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  • Professor Oak...He came.
  • Your first conversation with your mom. "All boys leave home someday. It says so on TV."
  • "I like shorts! They're comfy and easy to wear!" This single line spoken by a trainer has spawned a whole lot more "shorts" trainers.
  • The fact that you can name your rival whatever you want...the poor guy.
    • Pokemon are not immune to this either. Come on, how many of us are guilty of doing something like this...and especially this, getting a chuckle and snicker every single time?
  • YMMV, but most of the time (especially after your first battle) after defeating Blue can feel like this. He is all cocky and so sure you're going to lose, only for you to hand his ass to him. I can't be the only one who snickered with a smug grin plastered on my face.
    • His desperate attempts to save face are pretty funny as well. When you beat him for the last time before the league, he claims that you still need practice. That's right, dude, I just curbstomped your entire team and I'm the one who needs practice. Uh-huh.
  • And then there's a few gyms after beating Cerulean Gym. You go on a Roaring Rampage of Revenge towards Team Rocket (for those who grew to hate them because they killed a Marowak), you forget the primary objective is to beat the remaining Gym Leaders whcih gave me a good laugh. You curb-stomped them with your level 65 Charizard with Lt. Surge's level 24 Raichu due to side-tracking and defeating Team Rocket became your personal goal (unless you do it for the lulz and not the a personal vedetta). Well, depends on the Player's part on how they feel towards Team Rocket.
  • OH NO! I dropped the lift key!
  • The remakes actually lampshade how ridiculous it is to pay 500 currency for a Magikarp.

  Player payed an outrageous ¥500 and bought the Magikarp...
