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For the Pokémon introduced in these games, refer to this page.
Main Characters[]
Red and Leaf[]
The silent Player Character. An eleven-year old from Pallet Town who is eager to become a Pokemon trainer and set off on a journey across the world.
- Badass: Implied through potential events that can transpire in the game, as well as Red's Bonus Boss status in Gold and Silver. Red's half of this picture sums up the implications, said implications being applicable to Leaf by extension.
- Badass Adorable: They're both 11 year olds.
- Brown Eyes: In the remakes only.
- Black Eyes: In the original, though adaptations usually color them in as brown.
- Coming of Age Story: At the end of the main game, Oak states that Red/Leaf's journey was one, remarking that "[he/she] has come of age."
- Continuity Nod: Leaf herself. She was a prototype female protagonist, that few remember since the only evidence of her is early official artwork and her Pokémon Special counterpart.
- Cute Shotaro Boy: Red, especially in his original design.
- Cutting Off the Branches: It's Red who appears in HeartGold and SoulSilver, rather than Leaf, though it may be due to them being remakes of GSC where he was the only one to appear. He was also the canon protagonist.
- Curtains Match the Window
- Dangerously-Short Skirt: Leaf's skirt just barely covers her knees. It's even shorter than Dawn's infamous skirt.
- Development Gag: Leaf herself. She is a tweaked version of a first-generation female protagonist that never made it into the original games due to technological limitations (The original design was reused as Blue(JP)/Green(Eng) in the Special manga).
- Disappeared Dad: He's mentioned once when you check out the televisions in Celadon Department Store, but he never appears.
- Even the Girls Want Her: Due to the unchanged dialogue, this happens with Leaf. It's also quite apparent in the fandom.
- Fan Nickname: Leaf, actually. She has never been given an official name, although a beta double battle partner named Leaf was found in the data.
- Leaf also sometimes gets called "Fuguri" (from Rīfugurīn) among the Japanese fans.
- Red's FRLG incarnation is occasionally called "Fire" in the English-speaking fandom to separate his new design from his old one. He's almost universally referred to as "Fire" or "FireRed" by Japanese-speaking fans.
- The Hero: In Gen II and the Gen IV remakes, Red is often referred to as this.
- Heroic Mime
- Hime Cut: Leaf in her original design.
- Hot-Blooded: Red, according to his counterparts, at least one in-game line, (possibly, due to its vagueness) the manual, and an old comic drawn by Sugimori.
- Taking the extended storyline of FRLG into consideration, Leaf and Red both certainly count when a rather intimidated thief makes a remark about the way he/she is glaring at them.
- Little Black Dress: Leaf in her original design, complete with white gloves and matching shoes.
- Mini-Dress of Power: In the remakes, though it's more of a mini-skirt.
- Nice Hat
- Pink Girl, Blue Boy: The Vs. Seekers, but only in the official artwork. In the game, you still get a blue one as Leaf.
- Plucky Girl: Leaf.
- Remake Dye Job: In Generations I and II, Red has black hair, but this is made into light brown hair in Generations III and IV.
- Schrodinger's Player Character: Pick one of them in FRLG, and the other won't appear. In the series as a whole, Red is the canonical protagonist.
- Self Fanservice: The fandom draws Red's original design as being a slick, red eyed, Bishonen with combed hair and a poker face(Who bears a striking resemblance to Lelouch Vi Britannia). In the original games though (even post Time Skip) he is unruly looking, with his hair and bangs, with Hot-Blooded undertones. He fit Cute Shotaro Boy more than anything. His FRLG design is usually drawn much, much cuter than he actually appears, as opposed to the scowling, determined-looking boy he's seen as in almost all of his canon appearances.
- Suddenly Voiced: Red/Leaf, unlike future heroes, actually makes the odd internal comment when examining objects (where future Player Characters merely get descriptions), such as mentioning his/her dad when you check out the televisions in the Celadon Department Store, and remarks that s/he "should get going" when you examine the TV in his/her house and notes that they "better not touch it" when examining various pieces of technology. He/She also talks to Copycat... maybe.
- Red's Super Smash Bros Brawl incarnation also qualifies.
- What Could Have Been: Game Freak wanted to program the option to play as a female way back in Red and Green, but wouldn't be able to until Crystal. Leaf had a different design with a Little Black Dress, White Gloves, and - unlike every protagonist in the main series - no Nice Hat.
- The prototypical Red from "Capsule Monsters" still has a Nice Hat and black hair but he lacks Red's coat and his hair is not as messy.
- White Gloves: Leaf's original design.
Blue Oak (Green)[]
The Rival of the Player Character. He was once the best friend of Red/Leaf, but as he grew up he changed into a huge Jerkass. Though abrasive and cocky, he has the skills to back up his boasts and has set his sights on nothing less than becoming the Pokemon League Champion.
- Adaptational Attractiveness: In the remakes.
- Always Someone Better: He always shows up ahead of you, even up to beating the Elite Four before you and being the Final Boss.
- His remake artwork plays with this and portrays him holding an Ultra Ball rather than a Pokéball like the protagonists.
- Anime Hair
- Break the Haughty: When you beat him and end his short reign as Champion. Professor Oak telling him that he stands no chance of becoming the Champion again in his current state adds salt to the wound.
- Catch Phrase: "Smell ya later!"
- Arguably, "Whatever!" come HGSS.
- Character Development: More so noticeable in FRLG. In the credits, he seems to be thinking about himself and his Pokémon after being told off by his grandfather and being beaten by you. In GSC/HGSS he is fairly less of a Jerkass.
- He is also much more mature and seems to have learned how to take care of his pokemon. This is evident when his Pigeot uses Return, a Normal attack that becomes stronger the more the Pokemon likes its user.
- Continuity Nod: In the original games, his sprite as the Champion had him wearing a jacket, which isn't seen again in the second generation or the first generation remakes, but returns in his design for the second generation remakes.
- Dub Name Change: To follow with the games' localized titles.
- Final Boss
- Foe Yay: Some of his actions toward Red/Leaf can be seen as this, but in HGSS, he will call the player at oftentimes ungodly hours to tell them about Red and awkwardly stutter about how they look like Red. "Just... Just a little! Whatever... Click!"
- Informed Attribute: for his Champion battle, he claims to have built a team that can take down any Pokémon type. The team he uses for that battle is practically the same team that you've been trouncing in your previous battles.
- In the Blood: His grandfather is a Pokémon researcher, and his sister was a superb coordinator (plus she's pretty good with making tea), so there's little surprise when it comes to his personality and achievements.
- It's All About Me: His downfall is that he thinks so much about himself that he forgets to treat his Pokémon with love and respect. For the entire game he views Pokémon as nothing more than cool powerful creatures that can do whatever he wants for him and help him become Champion.
- Jerkass
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold: Thankfully matures into this by Gold and Silver.
- Late Arrival Spoiler: Good luck trying to beat the game without accidentally finding out from somewhere that Blue is the Champion.
- The Rival
- Used to Be a Sweet Kid: The guidebook for Red and Blue explains that he was Red's best friend until shortly before the time of the game, where he started to become a bully. Despite this, there's still times where he talks to you like an old friend.
- What Happened To The Raticate?: Blue uses a Rattata against the player during their battle in Cerulean City, which evolves into a Raticate in his next battle. After that, it disappears from his team without mention. There is evidence that suggests his Raticate died at some point between the two battles, though the theory is strictly fanon at this point.
Professor Oak (Dr. Okido)[]
- Absent-Minded Professor: He doesn't even remember his own grandson's name and has to be reminded by the player at the beginning of the game.
- Big Ol' Eyebrows
- Mr. Exposition
- Retired Badass: According to Agatha. While functional trainer data for him exists in Red, Blue, and Yellow (as well as data for a trainer class (but no team data) for him in FireRed and LeafGreen), it's impossible to fight him without utilization of cheating devices or glitches. Interestingly enough, his team is tied with Mewtwo in terms of level and, unlike every opponent save for Blue, has a decent array of types.
- Badass Grandpa: If you manage to fight him, he proves himself a literal example of this. Plus his anime counterpart had a Dragonite!
- Theme Naming: Oak kicks off the tradition of naming the regional professors after trees.
- What Could Have Been: As mentioned above, there is leftover data in the game's coding for a trainer battle with him. Given how powerful his Pokémon were, it's more than likely he would have either been the Final Boss or a Bonus Boss.
Side characters[]
Bill (Masaki Sonezaki)[]
- Accent Adaptation: He speaks with a Kansai accent in the Japanese versions and a southern one in the English ones.
- Baleful Polymorph: When you first meet him, he has been turned into a Pokémon (specifically Clefairy in the remakes) due to a Teleporter Accident. He gets better.
- Does Not Like Milk: according to Celio in the Sevii Islands.
- Kansai Regional Accent
- Lolicon: Refers to Leaf as "beautiful" in the remakes. It's one of the few lines changed for a female player character (he refers to Red as "chief"), in contrast to the large number of flirting from the (roughly same aged) female characters in the game.
- MacGuffin Delivery Service: in FireRed and LeafGreen, an extra quest was added after the Cinnabar Gym battle that has Bill take you to the first three islands in the Sevii Archipelago to deliver a meteorite.
- Teleporter Accident
Daisy Oak (Nanami)[]
- Cool Big Sis: Sister of Blue.
- Friend to All Living Things
- Hidden Depths: It wasn't until the remakes, but examine the right bookshelf and you'll discover that Daisy's a former Contest champion. No wonder she's so good at grooming Pokémon.
- Spot of Tea
- Yamato Nadeshiko
- Costume Copycat: She does it for fun with no bad intention.
- Only Known by Their Nickname
- Stop Copying Me: Red/Leaf's reaction to her.
- Wholesome Crossdresser: She will imitate the male player character, including their clothes (yet for some reason, Ken Sugimori's art shows her as keeping her hair).
- You Gotta Have Green Hair: However, as of HGSS, she has brown hair.
Mr. Fuji[]
- Friend to All Living Things: He takes care of abandoned and orphaned Pokemon. Just look at this picture.
- The Atoner: It's suggested at a few points that he was involved in Mewtwo's creation.
- Cool Old Guy
- Mad Scientist: There's a picture of him on Cinnabar Island with the description "Dr. Fuji?!?!" He was also old friends with Blaine, and is suspected to have been involved with the creation of Mewtwo.
- Wasteland Elder
The Gym Leaders[]
- Punny Name: In spades.
- Red Baron: Each Gym Leader has a title associated with them that is labelled on their Gym Signs. The only exception to this is Giovanni, for obvious reasons.
Brock (Takeshi)[]
Pewter Gym Leader--The Rock-Solid Pokémon Trainer!
- Dishing Out Dirt
- Early Bird Boss: In Red/Green/Blue, only Pikachu, Butterfree, Beedrill (the latter two requiring Level Grinding), and Com Mons are found before Brock. Tough luck if your starter is Charmander. Fixed in every game after. Yellow adds Mankey and the Nidoran lines before him (now with an early Double Kick!) while FireRed/LeafGreen add Mankey and give Charmander Metal Claw.
- Eyes Always Shut
- Improbable Power Discrepancy: One Gym Leader with Pokémon at level 12 and 14. Not so in the sequels and their remakes, however, suggesting that the Gym Leaders might use Gym-specific teams.
- Meaningful Name: Brock.
- Personality Powers: Lampshaded in the pre-battle quote.
- Rock Based Pokemon: Both his Geodude and his Onix.
- Wake Up Call Boss: In RB/FRLG if you chose Charmander, and in Yellow. He's pretty easy to beat, though, for those who chose Bulbasaur or Squirtle.
- Even with Charmander, Brock is not very difficult in RB, as both of Brock's Pokemon have a pitiful Special stat and Charmander will very likely have Ember by the time you reach him. This is made even easier by the fact that neither Geodude or Onix know any Rock-type attacks, their special move being Bide. However, this is played straight in FRLG, as although Charmander gains Metal Claw, Brock's Pokemon have high Defenses, and they have also gained Rock Tomb to tear Charmander (and Butterfree if you have one) apart.
- Weaksauce Weakness: When the player doesn't choose Charmander, he is pretty easy to defeat in RBG and their remakes.
Misty (Kasumi)[]
Cerulean Gym Leader--The Tomboyish Mermaid!
- Bare Your Midriff
- Fan Girl: To Lorelei.
- Fiery Redhead
- Lightning Bruiser: Trains two of them, but Starmie especially. It's very fast and hits hard with Bubblebeam/Water Pulse. It also has Recover in the remake, so if the player doesn't hit it hard enough or doesn't have a priority move, Starmie will just heal off the damage immediately in the next turn.
- Making a Splash
- Meaningful Name: Misty.
- Improbable Power Discrepancy: Her training place is Seafoam Islands. The Pokémon in Seafoam Islands are higher-leveled than hers. Given that this line is even in the original games, it's probably the first hint that Gym Leaders use Pokemon teams specific to their Gyms, given that later games allow for Gym Leader rematches with all Gym Leaders being around the same levels.
- Shorttank
- Thinks Like a Romance Novel: Has high hopes for finding a boyfriend or at least getting a date at the Cerulean Cape.
- Tomboy: It's in her nickname.
- Walking Swimsuit Scene: All official artwork and sprites show her with a swimsuit, and just that unlike in the sequel games.
- Averted with her Yellow sprite, which is the only sprite to not feature her in a swimsuit. This is because of the game itself being a Recursive Adaptation of the anime, so both Brock and Misty look closer to their anime counterparts.
- Wake Up Call Boss: Misty can be brutal to a new player, especially if you picked Charmander as your starter.
Lt. Surge (Mathis)[]
Vermilion Gym Leader--The Lightning American!
- Ace Pilot: Apparently was one. He used his electric Pokemon to power his planes.
- Drill Sergeant Nasty
- Eagle Land: Type 1.
- Expy: To Guile from Street Fighter.
- A Father to His Men: As one of the Gym Trainers tells the player, Lt. Surge saved his life back during the war. He has since pledged Undying Loyalty to him.
- Fragile Speedster: His Pokemon are faster than most, but they still can't quite take a hit.
- Gadgeteer Genius: Designed the gate puzzle in his Gym.
- Glass Cannon: Comes with training Electric-type Pokemon.
- Gratuitous English: Lt. Surge, who is stated to be American, uses several English words in the Japanese versions of games featuring him.
- Large Ham: In Yellow.
- Meaningful Name: Surge, as in electric surge.
- Patriotic Fervor
- Rodents of Unusual Size: His signature Raichu.
- Shell-Shocked Veteran: Why he makes you solve a puzzle to unlock a gate to get to him.
- Shock and Awe
Celadon Gym Leader--The Nature-Loving Princess!
- Acceptable Feminine Goals: Practices flower arranging and is the embodiment of a true Yamato Nadeshiko, but also runs a Pokemon Gym and uses it in order to teach this practice to other women.
- Ambiguously Gay: Her Gym is all-female, and she doesn't seem to like having men in it - but makes an "exception" for the protagonist. Her Gym badge just happens to be rainbow themed too.
- Lipstick Lesbian: If the above trope is true.
- Ship Tease: With Janine.
- Dub Name Change: Notably the only Gym leader in the franchise to AVOID this, until Iris in Pokémon Black and White.
- Green Thumb
- Hair Decorations: Always sports a headband.
- Heavy Sleeper: Apparently has some mild form of narcolepsy. She almost dozes off before her battle with the player.
- Mighty Glacier: All of her Pokemon.
- The Ojou: Explicitly called such in the Japanese version, and this trope is a part of her official title.
- Raven Hair, Ivory Skin
- Yamato Nadeshiko
Koga (Kyou)[]
Fuchsia Gym Leader--The Poisonous Ninja Master!
- Big Creepy-Crawlies: Venemoth.
- Combat Medic: As a master of poison techniques, he also has a large amount of knowledge over medicine and apparently heals his Pokemon with concoctions of his own.
- Evil Laugh: "Fwahahahahahaha!"
- Jerkass: Or he at least has some kind of sadistic streak. Prefers poisons types specifically because he enjoys wrecking havoc on the player with status effects because he loves to put people in despair.
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold: Patrols the Safari Zone regularly to ensure that the game is safe for all of the entrants to play.
- Large Ham
- The Maze: Uses an invisible maze in his Gym to force the player into Pokemon battles while walking around. The maze itself isn't 100% invisible but can mess with players who don't look too closely.
- Meaningful Name: Named after the Koga-ryu school of ninjutsu.
- Mighty Glacier: His multiple Koffing and signature Weezing in RBG and their remakes. Yellow replaces them with the more squishy Venonat and Venomoth, respectively.
- Ninja
- Of the highly visible variety.
- Poisonous Person
- Taking You with Me: He uses a Weezing, sometimes as his last pokémon. The AI is not averse to using Explosion if this is the case. This results in the player losing.
- Though you could get some laughs out of the AI using Explosion against your Gastly. (Explosion: Normal type; Gastly: Ghost/Poison; Result: no damage at all)
Sabrina (Natsume)[]
Saffron Gym Leader--The Master of Psychic Pokémon!
- Curb Stomp Battle: Delivered one to the Fighting Dojo next to her Gym.
- Glass Cannon: Her team of Psychic Pokemon.
- Hime Cut: Quiet, serious, and dislikes fighting.
- Psychic Powers: Not only do her Pokémon have these, but she possesses them as well. She also claims that everyone has psychic powers, but that tragically few people even realize it.
- The Quiet One
- Rapunzel Hair: Not as extreme as some future characters, but it's there.
- Red Eyes, Take Warning: She isn't villainous (in this continuity anyway), but she is a very difficult opponent to face, especially in the first Generation with Psychic being as broken as it was.
- Reluctant Warrior: She constantly goes on about how she doesn't like to fight but she will if she must. It makes you curious why she's a Gym leader, then (most likely so she can train people to be psychic and being a Gym leader is the easiest, or only, way).
- Whip It Good: Only in the original games.
Blaine (Katsura)[]
Cinnabar Gym Leader--The Hotheaded Quiz Master!
- Badass Grandpa
- Badass Labcoat
- Badass Mustache: Badass enough to make Dr. Robotnik envious, I'm sure.
- Bald of Awesome
- Cool Old Guy
- Cool Shades
- Fragile Speedster: His Ponyta and Rapidash.
- Hot-Blooded: Surprisingly so for an old guy, as mentioned in his title. The TCG even had a Trainer Card called "Fervor" dedicated to his hot-bloodedness. Both of these explicitly use the phrase "hot-blooded" in Japanese.
- Lightning Bruiser: His two canine Pokemon, but mostly this applies to Arcanine. It's fairly sturdy, hits hard with both of its high attack stats, and is very speedy to top it off.
- Personality Powers: Read Hot-Blooded above.
- Playing with Fire
- Pop Quiz
- The Atoner: Implied to have been involved in Mewtwo's creation. More present in adaptations, though.
Giovanni (Sakaki)[]
Boss of Team Rocket and the Viridian Gym Leader (no subtitle)
- Big Bad: He's the one behind all of Team Rocket's shenanigans.
- Diabolical Mastermind: Pretty much his sole defining feature until you battle him at the Viridian Gym.
- Disappeared Dad: To Silver.
- Dishing Out Dirt
- The Don: Complete with fedora and corsage (and matching Honchkrow!) in HGSS.
- Fragile Speedster: His Dugtrio.
- Late Arrival Spoiler: The eighth and final Gym Leader is also the leader of Team Rocket. Wow, Kanto, good job; your Pokemon League sure has great background checks.
- Meaningful Name: His name is pronounced GEO-vanni. The name indicates both his occupations: a Mafia Boss and a Gym Leader of Ground-type pokemon.
- Mighty Glacier: His Rhyhorn and Rhydon.
- Worthy Opponent: After you defeat him for the third time, he seems satisfied with the battle and promises to better himself so he can meet you again.
- My Greatest Failure: To the point that he abandoned his own son to train to beat Red. Losing to Ethan/Lyra pushes him over the Despair Event Horizon and he seemingly attempts suicide.
- Though if his presence in the World Tournament in Black and White 2 is anything to go by, the suicide theory may not be true.
- My Greatest Failure: To the point that he abandoned his own son to train to beat Red. Losing to Ethan/Lyra pushes him over the Despair Event Horizon and he seemingly attempts suicide.
Elite Four[]
Lorelei (Kanna)[]
- Adaptation Dye Job: In the original games and the Pokémon anime, her hair is red; it's sandy blonde in Pokémon Stadium and purple in Pokémon Special.
- An Ice Person
- Even the Girls Want Her: Misty is said to admire her.
- Everything's Better with Plushies/Girls Love Stuffed Animals: And her Four Island home is full of them.
- She adds 1 plushie to the collection for every 25 times you enter the Hall of Fame. She stops after your 200th Hall of Fame induction because then it's just getting stupid.
- Hot Librarian
- Megane
Bruno (Shiba)[]
- Bruce Lee Clone
- Charles Atlas Superpower
- Kiai: HOO-HA!
- Trademark Favorite Food: Rage Candy Bars.
- Walking Shirtless Scene
- Wrestler in All of Us
Agatha (Kikuko)[]
- Never Mess with Granny, or she'll sic her frickin' Arbok on you.
- Poisonous Person: Her official main type is Ghost, but due to the rarity of that type, a Golbat and Arbok were added to her team.
- Due to the poison subtype of the Gengar family, her entire team is of the poison type. But not all of the ghost type, ironically enough.
- The Rival: To Prof. Oak in their young times.
- Soul Power
Lance (Wataru)[]
- Badass Cape
- The Computer Is a Cheating Bastard: In Red and Blue, his Dragonite has Barrier - which has never been available to that family of Pokémon. Even worse in the sequel.
- Instant Awesome, Just Add Dragons
- Large Ham: The way he announces the name of the Champion comes across as this.