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The comics[]

  • After 70 years of being a father figure, Popeye officially adopted Swee'pea in a Sunday strip from November 21, 2004 in celebration of National Adoption Month. This was also marked by a special event held in New York City.

The cartoons[]

  • The finale to Goonland.

Popeye: I just found me pappy/And now I am happy.
Pappy: I'm Popeye the sailor's old man.
(both toot their pipes in unison)

  • The song "What Can I Do For You" from Aladdin And His Wonderful Lamp.
  • Fightin' Pals.
  • Never Sock A Baby. Especially the ending.
  • "Fowl Play" has a song Popeye trained a parrot to sing to Olive.