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Pryce will reappear in a future chapter[]

Leaving people in the time stream sort of leaves a bad taste in the mouth, regardless of it giving closure. Thus, perhaps the author will bring him back.

  • Maybe in the HeartGold SoulSilver chapter.
    • The possibility is very small, considering the HGSS chapter is over and focuses on the Rocket Executives and Arceus, and that the closure that was given to him in GSC was a happy one for him; there's no reason to bring him back, he's happy. He might appear in flashbacks had by other characters, though.
    • What if he comes in a Big Damn Heroes moment?
      • He has no need to; his storyline is truly over, and a lot of other characters are in need of the spotlight. Unfortunately, we need to let nostalgia die; this franchise moves fast, the authors can't keep bringing everyone back all the time, just a select few (namely the Dexholders; they're the only ones that last). Also, consider that no gym leader aside from Whitney, Morty and Clair appeared in HGSS; not even the Kanto ones showed up (including Green), and the Elite Four was barely upgraded to its proper setting in one single scene. The focus of HGSS are the Rocket Executives and Arceus, and that's all.
    • Actually, every single Johto Gym Leader shows up in HGSS, or at least mentioned (as was in Jasmine's case), except for Pryce. Green appeared in a flashback, wearing his HGSS outfit, when Silver explained how he got his Rhyperior.

The Viridian Forest didn't grant anybody with special powers after Yellow[]

A bio page says the Viridian Forest bestows its gift every 10 years. Yellow was nine when she was first introduced, meaning that someone should have been pregnant with the lucky kid. However, around that time, Team Rocket was screwing the forest over, so it decided not to do anything that year.

  • Alternatively, the kid got sent or moved along with his/her family to Isshu. By the time Isshu connects with all the other regions, Yellow will be past 20 and this kid will be over 10...! (might be important to remember that the protagonists are older than 10/11 in B&W)
    • N sounds like he could be a Viridian kid, but then again, I doubt that Yellow is ten years older than him. In any case, no more Viridian kids make Yellow and Lance seem a bit more special.
      • You forgot Giovanni in there. But yeah, N is the most likely, but imagine another option, like White (the female player chara), who has yet to appear in the manga and be given a personality.
        • It's never been confirmed that Giovanni actually has the powers associated with being a Viridian Trainer as opposed to just a trainer from Viridian. Canon was kind of unclear on that point; it's possible that he only counted as being able to take down Lance because his Beedrill was caught and trained in the Viridian forest. Of course, this could always lead to another WMG...
      • Well, it's definitely not White.
      • I've been doing a reread of Yellow and I can't find where it says one is born every ten years. Someone please point it out to me.
      • It's on Yellow's bio page in the FRLG arc.
      • Now, assume some degree of game continuity applies. Assume N is the child in question. Now, assuming that he's not his father, let's think about Ghestis's possible reasons for wanting N...

Jupiter is really Sird[]

They talk very similarly, and Jupiter complained about the cold while touching the her leg the same leg that Lorelei froze!. Not only that, Archie/ Guile Hideout met Sird and implied that she had connections to Team Galatic.

  • The choice of Pokemon (Sableye and Banette) is so similar it's painful.
  • Jossed... but they DO know each other...

Giovanni will die at the end of the Heart Gold/Soul Silver Chapter[]

...and Ariana/Athena will, in exchange, be revealed as Silver's mother[]

Just look at her hair! (enough pics in that page) Then compare to Silver's new style (game and manga)

...or could it be that it's just a new hairstyle that's fashionable in the Pokeworld? Who knows?

If you actually care about even minor clues, also look at their Pokeymanz. The crows are everywhere!

Sird was the last person to awaken Jirachi.[]

In Emerald, Brandon makes a throwaway comment about someone using Jirachi to become immortal, and considering how much the author loves Chekhov's Guns, it's bound to be important sooner or later. Sird wished for immortality, some sort of reality-warping or magical powers, and... something else, which gave her the protection that allowed her to escape Lorelei's ice powers at the end of FRLG and to enter and leave the energy ball thing that Maxie and Archie were stuck in at the end of RS. If she's immortal, it also means that she could have picked up the armor and sword she gives to Guile a long time ago.

  • Specifically, she could have gotten the sword that the boy in the 'Veilstone myth' used to kill and eat Pokemon. Note that Veilstone is where the Team Galactic HQ is located. Hmmmm...

The two "Important people" Lady Berlitz is trying to save in the Platinum chapter are none other than...[]

Dia and Pearl. Bit of a foregone conclusion to be honest, since they're the two that mean most to her. Most likely during the conclusion of the battle atop Mount Coronet, Giratina makes his appearance and both of them get sucked in along with it.
    • She's actually trying to save her real bodyguards. Meanwhile, Dia and Pearl are given a mission to search for legendaries.

It was NOT Azelf that petrified the Dex Holders in the FRLG arc.[]

How would you explain the fact that Silver happened to be both conscious and turned into stone?!

  • Azelf turns you to stone, it's one of the others that takes your mind. (Uxie?).
    • But it's not actual petrification. The myths only say that touching Azelf will make the user "grow immobile" by losing all will, since Azelf is the Pokemon of Willpower. Uxie is the Pokemon of Knowledge and erases all memory, and Mesprit is the Pokemon of Emotion who... drains all emotion. Their effects are based on their titles, no stone involved in Azelf's case.
      • Games != manga. It could just be artistic license.
  • For the first time ever, it could be that the manga borrows from the anime with the clash between a Mew and the spoon-wielding Mewtwo petrifying kids like in the first movie. After all, Mew was seen near the scene by Mewtwo, and Sird was already on her way to that place; how much of a stretch is that she captured it on sight?
    • As it turns out, Darkrai turned the Dex Holders to stone.

Sird is half Mew[]

Hey, they learn transform and help out the odd human and she's gotta have SOMETHING that lets her pull off half the crap she does.

  • It's practically confirmed that Sird used Jirachi's power 1000 years ago to become immortal, so that's where her powers came from.
  • On Sird and Mew, how the hell did she petrify the dexholders? If anyone still keeps in touch with the anime side, they might remember the first movie, and the clash between Mew and Mewtwo petrifying Ash. Now then, Mewtwo was also present when the dexholders were petrified, and hasn't been seen since. Not to mention there was a Mew nearby that Sird could have caught, considering how she simply doesn't like missing chances... which starts the whole problem to begin with: she went after Deoxys and ended up petrifying the dexholders (by accident) instead!
  • She doesn't have Mew. A clash between Mewtwo and her Darkrai ended up turning the Dex Holders to stone.

Ruby's use of Celebi caused Sinnoh to get colder.[]

May cross over into the games, but isn't it odd how things are suddenly so much cooler? A Timey-Wimey Ball might be in effect, considering we're dealing with time-travel, but it would still explain it.

  • But it wasn't time travel, more like reversing the flow of time around the people it did. Not to mention that it would have made Hoenn colder since the effect spreads outward from where its power is used.
  • Sinnoh is naturally colder, as it's far up north in the Pokenation. However, it could also simply be winter.

Yellow will go missing in HGSS.[]

The two trainers to be missing in HGSS so far are Giovanni and Lance, the other two Viridian trainers.

  • Elaborated upon by an entirely different crew of people at Bulbagarden (starts somewhere around page 5...)

Athena is Chermaine with a new look, and in disguise[]

Pokespe is just the sort of series to pull this thing off.

  • It is, but the creators have already said they're trying for an entirely new villain with Ariana.
    • Then they'll be related somehow.

Blue's hair style is based off the original Lass's[]

Look at her hair. Now look at Leaf's original design. Blue's hair resembles a Gen 1 - 2 Lass.

  • Not a WMG, but actually canon, as the original artwork for a potential female player character went on to influence the creation of the Lass trainer class.

Red will end up like Red does in the games[]

Alone, withdrawn, and depressed. Preferably on Mt. Silver. I expect this to happen by the end of the HGSS chapter.

  • ...why? Red's a pretty cheerful guy. What would happen to him? Besides, the GS arc already had a plot with him in Mt. Silver...
    • Complaint seconded. Honestly, Red in Poke Spe is not the antisocial mute guy he is in the games, with solely a rival to be close to. So unless he didn't heal his frostbite well or he needs to take care of another health condition he acquired when he was a stone statue (which then makes you wonder why Green, Blue, Yellow and Silver wouldn't need it), he shouldn't return to Mt. Silver (no motive to; even "training in Mt. Silver because of high-level Pokemon" is unlikely, as he liked competing against Green during their training in the FRLG saga, so he can probably train at his gym in Viridian)
    • Red was not anti-social in the games either. Artwork and his counterparts imply he was a bubby, Hot-Blooded boy prior to the Time Skip.

Team Rocket was always a front for Giovanni to find Silver though he grew disillusioned[]

He realized that illegal methods were always going to be faster than legal methods. By breeding an army of powerful pokemon he would be able to fight anyone anywhere who could have taken his son. The reason he doesn't call the Elite trio back in FRLG is because he doesn't want to involve them now that they finally have there lives in order. As for why he simply didn't tell people was because over the years he himself became disillusioned as to what he wanted, addicted to the power it gave him.

After all Giovanni never says he wants Silver to take over Team Rocket, the Beast Trio simply speculate that's what he wants. If you need to ask why he drew the Dex-Holders and Deoxys into a battle when he was locating his son, he was still driven as a trainer to battle Red once again. This could be evidence from the battle on board the airship where he says he doesn't intend to fight Red as Team Rockets leader but simply a trainer. He knew the best way to draw Red into battle was to bring Team Rocket back. If you ask "Well why didn't he just ask him for battle" there was no way he could know that Red would be giving it his all, there were no stakes and no tension. He didn't want a friendly battle against the champion, he wanted Red's absolute best and desire to do anything to achieve his goals.

With an organization of loyal followers including Gym Leaders and an army of super pokemon, NOTHING could have stopped him from finding Silver. Illegal was faster than Legal even if it made him the enemy of the world.

  • That thing you said is canon. Related to this is also the fact that Silver was purposefully hiding (or Blue was hiding him) so Mask of Ice didn't find him again. And remember that that guy was quite persistent! If he had to hide from such a guy, not even Giovanni with all his power could have found him... And he found him solely because Silver got out from wherever he usually hides because he was curious about his own family and he surely felt quite safe now that Pryce was gone. Whether using legal or illegal means, Giovanni was still doomed to wait until Silver stopped playing hide and seek on his own free will.
  • I kinda doubt that. Giovanni and Team Rocket were written way before Pokemon Gold and Silver were released. Therefore even if he were to change his mind later, the writer did at one point make Giovanni a legitimately evil character. In fact it's entirely possible, maybe even probable that Team Rocket was around before Silver was even born. I like to think that there's more to Giovanni than just "my son was kidnapped". Giovanni loves his son with all his heart, but that's a redeeming quality not the whole of the character, a lot of the fanbase has recently been forgeting that Giovanni is still evil. Then again this is WMG, so it all works out.

The Rocket Executives in HGSS are following the wrong ideal[]

Related to the above post, I believe that nobody but the Three Beasts and Giovanni knew of Silver. This would make all the talk of "following Giovanni's lead/ambitions" from the Executives be horrendously wrong, considering he was seeking for Silver all along ( and a Viridian Forest child is, at worst, anti-human but not anti-Pokemon, which would have been required for Team Rocket to work as many seem to believe it should work in the first place).

Also, Archer is quite the creep, in the same vein as Carr actually; wouldn't put it past him to be searching for Arceus just to further his own goals, not truly following Giovanni's ambitions. But just wait until the other three (who seem like nice but misguided people, specially Petrel) understand this; it'll surely be a storm of Heel Face Turn like rarely seen in the manga (offscreen is common, but in it, not so much). This last point holds true with even more strength if you subscribe to the idea that Ariana is Silver's mom. So far, I don't think she had as much hopes as Giovanni to find Silver, so she could pretty much just ignore that nameless kid she ambushed because she doesn't think her kid lived to tell the tale (taken away by the frightening Ho-oh, mind you). A reveal is bound to happen if this is true.

  • Actually, turns out Archer's kind of gay for Giovanni and the generals know the relationship between him and Silver. They still have no problem attacking their beloved boss's son.
    • Not so fast! Only Petrel knows of Silver being Giovanni's son, actually. Which makes the potential of Ariana being the kid's mom even more tragic. How can she not know she's attacking her own child, you ask? Because she believes him to be dead after the incident with Ho-oh when he was kidnapped!

Kris' hair will change back to brown soon[]

Lyra is her counterpart now. While it is arguable Lyra is a retouched Kris in the same way Red is still Red or Ethan is still Ethan, the hair color change still stands. Unlike Red, Kris had her hair change frequently.

Giovanni used to have the same powers that Lance and Yellow had, but lost them somehow or is unable to use them.[]

Outside of a mention of him being a "Viridian Trainer" and the fact that this gives him the possibility of taking down Lance, there's nothing to indicate he does. He seems like the sort of person to use any advantage he possibly can, so why doesn't he try and at least partially heal his fainted Pokemon in the battle with Red to make it easier for him to win? It was fairly fast-paced, but I think there are a few windows where he could've used them to heal his Pokemon just enough for a sneak attack. There are three possibilities here:

  • He's simply a trainer from Viridian and the fact that he can take out Lance is because his Pokemon were trained in the Viridian Forest, thus giving them the special edge that they need to take him on.
  • The damage he did to the Viridian Forest actually caused his powers to be taken away. If he does a heel face turn, he may be able to use them again.
  • He used them so much when he was younger that he actually damaged his own health, thus accounting for his health issues in FRLG. Note that Yellow exhausts herself when she uses them; perhaps if he continues to use them, he might actually die.
  • Or he could've just misunderstood the concept of being a Viridian Trainer, he was never shown using powers like Lance's and Yellow's. In fact he never even mentioned them. He just said he was from the forest. Later he laments on the Mega Volt(which, to clarify, Pika's Thunderbolt with energies from the Kanto trio and their starter Pokemon transferred to him with Yellow's powers), and acknowledges that he nor Team Rocket has the power to stand up to that, further indicating that he's just now learning about them.

The Ruby from the timeline the living one got transferred to died during battle.[]

Celebi transported Ruby from a timeline where Norman, Steven and Marge died to one where they survived. If we expand this, we could say that in that timeline Ruby died, but Celebi transferred a living one there so he could be happy and the other survivors too, maybe as a way of appreciating on helping cleaning up the mess?

  • I'm not sure how the translation works, but I always thought that Celebi's powers work something like "reversing the effect of time", therefore what it did was reverse the death "event" of Steven, Norman and Marge/Courtney.
    • Word for word, it says Ruby's in a "slightly different future". Also the Ruby and Sapphire chapter suggests that people lose energy to the point where they can die if they use legendary Pokemon. Yet in previous chapters, several characters made use of legendaries and were fine, further suggesting that it is a different timeline.
      • Nobody has a problem with controlling weaker legendaries. Upper-tier legendaries, now that's a problem, and those indeed need some help. Mewtwo: cancer, then later developed a human conscious, so no prob there. Lugia and Ho-oh: freaky mask made of god knows how many crushed Gym Badges, not to mention Lance previously tried to control Lugia with a giant badge amplifier. The Weather Trio: the orbs. Dialga and Palkia: the Red Chain.
      • Mewtwo was unstable and it only affected Blaine because they shared DNA that caused them both fatigue. If Mewtwo were to allow another trainer to command him, they wouldn't have had the same problems. And even if he did have immense power, he was a scientific, geneticly created, artificial lifeform, why would commanding him cause the trainer to randomly start dying? The badges were to make the Pokemon obey the person in the first place, this is based on their game ability of making higher level Pokemon obey you. It wasn't to prevent you from dying. And exactly what constitutes upper and lower legendaries? Steven died controlling the Regis. And Norman had lord knows how many Balance Badges, being the Gym Leader of Petalburg, and still died when he used Rayquaza. His and Steven's later survival hints that in the new timeline they were able to control their legendaries without too many problems.
      • Thought Steven died from the exhaustion of everything he had to do up to fighting at Sootopolis, which included waking up the Regis. The Hoenn Elite Four had no problem controlling the Regi assigned to them. Also, I doubt that Norman was holding fifty or so badges with him. And there are upper and lower legendaries. You don't say Moltres is in the same tier as Arceus. Legendaries have varying base stats; by looking at them, you can tell which legendary vastly overpowers another. Also, I have a feeling that only the Weather Trio does the dying bit; any other upper-tier legendary just wouldn't listen to you otherwise.
      • Walace says that use of the Regis took a toll on all of them but Steven the most, and it's subtle but the Elite Four shows signs of fatigue just from using the Pokemon, and remember two people were each controlling a Regi, supposedly for this reason. And since you're arguing game mechanics with me, he didn't need 50 or so badges, in the games you usually get eight. And Norman said he didn't control it completely anyway. And if you're going to argue base stats, Mewtwo has the same base stat as Kyogre, Groudon and Rayquaza. And the Regis have the same base stat as the legendary birds or legendary beast trio. And even if we assume that you're right here, the original argument still stands, Ruby says he's in a "slightly different timeline". Again word for word. And outside of the RS chapter, no one has died using a legendary. And while Maxi and Archie's use of the Red and Blue Orbs may have helped them control Kyogre and Groudon, the Green Orb was never finished in either timeline. So the way I see it is that using Rayquaza didn't kill Norman in the new timeline, meaning that if nothing else, using Rayquaza isn't deadly in the new timeline. And your metaphor doesn't work, no Pokemon shares a base stat with Arceus, therefore no one is in his "teir".
      • If controlling legendaries is supposed to kill you then explain Deoxys.
      • Of course everyone was fatigued during the battle of Sootopolis. They were fighting for a couple days straight! Okay, upper and lower tier legendaries, just look at the Battle Frontier to see what counts. The legendary birds, the legendary dogs, the Regis, and the lake guardians are all lower-tiers, as the Frontier have no problem with you using them.
      • Alright, while I'm still convinced that controlling the Regis negatively impacted Steven and the others, I'll just let you have the point that it might not have been. That still doesn't explain why "higher teirs" like Mewtwo and Deoxys can be controlled without any problems. And your "feeling that it's only the weather trio" has no ground either, it never states that anywhere.
      • Mewtwo and Blaine were okay (sorta) due to their shared link, and Mewtwo eventually gained a more human conscious so it could choose who it fought alongside with. Deoxys? Fanwank, but maybe Red's blood had to do with that. Also, Dialga and Palkia had to be controlled with the Red Chain. Maybe if Cyrus forcibly tried to control them on his own, it might have been more strenuous.
      • Red's blood is a bit of a stretch, especially considering Giovanni was the one using him for most of the chapter. Mewtwo and Blaine's link is what was causing them problems in the first place, they needed Entei to heal it. For that matter, Mewtwo didn't develope any significantly higher brain functions between GSC and FRLG, we're just hearing his side of the telepathic conversations this time around. Anyway, this is getting really long and we're going in circles. It doesn't seem like either of us is going to convince the other so maybe we should just drop this debate.
      • No prob. I had fun wanking with you.
      • That sounds so wrong. XD

N is gifted by the Viridian Forest.[]

To go up with the WMG near the top of the page. Well, we need some way to explain his Doctor Dolittle abilities and it would seem weird to have it come from any other way in the Pokespe-verse. As to how he got it, maybe when he was a kid he was sent to the Forest after all, it was full of tortured Pokemon he could interact with, leftover from the Rocket experiments. The Forest saw what a well-meaning, empathic kid he was and decided to gift him despite him not being born there. Also, him having been at Kanto would explain on how he knows what a Pokedex is and what has been done for the sake of its research (ie, capturing a lot of Pokemon. I hope he never meets Crystal) despite it just being recently introduced in the faraway Unova region.

    • This works out with the fact that around power-granting time, all the locals were scared shitless of the rampaging Pokemon as well as the fact that no strong trainers ever passed by because the missing Gym Leader, meaning that N was even more likely to not interact with other humans. Of course, this potentially makes Geechisu a bigger asshole seeing how this means he dumped a small child in a forest full of rampaging Pokemon that could've killed him.
  • I hope not. It's been established that you have to be BORN in the forest to get it's powers, you can't just go there. It would feel like such an Ass Pull, and if the forest were to just randomly give a person the powers if they're empathetic towards Pokemon, then why doesn't Red have the Viridian powers? He was there, he's empathetic, I mean he's the one who noticed that Kangaskhan was protecting it's child. He gave Yellow, easily the more empathetic person with the powers compared to Lance and arguably the most empathetic character in the series, her life philosophy, "treat Pokemon with a kind and gentle heart, and they'll always be your friends".
      • Hey, maybe N just got there first ^-^. But seeing how there are already people in the Pokespe world with the power to understand Pokemon through telepathy-like abilities, who were granted said powers through supernatural means, it seems like an asspull to me that someone just randomly get it out of nowhere. You can't just say it was because N grew up with Pokemon, or else Gold could do it too. If Pokespe does handwave it through some other source of magic power (maybe the Goddesses?), I'll back off. Though the "every ten year" rule thing the Forest supposedly has means there has to be some people out there with the powers.
      • Well then shouldn't N be a seven year old? Maybe there's a machine that lets him do it that we're not aware of. Maybe he's just a really good guesser lol.
  • Objection! During his battle with Black, N claims not to be able to hear the voices of Pokemon when they're in their Poke Balls. Yellow has been shown to be able to read minds and is hinted to be able to mentally communicate with Pokemon regardless of whether or not they are in their Poke Ball. Exhibit A: Her talk with Mewtwo during her fight with Lance while he was in his Master Ball. Exhibit B: She used her powers to see what Pika saw when she put him in a Poke Ball to squeeze through a hole in the cave she and Bill were trapped in. Secondly, N has not been shown to possess the healing abilities of the Viridian Forest or any powers previously displayed by Lance or Yellow. And more importantly, being able to understand Pokemon when they try to communicate or quote "Doctor Dolittle abilities" is different from reading minds, as thoughts do not always come in the form of a verbal phrase and indeed written thought balloons in any comic or manga are meant to give the reader an idea of what the character is thinking, not an exact verbal sentence fromed in the brain. Therefore, N does NOT have the powers of the Viridian Forest. Indeed his powers may not even be supernatural they may just appear that way, only time will tell as the story progresses.
      • I'm having far too much fun defending my fan-wank which I admit is probably not true. Yes, Yellow can hear a Pokemon that's in a Pokeball; however, she's always shown holding it when she does so. She has been shown that she can hear a Pokemon even if she's not touching it a la Deoxys (though it is easier for her when she does). N can hear a Pokemon just fine during a battle, but he's never heard a Pokemon in a Pokeball because his repulsion for the balls means he never got close enough to one to hear the 'mon inside. Also, he didn't heal his Pokemon during the battle because he thought it wouldn't be appropriate for him to fall down and fall asleep. Also, hearing a Pokemon's thoughts in sort of human language still counts as Viridian powers, or else Yellow wouldn't have been able to give all that exposition from Deoxys. I doubt she would've understood anything if she was just shown its memories. SO IT STILL WORKS.
      • Doesn't N get right next to White and Black though? Do you really think the distance is enough. I mean it was never stated that Lance and Yellow had more trouble reading the thoughts of Pokemon, and not being able to hear them would make more sense if it were a vocal thing, not a mental thing. Especially when you consider that N's powers focus more on voices than thoughts. And in the Mewtwo example, Yellow read what Mewtwo was feeling rather than a vocalized thought, in the case of Deoxys it was specifically trying to talk through Yellow, because it needed to be vocal. Also throughout the Yellow chapter, Lance heals his Pokemon with no negative consequences. Not relevant to the argument but maybe it's just Yellow who has that problem.
      • N wasn't touching the Pokeballs, so he couldn't hear the Pokemon inside. Also, he spent the entirety of the battle listening, so using anything else would have risked knocking him out. Yellow uses her powers more often than Lance to make up for her sub par battling skills, so she's more at risk than he is of falling unconscious.
      • Not really, Lance heals his Pokemon some five or six times and is fine. Yellow got drowzy after reading Pika's mind in her battle with Lorelei. And Yellow's battling skills aren't really sub par so much as they are different. She just doesn't like hurting the other Pokemon and tries other methods. She's kind of like the Shaolin Monk to most other character's Samurai, in that the Shaolin don't kill and Samurai do. Similarly, Yellow tries not to hurt the opponent unless it's a last resort, whilst other characters just go at it.
      • Hold it! And speaking of holding, Yellow wasn't holding Mewtwo's Master Ball when she heard him either, it was in her belt pouch.
    • As a matter of fact, Yellow is in fact capable of understanding Pokemon as if they were speaking a human language. It happened with Lance's Dragonite.
  • Alternativly, N was only conceived in the forest, thus getting a weaker version of the power.
  • Maybe Team Plasma knew about the Viridian forest, and tried to replicate it through experiments within their castle. N was the result of these. Since the powers are man-made and not natural, they are weaker.

Platinum caught Regigigas[]

Just look at chapter 400. It should tell you everything.

    • She did. Or more accurately, it followed her, knowing it would be needed. And now it's part of Dia's team.
  • And according to the Pokemon Ranger manga, Platinum'll get a Manaphy egg too.

The Dub eye colors are the correct ones[]

This trope is the basis for this tree. The "correct" names are still the Japanese ones, though.

Red's gloves aren't really fingerless[]

Super Nerd was able to make an invisible insulated coating that went over his skin from the cloth on Red's glove. Plus, all of Lt. Surge's clothing was supposedly insulated, but not only were his gloves fingerless but his outfit was short sleeved. So perhaps Lt. Surge's gloves weren't fingerless and he had an insulated coating on his arms and fingers. It makes sense that he would have an outfit made to resemble a military uniform, since he was comfortable with it. And Super Nerd being able to make the coating suggests that Red's gloves may not be fingerless at all, and may just have clear fingers made from such a coating.

Yellow's parents' names are Satoshi and Mato[]

This is based on the Trivia that says Yellow's Fisherman uncle is named Hidenori. Her uncle has been shown to have raised her at least partly and is resposible for the kind of person she is. Just like the actual writer, Hidenori Kusaka. And who's resposible for the way she looks? Biological parents, and the artists. And ever so conveniently, we've had two artists. One male and one female. So wherever her parents are that's their names! Okay, I'm not being serious. WMG is for fun. ;)...And Emerald is her long lost little brother but no one knows it! Idea copyright of this troper(Its Just Marty). Haha, would that make Yellow's surname Yamamoto?

  • Well, it does go along with the blonde hair. And the shortness.

Cheren and Bianca are looking for the Unova legendaries.[]

With their Dexes broken, they were given another mission from Prof. Juniper. This will involve looking for the Musketeer trio and the Kami trio, and during the League showdown, Cheren and Bianca will show up Big Damn Heroes style with the Legendaries to kick Plasma ass. (Also, this will conveniently get most of the fifth-gen Legendaries out of the way to make room for the inevitable third version arc.)

  • Jossed: They're only doing their own thing while waiting for them to be fixed.

White will get an Emolga.[]

Because if she got the obligatory Pika-clone, she will have to name it Gaga. And that would be glorious.

Ghetsis was the one who wished for immortality to Jirachi 1000 years ago[]

Considering that Sird has already been proven as a Team Galactic chick, as well as potentially Charon's daughter, this removes her entirely from the Jirachi wishlist. However, now in the BW Arc, we can turn our heads to look at the leader of Team Plasma, having a very medieval style, which could be a leftover from his memories of the past coupled with his wish to go back to the good ol' days, where those who had control over Pokemon ruled the world. He could even see normal people getting Pokemon as the ultimate offense to nobility and true power, so this rounds up his motivation for "freeing Pokemon".

  • Well, there's nothing to say that Sird is Charon's daughter, so she possibly made the last wish.

Crystal has been to Unova and met N.[]

Kusaka's Twitter says she has a Sigilyph, a Unova Pokemon (why she needs another Psychic/Flying is beyond me). Prior to HGSS, she might have gone to Unova to deliver the Pokedexes to Prof. Juniper, then caught some Pokemon for herself. N sees her catching Pokemon and recording them in her Dex, he asks her what she's doing, and he learns what a Pokedex is from her.

  • Actually, it was a misreading of his tweet. He uses シンボル (symbol, talking about Crystal's star symbol), and not シンボラー (Sigilyph).

Dia and Pearl will encounter Deoxys in Veilstone City.[]

Deoxys mentions going to a faraway land that has a meteor that can help Deoxys change forms at will. Veilstone City has meteors.

  • Considering they're traveling around Sinnoh, why not?
  • And if Sird finds out about Deoxys?
    • REVENGE!
      • than that means Dia and Pearl maybe be in some deep ****!
    • Sorry, but no. The far away land in question is Kanto. There are four meteors in Pewter City in Heart Gold and Soul Silver that let you do that specifically. That one was clearly a callback, not foreshadowing.
      • Considering that Deoxys was in Kanto when it said it would go find meteorites in a faraway land, I doubt that that's what Deoxys meant. Besides, not everything in the games makes it into the manga canon, or else we'd have the Viridian Forest chopped down and Cinnabar Island destroyed in the GSC arc.

Lorelei will become the Mahogany Gym Leader.[]

The Mahogany Gym has presumably been empty for quite awhile. Lorelei is a powerful, unemployed Ice-type trainer whose trustworthy-ness can be vouched by the Professor Oak, Bill, and the Kanto Dex Holders.

  • Seems like a good possibility.

Mewtwo's Big Fraggin' Spoon is really a TwistedSpoon[]

What better item to use for the strongest Psychic Type to use to amplify his powers?

N is going to become the lead character for Gray.[]

At some point in Black and White or the RSEmake arcs, it will be revealed that N is an orphan/was stolen by Ghetsis, and is actually named Gray. He'll be the main character for the Gray arc.

  • Alternatively, he's truly Ghetsis's son, but was renamed from his birth name (Gray > Nezu > N; or also Gray > Void > Null > N) while being brainwashed into obeying fully and being the freaky person he is in the manga. It would serve Plasma's objectives better to have an unquestioning leader figure, after all... In other words, an abusive childhood changed him from Gray to N. Also, we can still hope the next arc is called Gray; we don't even know.
    • Brainwashing sounds like something Plasma would do, because you're right; it would make things much easier for them if their leader was completely unquestioning of the whole thing. And it doesn't really matter what the arc is called, Gray is just a placeholder at this point.
    • Jossed, in some way. N's real name is confirmed to be Naturia Harmonia Gropius. Not sure where Gropius came from, so he's got an interesting past to work through. But he can't be Gray, not with his true name.

Rotom will simultaneously control all five appliances at once and form a Humongous Mecha.[]

The preview for volume 40 indicates a giant epic showdown between all the Sinnoh legendaries, and Rotom will be included. Let's face it, Rotom's not a real legendary and would never be able to hold up its own against the others. However, he and Dia will have watched/read his favorite series, which will give it the idea to turn itself into a combining mecha.

    • suddenly made me very excited to read Volume 40.
    • Jossed. Rotom does not simultaneously control all five appliances... but it does control Dia's toy robot and somehow saves the day in it.

Sird is a sixth-or-higher generation shape-shifting legendary psychic Pokémon. Jupiter is a related Pokémon and they share a psychic link.[]

It's likely Kusaka does have at least a little influence in the games just by looking at stuff like the reveal of Silver as Giovanni's son in HGSS so I wouldn't put it past him to ask Game Freak to create a Pokémon with specific powers in one of the next gens. Considering Sird's still on the run and we don't know if she'll reappear in Unova just yet, he could be saving the reveal of who she really is for the sixth gen games. Being a Pokémon would at least explain all the crazy stunts she pulls off (opening the jammed trunk of the car Maxie and Archie were in and getting them to that white void space, breaking free from Lorelei's ice voodoo by herself and mind-controlling the Galactic grunt with a finger poke); moreover, Jupiter could either be her sister, or they could be two halves of the same entity. In any case, they're psychically bonded and they both feel the same things (can't think of any other explanation as to why Jupiter would've got frostbite at the same time and in the same place as Sird). Basically, they'd be kinda like an evil counterpart to Latios and Latias.

The Shadow Triad is really Cilan, Cress, and Chili.[]

Well, look at the masks the Shadow Triad wear in their onscreen appearance. Then look carefully at the heads of each of the monkeys. Kinda similar design, huh. There is no way this is a coincidence.

  • In a recent chapter, they are seen using Pokemon, unlike in the games. Those Pokemon are Lilligant, Larvesta, and Basculin; a Grass, Fire (and Bug), and Water type respectively. They also have the same poses as the trio had in their intro chapter.
  • This would explain why they never show up to fight the Seven Sages with the others!

Sird's Darkrai... the same one from the Pokémon Mystery Dungeon games, or at least based on it.[]

The author has already done adaptions of the Pokémon Ranger series, and if I recall he'll do some Canon Welding with it. Some of the crazy stunts Sird has pulled off can be explained by her Darkrai and the villanous Darkrai from the Explorers games being one and the same. To wit: The Explorers Darkrai can time travel, distort space and time for various effects, including boosting his speed and spreading nightmares and darkness everywhere, teleport vast distances, is a good enough Chessmaster that he made Dialga AND Palkia his pawns... that Darkrai is a low-level Reality Warper at least. At the very least, if this theory is true, it would at least explain how Sird both rescued Archie and Maxie and took them to a white void area, and possibly how she can brainwash people.

At age 10 you're legally an adult[]

That explains why no one cares about the characters having jobs.

There will not be a Black and White 2 chapter[]

Instead, the Black and White chapter will just incorporate Black and White 2 elements into it. The eleventh chapter will be whatever game comes out after Black and White 2.

Bertha is Agatha in disguise[]

She just barely changed her name (in Japanese from Kikuko->Kikuno), her clothes, but more important her personality and pokemon type in order to redeem herself and start over again in a new region. She will be put in a dilemma when she finds out that the grand daughter of Oak, Daisy, is in Sinnoh too.