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Pkm brown and prism 5200

Top: Pokémon Brown Bottom: Pokémon Prism

Pokémon Brown and Pokémon Prism are two huge ROMHacks of Pokémon games by KoolBoyMan, based on Pokemon Red and Pokemon Gold, respectively. They are by far among the most well-known Pokémon hacks out there (they appear on The Other Wiki, and Bulbapedia) and that's not without good reason. They are by far the most edited Pokemon hacks out there, with only the sprites and Pokemon themselves the same.

Prism works as a "sequel" to Brown, including more features and better graphics. Both games can be linked to each other, which allows the player to exchange Pokémon or battle.

These hacks add two new continents, a new story, improved graphics, all the Pokémon up to Generation IV, Pokémon-only segments (Prism only), and a frickin' awesome new soundtrack. (Again, Prism only)

While Brown was finished in 2009, Prism is still in development (a working beta can be downloaded though). There is another sequel, called Rijon Adventures, which will be modified from Pokémon FireRed.

If you are curious, there is a Let's Play here. Brown can be downloaded here and Prism here.

Tropes used in Brown:[]

  • The Missingno: While the hacker did his best to keep the actual trope namer from showing up throughout the course of the game, it is still affectionately parodied in one dungeon. An (intentionally) glitched looking Hypno sprite is used in place of the ghosts that appeared in Pokémon Tower. They still terrify your Pokémon, but by spouting garbled nonsense instead of demands for you to leave.
  • Obvious Rule Patch: New types were added to better balance the game, including the Dark type to counter Psychics as in all subsequent generations, and even a new type that is weak against Normal moves.

Tropes used in Prism:[]