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- The end result of Blue's first battle with Sabrina (you know the one!).
- The Naughty Tentacles joke. You know the one...
Yellow Arc
- The entirety of Yellow's training period under Green.
- The time period when Yellow left Kitty(her caterpie) under Pika's care while she went off to look for vermillion flowers for it. Pikachu's expressions during that time are priceless. The last panel of the chapter is also a combinational CrowningMomentofHearwarming.
- Silver's reaction to his wanted poster.
- And Red's shocked face when he finally realizes that Yellow is indeed female, as well as Blue's "guilty" look.
- Delibird using Fly. Seeing a penguin flying whilst carrying a person three times its size would be funny enough, but the first time we see it happen, the Delibird refuses to let go of the bag on its back, meaning that it achieves flight by furiously flapping a single arm. It's hilarious.
- Gold pats Blue's ass and promptly gets the snot kicked out of him by Silver.
- Blue teases Red, Yellow, and Misty during their phone call, throwing Red's words at the end of the Yellow arc back at him.
Blue: "If you're confused, then why don't you all just live together?!" |
RS Arc
- Just look at the Mudkip's expression when Ruby commented about his Mudkip Zuzu.
- Ruby's expression when he thinks that Wally turned into a girl. (Really just him meeting Wanda.)
- Sapphire's Ass Shove moment at Fortree City. What makes it funnier is that it works!
- The look on Charizard's and Venusaurs's faces are priceless when Kimberly demonstrated the ultimate moves
- Another one in the FRLG arc when Silver was surprised at Yellow being older than him by one year despite Yellow being shorter than him.
- This has been a running gag amongst the GSC generation that they are all shocked at being younger than the much shorter Yellow.
Emerald Arc'
- When Emerald's Sceptile and Sudowoodo engaged in a chef battle...only to end with Dusclops irritated and created a black hole which sucking all the food and nearly Emerald in it.
- Emerald pees off a balcony...on Ruby and Sapphire.
- What makes it even funnier was that the two were just admiring the rainbow formed from said pee. Then their Dex Tracers went off...
- In a flashback later in the Emerald saga, Ruby insulted Treecko, which the evolved Pokemon didn't take lightly.
DP Arc
- Diamond and Pearl's manzai scenes. They're funny indeed.
- Mars' first appearance in the DP arc, where she ends up answering the punchline to Dia and Pearl's comedy routine when Dia actually forgets it.
- Platinum dances. The next panel shows Dia cheerfully copying her, while Pearl has a WTH? look on his face.
- Dia and Pearl's comedy routine to Fantina results in Fantina laughing at it even though she has a vague understanding on what it actually meant. She laughs when repeating the joke herself, too!
- Dia's one-shot gag. What's funnier is that no one else except Fantina seems to find it amusing.
- Crasher Wake putting Pearl's heading through the Croagunk Wall, you then see then see a picture of a Croagunk with Pearl's face on it! Even his Pokemon were laughing at this!
- When the Sinnoh gym leaders fight Team Galactic at Mt. Coronet, Byron provides underground support... like digging a hole underneath Gardenia's Cherubi before Mars' Purugly can KO it. He gives Cherubi a quick healing, then it pops back out of the ground and kicks Purugly in the face with its stubby little legs.
Platinum Arc
- Platinum makes very sure that Looker is in fact the person she's supposed to be meeting. Nice continuity gag, and it's rare that someone confuses the heck out of Looker instead of the other way around!
- Thorton weirding the hell out of Platinum. Her expressions sells it.
- Caitlin going Yangire on Pokemon battles. How Darach manages to calm her down is even funnier.
BW Arc
- Cheren's chart and explanation on how Black's brain works, complete with Prof. Juniper's dumbfounded expression.
- Despite Black having a one-track mind, he has a variety of expressions, most of them being hilarious.
- Black's reaction to finding out White has never never battled before is a great example.
- Bianca's Oshawott gets its ass kicked by an Audino.
- White so full of dreams of Pokemon Musicals doesn't notice Black's Musha trying to eat them, or Black's desperate attempts to hold him back.
- Black's reaction to Skyla pushing him off of the Celestial Tower.
- White seemingly losing her cool at Black for letting Tep evolve, only to reveal that she was just kidding.
- White's first try at catching Deerling, then running around in circles trying to escape from it. Black's sweat drops, considering his regular Large Ham attitude, are quite funny to look at.
- Iris visits Burgh in Castelia City while he's showing off a new creation, and he asks for her honest opinion. She does... with Brutal Honesty. Cue Burgh acting devastated, complete with Iris's word balloon spearing him through the heart.
- The author notes, especially the recent ones. The artist usually starts off by making insightful comments about the current themes or characters. This will be followed by the author completely fanboying about the games or going on about some random facet of his life, like how he bought a car on impulse just because the color it was painted in was called "Royal Ruby Red Pearl."