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230px-Pokemon forever 7335

Pokémon 4Ever, also known as either Celebi: Voice of the Forest in the English version or Celebi: A Timeless Encounter in Japan, is the fourth Pokémon film.

A long time ago, a little forest guardian known as Celebi is chased by an unknown Pokémon poacher. A young Trainer, Sam, saves Celebi, and the two travel through time. In the present day, a member of Team Rocket, known as the Iron Mask Marauder ("Vicious" in Japanese), confronts the now-old poacher and destroys his home, taking a Tyranitar with him.

Ash, Misty, and Brock see a Suicune, and Oak tells them about the legendary Pokémon. While in the woods, they see Sam, and they befriend him. Unfortunately, the Iron Masked Marauder plans to capture Celebi for himself, and he plans to overthrow Giovanni in the process.

This movie provides examples of:

  • All Just a Dream: In the Japanese version, Sam wakes up after being returned to the past and mentions he had "a wonderful dream". In the dub, this isn't the case.
  • Adaptation Expansion: Or in this case a dub expansion. 4Kids had the Japanese animators create additional scenes to make it more clear that Sammy is Professor Oak.
    • In all honesty, the fact that the movie leaves a few hints scattered throughout and that the second movie revealed the full name of Professor Samuel Oak was enough for most Japanese fans.
  • Big Bad: The Iron Mask Marauder
  • Big Damn Heroes: Suicune.
  • Brainwashed and Crazy: Dark Celebi.
  • Captain Obvious

 Brock: (after the water from the Lake of Life turns Celebi healthy again) This must be the Lake of Life. ...Hey, that's it! The lake water must have brought Celebi back to life!


 Brock: (to Diana) Why don't you come, too, and protect us?

Misty: Then she'd need protection. From you.
