- Alternative Character Interpretation: Built upon this.
- Big Lipped Alligator Moment: Muffins. It came out of nowhere, makes absolutely no sense and it's so insane it might be the result of Muffin intoxication.
- Harsher in Hindsight: In a way 'Lesson Zero' is this story inverted.
- Ron the Death Eater: Yet another in that long, long list of stories that tries to darken Celestia.
- Unfortunate Implications: The idea of Dash and Fluttershy becoming an Official Couple had shades of this, given that they got together while the former was Kissing Under the Influence. Listening to these concerns, the author Retconned and revised the ending to avoid this.
- There is also the fact that Twilight basically controls the others among other things, and keeps them sane and alive.