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  • It's a website dominated by bronies. Love and Tolerance is the norm.
    • On a confessions thread where users confess their secrets, one user, Arcesious (Member of the Lunar Uprising), posted "Oh what stories does Arc have... Lemme think... Well I don't really have a whole lot to confess about... If anything... And I don't want to put myself in a depressed mood by typing up any sort of post that entails unconfidence in myself... I've done that before, gotten a response, I know what I have to do to deal with those unmentioned issues... Dang, Ponychan, you guys have helped me out so much with my personal problems that I don't have anything to confess!".
    • Also many people who posted threads on Ponychan in dire need in help. Whether they needed help to be more social, had a car accident, or were contemplating suicide. On most chans they would have been taken as a joke and laughed at. On Ponychan, which is pretty much Crowning Moment of Heartwarming incarnate, everypony always replied with advice, reassurance, love, tolerance and friendship. Again this not only shows how Ponychan is but how the whole fandom is. Unlike pretty much every other fanbase on the internet, the bronies treat each other with respect, love, care, and tolerance. Their is this natural bond and kinmanship between them. They have each other's backs. Heck, there were so many people that had problem threads and needed advice that on Non-Pony, there is a thread at the top that is dedicated to giving general advice about any problem so that the people who are too afraid to speak of their problems, don't have to. The picture in the first post sets the mood perfectly.