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  • Early in the film we see Popeye keeps a picture frame with the words Me Poppa in place of a picture. The CMOH comes later when we see Pappy has an identical picture frame with the words Me Son.
  • Pick a Popeye/Swee'pea moment. Any Popeye/Swee'pea moment.
  • During the Sail With Me/Stay With Me song, Olive and Popeye sing about the futures they hope Swee'pea will have. There's a part where Olive is singing about how Popeye might be the guy she's been dreaming of, and that she hopes that he'll settle down with her.
  • The "He Needs Me." number. It starts with Popeye lamenting about Swee'pea's kidnapping. He also regrets the way he treated Olive regarding her involvement with the child. Even wishing she'd be with him to at least help him raise Swee'Pea. Olive is seen overhearing his lamentation and sings a song about how touched she is about being needed by him.

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