Pony Fantasy VI is a Romhack of Final Fantasy VI that replaces the game's cast and NPCs with the characters of My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic. It was created by Boss Man John 1. A Let's Play series by Fluffy Piefy can be found starting here.
Tropes used in Pony Fantasy VI include:
- Alternate Universe: Although the world of FFVI is very different from Equestria, the characters of My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic maintain their personalities for some rather interesting reactions to the game's events.
- Beware the Silly Ones: Is it any surprise that Discord was cast for the role of Kefka?
- Boisterous Bruiser: Luna, retaining her ROYAL CANTERLOT SPEAKING VOICE from "Luna Eclipsed" fits into this, having replaced Sabin. Applejack also indulges this in the defense of Sweet Apple Castle.
- Break the Haughty: Being a stand-in for Celes, The World of Ruin does this for Trixie if she lets Sethisto die.
- Mood Dissonance: Emperor Gilda talks in a Totally Radical fashion while making what should be ominous proclamations. This is likely an intentional case of Narm Charm.
- Mythology Gag: Despite being set in an Alternate Universe from the series, more than a few references are sprinkled in.
- Two soldiers talking about Discord mention they wouldn't trust him to pour them a glass of chocolate milk.
- While examining the frozen Esper in Neigshe. Luna muses on how terrible it must be to be frozen and imprisoned for a thousand years. Celestia can only give a "..."
- Not His Sled: Fluttershy, filling in for Shadow, shoos Angel Bunny away and opts to stay behind as Discord's Tower comes down around her ears in the game's ending as atonement for her failings. Rainbow Dash takes exception and drags her to safety.
Rainbow Dash: I'm NOT leaving you here Fluttershy...We all have regrets...and I'm not gonna let this be one of mine! |
- Punny Name: Quite a few towns have been renamed with horse-themed puns as per tradition. Narshe is now Neigshe, Zozo is now Las Pegasus, Maranda is now Mareanda, etc.
- Shout-Out: If you talk to Pinkie Pie while watching the opera, she talks about watching a theater production called Manos: The Hooves of Fate which she describes as "Soooooooo boring and creepy" but that the boredom was alleviated by some guys sitting in the front row making fun of the movie.
- There is also an NPC in Stalliongrad who asks "Who is funnier? Mike or Joel?" Picking "Joel" summons guards to fight.
- There are also at least two Skyrim references. Naturally at least ONE GUARD will talk of being retired due to an arrow in the knee, and there is an enemy in the game who can blow an ally with Fus-Ro-Dah.
- Both Luna and Applejack have had moves renamed from the original FFVI moveset to refer to other games. Sabin's Blitz is now Hadouken, while Cyan's Tiger/Slash is now Ryuenjin.
- The Dev Team Thinks of Everything: Other than rearranging character movesets around for appropriate ponies such as Edgar's Tools for Apple Bloom, there are a few neat battle details. One example is whenever Luna uses Hadouken, instead of using her fists, her sprite roars with the ROYAL CANTERLOT VOICE.
- WTH? Casting Agency: Lauren Faust's pony alter-ego stands in for Gogo.