Here. Exactly What It Says on the Tin: It's a dressing room for Pokémon characters. It is also one of the most awesome dressing rooms out there.
Tropes used in Pokedressing include:
- Alternate Universe: Which is to be expected; it's a dressing room, after all. Most don't have much longevity, but some of the more prominent ones include:
- 1kverse, an Alternate Timeline of Pokémon Special in which the petrified Holders were not unpetrified.
- Fantasyverse/Faeverse/Magicverse/thatoneAUaboutmagicthatnobodyhasdecidedonanameforyet.
- The Olderverse/Warverse
- The Surrogateverse.
- And at times there are Crossover AU's.
- Back From the Dead: Every character at least once, if they don't idle out. Often handwaved with a Ho-Oh revival or the island bringing them back.
- Cast Full of Gay: This isn't so surprising when you remember that the vast majority of LJRPers are female.
- Cast Herd: It's called CR in LJRP.
- Crap Saccharine World: Many characters have come to see the island as some version of this. Just as many others, though, genuinely enjoy their time there, turning it into an in-universe Your Mileage May Vary.
- Crowning Moment of Awesome: So many. There have been many assembled attempts at Team Takeovers, all organized impressively despite the place being a Dressing Room.
- Team Galactic attempted to control Arceus to take over the island. Epic ensued.
- Team Rocket attempted to control the sentient Island. With Radio Frequencies. Epic ensued.
- Crowning Moment of Funny: More than can be listed.
- Darker and Edgier: Many, many AU's. There is only so much light hearted crack one can play out after all.
- Gang of Hats: Team Galactic are notable offenders in that they never make any effort to conceal their uniforms or emblems. Cipher averts this, and the Rockets vary depending on their universe of origin.
- Golden Age: A year ago there were a bunch of really active players. Now, they all seem to have moved on to other things.
- Launcher of a Thousand Ships: It's said that even the Island itself ships people. "Crack" pairings happen all the time.
- Loads and Loads of Characters: By virtue of being a) a popular dressing room, and b) a popular Pokemon dressing room.
Tropes relating to notable castmembers:[]
- Archer (rulebyradio):
- Berserk Button: Do not do anything that may bring harm to Silver or Giovanni around him.
- Ho Yay: With Proton (paid_in_flesh). And how.
- Smug Snake
- The Dragon: For Giovanni.
- Villainous Breakdown: After the attempted Rocket takeover.
- Archie (mediatempest) and Maxie (oceansbane):
- Evil Feels Good
- Foe Yay: And they are shameless.
- Loss of Identity: Maxie indicates that possession by Groudon led to this, repeatedly claiming that he "doesn't exist anymore." Archie hasn't commented either way, but if certain habits are anything to judge by, he isn't exactly himself anymore, either.
- Red Oni, Blue Oni: Maxie's manic, impulsive Red, contrasted with Archie's dissonantly calm Blue.
- Sanity Slippage: They're still feeling the effects of the end of the Ruby/Sapphire arc in Pokémon Special. They're not getting any better.
- The Only One Allowed to Defeat You
- There Can Be Only One: Given that it's a dressing room, there are often duplicate characters. Most take these doubles' existences more or less in stride. These two seem to be trying to kill theirs.
- Clarissa (bandagedbandit):
- Bandage Babe: Perpetually covered in bandages and plasters.
- Kick the Dog: Was stopped just in time from destroying a baby pokemon, and electrocuted Edelle (bandana_flames) into a coma. Has no issues with bullying children, either.
- May-December Romance: Eventually enters one with this Silver.
- Slap Slap Kiss: With Silver.
- Sticky Fingers
- The Klutz: Her clumsiness is the main reason for her never ending catalogue of injuries.
- Tsundere
- Cyrus (distorted_deity):
- A God Am I
- Nice Job Breaking It, Cyrus: He made a deal with Mesprit to remove his emotions in return for saving her life, thinking it was necessary to create his new world. The result wasn't pretty.
- The Stoic
- Not So Stoic: Once in a while, usually when dealing with Cynthia (landsharkchamp).
- Well-Intentioned Extremist
- Giovanni (of_the_land):
- "Quite the Magnificent Bastard, aren't you? And quite the Affably Evil one, to boot, with a rather impeccable ability to cause InsultBackfires. Of course, no one really wants to point this out to the resident head of The, or rather, the owner of that Legitimate Businessmen's Social Club over there. (Those Mooks, they are not subtle ones.) Ah, well. At least you seem to be a Man of Wealth and Taste, who seems to enjoy reveling in the fact that Damn, It Feels Good To Be A Gangster when appropriate."
- The above quote is credited to Dal.
- "Quite the Magnificent Bastard, aren't you? And quite the Affably Evil one, to boot, with a rather impeccable ability to cause InsultBackfires. Of course, no one really wants to point this out to the resident head of The, or rather, the owner of that Legitimate Businessmen's Social Club over there. (Those Mooks, they are not subtle ones.) Ah, well. At least you seem to be a Man of Wealth and Taste, who seems to enjoy reveling in the fact that Damn, It Feels Good To Be A Gangster when appropriate."
- Gold (mischiefbreeder):
- Badass Adorable: Togetaro. Though it's more like 'nightmare' adorable.
- Berserk Button: Just be careful if you tell Gold to his face that pokemon are nothing but tools or weapons.
- Determinator: More burning shonen spirit than your body has room for.
- Ships That Pass in the Night: Dating Yellow. Has been for almost a year now!
- Gold (stalkerwithacap):
- Anything That Moves
- I Know Karate: Knows Kendo (1st Kyu)
- Team Mom}}: Both towards his friends and to his growing collection of hatched pokemon
- Paul (battlestandby):
- Break the Haughty: Especially on the island.
- Berserk Button: Do not mess with his family, adopted or otherwise.
- Character Development: He turned from an absoulte douche, to a jerk who's not actually that bad of a guy.
- Proton (paid_in_flesh):
- Berserk Button: His working relationship with Archer (rulebyradio) depends on these - Archer often controls Proton through suggestions and touch, pressing and releasing specific mental triggers until Proton gives the desired reaction (usually in the form of Unstoppable Rage or an Ax Crazy rampage). These methods tend to look a bit...interesting.
- Archer himself seems to be the closest thing Proton has to a Morality Chain.
- Cute and Psycho: Seems a classy enough bastard with that cool tone of his, but there's something incredibly sinister behind that veil of politeness.
- Kick the Dog: With no qualms about impaling a knife into the hand of another trainer's Ledyba and openly killing and dismembering wild pokemon to relieve boredom, he doesn't so much kick the dog as he does stab it.
- Knife Nut: Keeps an impressive assortment of blades on him at all times, which he is more than happy in bury into anyone who gets in Team Rocket's way. Has an almost childish fascination for the two recently-acquired bladed members of his pokemon team.
- Stepford Smiler: To quote his userinfo: "It's almost always a very, very bad sign if he's smiling. And Proton smiles a lot." He's a Type C, though there are hints that he started out as a Type A - he's just been like that so long that he can't give genuine displays of emotion anymore.
- The Nicknamer: Has aptly named Jupiter (g3_jupiter) "Sister Peace" and Clarissa (bandagedbandit) "Princess", whilst Silver (tsuuuun) might as well not have a name outside of "brat" as far as Proton's concerned.
- Berserk Button: His working relationship with Archer (rulebyradio) depends on these - Archer often controls Proton through suggestions and touch, pressing and releasing specific mental triggers until Proton gives the desired reaction (usually in the form of Unstoppable Rage or an Ax Crazy rampage). These methods tend to look a bit...interesting.
- Silver (nameissilver):
- Belligerent Sexual Tension: With Clarissa
- Cry Cute: Several times.
- Daddy Issues: Hooo boy...
- Launcher of a Thousand Ships: Had a crush on Lance, sexual tension with a girl named Ria, and is now dating Clarissa. Was also hinted to have a crush on Ethan and Lyra at the same time back in the old days.
- Tsundere: Type A