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The third part of Generation 4 of My Little Pony, alongside Friendship Is Magic and Equestria Girls.
Pony Life is a Lighter and Softer Alternate Continuity more focused on comedy than Character Development or Aesops, and following the "two shorts" formats for episodes. The animation is also simpler.
The Mane Six now reside in Sugarcube Corner (which is fully owned by Pinkie Pie, after the Cakes gave it to her). They go on wacky adventures and drink potions that cause strange effects.
Tropes used in Pony Life include:
- Adaptational Heroism: Discord and Trixie are introduced as heroes from the get go.
- Adaptational Jerkass: Not that the original Fluttershy didn't have some darker moments, but this one is a full on Cute and Psycho.
- Adaptational Villainy: Fancy Pants now acts like his Canterlot Elite peers acted in the original show.
- Adaptational Wimp: Twilight knows about magic, but isn't very good at it.
- Adaptation Name Change: Derpy is now officially "Muffins".
- Adaptation Species Change: Twilight is portrayed as an alicorn from the start, rather than a unicorn who became an alicorn.
- Adapted Out: The Cakes. There's one episode establishing that they gave Sugarcube Corner to Pinkie before the events of the show, and that's it.
- Attack of the 50 Foot Whatever: Fluttershy can grow to giant size at will.
- Demoted to Extra: Spike and Celestia.
- While the original show was an ensemble, Twilight was still the lead and the most likely to be the focus. Here, she's often sidelined in favour of Pinkie's wacky antics.
- Denser and Wackier
- Flanderization: With the exception of Fluttershy, the Mane 6 are now one-dimensional parodies of their original counterparts.
- Fourth Wall Observer: Applejack.
- Lighter and Softer
- Merchandise-Driven
- Promoted to Love Interest: Fluttershy is crushing on Discord.
- Shout-Out: Friends might call "The Root of It", "The One Where Ponies Imitate Us."