psychic types will also be able to learn it.
- The overworld effects of Strength, Rock Smash, and Rock Climb will be combined.
- Waterfall, much like Surf, will be learnable by Flying and Psychic types.
- Flash, Whirlpool, and Defog will no longer exist.
The Poison status effect will gain a stat-reduction.[]
Specifically, to make it a more complete counterpart to Burn, it will sharply reduce Special Attack. Perhaps Badly Poisoned will kill both Attack and Special Attack.
The party size and/or moveset size will increase.[]
While playing Black & White, whose Pokemon have terrible type coverage, I had a hard time creating a balanced team. Even if every single Pokemon on your team is dual-typed, you can only have twelve of the seventeen types at once. It's also quite ridiculous that there are over 600 Pokemon right now, but we can only use six at once, further perpetuating the issue that 70% or so of Pokemon are filler that no one uses. Perhaps increasing the party size to 8 or 10 would mitigate these problems. Even then, though, the absurdly small moveset is highly cumbersome — I think that one reason why status effect moves tend to be underused is that there's just no room for them. Pokemon is really shooting itself in the foot in terms of strategic potential due to the fact that it's so hard to tweak your Pokemon's movesets. Obviously, though, running out of PP would never be an issue if a Pokemon could keep every single move it learns, but I think it would be nice if, maybe, you could only use four moves at once, but could freely switch out which ones to use from the full list? That would be an improvement, at least.
Possible new abilities...[]
- Something similar to Moxie that slightly increases a Pokemon's health every time it faints an opponent. Maybe called "Blood Drinker" or something, unless that name's too dark for a kid's game. Could potentially be a Game Breaker, though — maybe as a held item?
- Counterparts to Scrappy for other types. Could get into Game Breaker territory for some, though (Scrappy already verges on it).
They will implement a new battle system where the battles will more closely reflect the anime[]
The directional buttons can be used to move the pokemon, the letter/picture buttons can be used to activate the attacks, and will lead to a possibly more exciting way to play the game. To exchange pokemon, you press the L or R button. The developers might want to experiment with this.
After throwing 9 or 10 balls at a Pokemon, you will have the option to pray to Arceus before/while/after throwing the next[]
Because you're already doing it in real life, anyway. You know you're already about to throw your DS when Suicune rejects your 6th ball, yelling "Which ball do you want from me!?" like a maniac. Not that I've ever done that. May or may not include an option to flip off Pokemon in question if you chose to run.
There will be a game with a morality system, a la inFamous and Knights of the Old Republic.[]
Contests (if they will still exist) will be totally revamped, being more akin to the one you see in animé - which are WAY more complicated, but also more spectacular[]
Expanding the 2v2/3v3 battle move combos beyond the pledge moves[]
Probably likely if not done for the remainder of gen V then Gen 6 will do this.
Probable combos likely:
Ash's Thunder Armor combo from the gym battle vs Tate and Liza in the anime if only for a nod to the non game roots of the mechanic.
Thunder + Stone Edge: Creates a Spire that hits the entire field with Thunder's full power on all foes.
Future Spinoff Ideas[]
There will be a Pokemon Fighting Game.[]
Pokemon in the style of Street Fighter, perhaps?
Miscellaneous WMG[]
There will be a Compilation Rerelease.[]
That is to say, you can visit any region. Games like Pokemon Dash will be minigames. Of course, you cannot bring your Mons from one region to another. The professor will live on a small island with one or two towns, one of them your hometown, and one of them used for the tutorial bit.
We will finally get that Pokemon MMO that we've been asking for.[]
The Pokemon games represent growing up.[]
See the corresponding WMG on this page for details. Let's just say in the sixth generation, things will be so complex story-wise that any and all previous knowledge will be useless.
When Pokemon comes to the 3DS, you will be able to save your diploma to an SD card to print out.[]
I know the Wii games can send pictures to the message board, then have them put on an SD card. I think the 3DS would as well.
In a future game, completing the Pokedex will give more than a diploma[]
You will also get to fight Professor Oak. That would be an epic reward.
A future game will not have an opposing team for you to fight, but rather focus on exploration.[]
Not only which, but you will be able to explore all the previous regions as well, thus reuniting the fans.
A future pair of games will be called Infrared and Ultraviolet.[]
We would get a pair of Bug-type Legendaries.
We will get some kind of official tie between the main games and the world of the Mystery Dungeon games.[]
Even if just an offhand comment in a future Mystery Dungeon explaining where all the humans went.
Pokemon is like Batman... Gen VI will be the "Heath Ledger" Generation[]
Take it like this: Gen I is Akin to Batman (1989)
- Both introduce us to a world that we love
- Both have poorly done characterisation (as much as I love Jack Nicholson' Joker, the man was born to play the role... his ability to command that role above all others is nothing special)
- Both introduce some rather unlikely technology
- Both contain events that would have "Death by errant hubcap" appear on a lot of coroner reports (well... not quite).
Gen II is Akin to Batman Returns:
- For many, these are both their favourite movies/games (until The Dark Knight/Gen VI appear/appeared)
- Add a bit more characterisation to a word sorely lacking of it.
- Took what we loved, and gave more of it.
Gen III is Akin to Batman Forever:
- Like changing from Tim Burton to a new director, the stat system was so changed, that the game was made different just by that.
- While the characters were not as awesome a previous works... they did appear to be missing a bit of something.
- The general plot is moved from local disturbance, to implications of something affecting the entire world. Like what Two Face and Riddler were selling to everybody.
- The previous world was build up--but in a more awkward, unreasonable to follow way. Like how Gotham City seemed to be more twisty and turny, Hoenn seemed to add more than a few unnecessary/awkward structures.
- Like Batman and Robin's affect on Batman Forever, a lot of people really only enjoy Gen III and Gen IV is worse.
Gen IV is Akin to #^%#&!#%$@^%&
- Nobody seems to really really enjoy the updated character designs. Bibarrel could have been an awesome thing, but they treated it like having Schwarzenegger cast as Mr. Freeze.
- Like how Batman and Robin tried to top all the previous movies (having three heroes, three villains, epically awesome car chase scenes between all of these), Gen IV had an event where instead of endangering the world, the entire universe was in trouble.
- Like how many people have issues remembering certain scenes from Batman and Robin (I keep trying to think of examples here... and the closest I have, involves Jim Carey dancing in my mind... to which I can only respond: that is retarded... but not retarded enough) many people's favourite parts of Gen IV involve the remake for Gen II and Lucario. Had that not been there, I doubt it would still be about as favourably.
- Consider the Architecture of Pokemon Battle Revolution and that of Batman and Robin... yeah...
Gen V is Akin to Batman Begins
- A reboot of the series.
- Takes place in a land distant from the series usual home.
- Both are excessively boring and grating to experience. Much of Gen V's gameplay is like watching Bruce Wayne trying to look edgy while carrying a flower up a mountain.... although this might be more with Gen IV and its infamous lag. YMMV here, as both Batman Begins and Gen V received positive reception overall, a bit more in the case of the latter.
- Both are edgier than the first one of the previous set up. I do not imagine anything in Gen I is on the level of N's abuse (or Bianca's suspected abuse)
Predictions of Gen VI (Akin to The Dark Knight):
- It will not have the instant rejection Gen III, Gen IV and Gen V have all faced (to some degree). The Dark Knight was not a movie really that reviled (which Batman Begins not many enjoyed... and Batman Forever and Batman and Robin... do I need to mention what people thought of Batman and Robin?)
- The NPCs will comment on the notion that they are entrusting their lives to a ten year old kid... and actively reject that solution. Either by sending more ten year old children to take on the big bad... or when that starts to look like a very bad idea, sending in, you know, the Police (the Rangers maybe)?
- Implies that the ten year old will likely be late with saving the Police... making a villain akin to Two Face.
- Disasters will not be world wide... but something more local and personal to the player. Much akin to how Joker was scary by randomly blowing up school buses, compared to Riddler taking over people's minds, the Disasters being fought will be designed to scare the player personally... rather than be the generic "take over the world" stuff.
- Cross Dressing Villains for Rule of Funny
- Rather than the Pokedex saving the day, some device commonly carried by most people. Such as a P*DA, Pokegear, C-Tech, PokeNav will be employed to save the world as an important in game common item (rather than just an annoyance).
Oh, and Batman The Motion Picture (1967) would be more analogous to Earthbound. Which is also inspired by Dragon Quest (Mother was designed to parody Dragon Quest mostly) and done by a similar team as Pokemon Gen I. Noted by similar artwork for Giegus/Giygas and Mewtwo.
- People remember Cyrus and Giratina too well for that analogy to hold up...and Earthbound wasn't a mons game so Pokemon probably doesn't have anything comparable to the 1960s movie...unless Tajiri decides to release his old manga comics.
The World Ribbon will be given out to Pokemon that have cleared every Pokemon league so far[]
In a future generation/game, bringing a Pokemon with a Champion Ribbon (Clear Hoenn/Kanto league), Sinnoh Champ Ribbon, Legend Ribbon (beat red), the Ribbon from Unova league I haven't got yet and the current game's recognition ribbon, will get a fourth wall breaking congratulations from the developers, thanking them for being a true fan (Exceptional fan if you also have an earth/national ribbon on something) of the franchise, ask them if they still remember various things and asking for their continued support.
There will be a villian even worse than Ghetsis.[]
Yes, you heard me. While Nintendo has dabbled in it before, it really showed that it could make powerful complete monsters with Darkrai and Ghetsis. How do you make someone worse than the two? Why, you merge them together! Imagine someone with the unrelenting sociopathy of Ghetsis, and the distored sadism of the Mystery Dungeon version of Darkrai. You basically have someone on the same level of sick as Dr Weil, and someone worse than the two. Have fun.
- Maybe they will play the horribleness of this new villain for laughs. Zero-Percent Approval Rating, Evil Is Hammy and Fashion Victim Villain will be used in force so that their horrible actions will be dampened.
- Fashion victim villain? Ghetsis. Evil is hammy? Giovanni. Zero percent approval rating? Oh, only Every villianous team in Pokemon history.
There will be a spinoff game that explores the world of pokerus.[]
It seems like a good use for this bit of the game. A whole new set of microbial pokemon could be made. The game would probably play like Pokemon Rumble if it were made.
One day in a main game there will be a battle with the true 'Ultimate Trainer' which can last for up to hours, being the first battle that you can save in, can't escape in any way and to utilize more than 6 Pokemon.[]
I'm thinking you only unlock the chance for this battle when you fill ALL your boxes with level 100 Pokemon (and you use them), you must then battle this Trainer who has every fully evolved Pokemon except Legendaries for you to battle, but they are almost twice the strength as normal.
To give more epicness... let's make evolution even more crazy![]
I mean fourth stage of evolution, evolution branch within evolution branch, or evolution branches having one of the stage the same as other part of branch. Crazy, isn't it?
A future generation will feature hybrid Pokemon.[]
The game developers always seem to be trying to come up with new ways to obtain certain Pokemon. A future generation may have "hyrbid" Pokemon that will result from breeding two different Pokemon species. Not all mixed-species breedings will result in a hybrid Pokemon, but a few will.
- Wait, don't we already have this theory somewhere?
They're running out of ideas for version names.[]
Hopefully they'll come up with something other than "Black Version 2" and "White Version 2".
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- ↑ Follow the link to page 16 of "Your ideas for a CAP?" at Smogon's Create-A-Pokemon kitchen. Polursa is somewhere around the middle of the page.
- ↑ Follow the link to Page 15 of the "Your Ideas for a CAP?" thread at Smogon's Create-A-Pokemon Kitchen; the Banette evo, called Dollmise, is in the first post at the page's top.
- ↑ The link will take you to page 16 of the "Your Ideas for a CAP?" thread in Smogon's Create-A-Pokemon Kitchen. Thundog's right at the top.
- ↑ If you want to see Voltran for yourself, follow the link to page 8 of the "Your Ideas for a CAP" thread (at Smogon's Create-A-Pokemon Kitchen), and scroll down to the bottom.
- ↑ If you want to see Sowunamut, the tumanuwos-inspired Pokemon, follow the link to page 16 of the "Your Ideas for a CAP?" thread in Smogon's Create-A-Pokemon Kitchen and go down to almost the bottom of the page.
- ↑ It's not that scary. Rather fascinating battles, a bit unnerving when he leaves the Gym, and sad after that, but not scary at all.
- ↑ The link will take you to page 9 of the "Your Ideas for a CAP?" thread in Smogon's Create-A-Pokemon Kitchen. Frostran's at the top of the page.
- ↑ "sabretooth tiger"
- ↑ The [external] link will take you to page 15 of the "Your Ideas for a CAP?" thread at Smogon's Create-A-Pokemon Kitchen. Mujanorak, the Islamic warrior Pokemon, is at the middle of the page.
- ↑ If you wanna see it for yourself, follow the link to page 10 of the "Your ideas for a CAP?" thread in Smogon's Create-A-Pokemon Kitchen, and scroll down about three or four posts.
- ↑ The link will take you to page 15 of the "Your Ideas for a CAP?" thread in Smogon's Create-A-Pokemon Kitchen. Look for Insego near the bottom of the page.
- ↑ The link will take you to page 16 of the "Your Ideas for a CAP?" thread in Smogon's Create-A-Pokemon Kitchen. Quetzparce is somewhere around the middle of the page.
- ↑ as ground blocks out light, eg caves
- ↑ photosynthesis
- ↑ For comparison's sake, if Zelda games were subject to Pokemon types, Ganondorf would be Dark, and Link would be Fighting. And Zelda is Psychic, explaining why Ganondorf completely owns her, and yet she tends to own Link whenever the opportunity arises. Another example? Mario. Bowser would be Dark/Dragon or Dark/Fire, and Mario would be Fighting (Fighting/Fire with the Fire Flower).
- ↑ sound travels three times faster in water
- ↑ rare animals don't like to be disturbed
- ↑ interrupts concentration
- ↑ hard to hear when it's windy
- ↑ same reason as Normal and Fighting
- ↑ hard to hear one noise over another
- ↑ hard to talk loudly when you're sick
- ↑ can't punch a sound wave
- ↑ electricity and sound waves are both forms of electromagnetic energy
- ↑ ghost noises can't be heard without special equipment, and even then there's controversy as to what they really are
- ↑ Double Kick, Jump Kick, High Jump Kick, Low Sweep, Low Kick, Double Kick, and Stomp
- ↑ Wing Attack, Aerial Ace, and Bounce come to mind, maybe Acrobatics too; also, you can teach it Fly via HM
- ↑ "Elekthor" would work if it wasn't already the French name for Zapdos
- ↑ The link will take you to page 15 of the "Your Ideas for a CAP?" thread at Smogon's Create-A-Pokemon Kitchen. Psuedoak is near the top of the page.