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So you've just parked up your spaceship on this new planet, and WOW! Everything is beautiful and sparkly, with every kind of pleasure available to satisfy you.

However, there's no place like home, so you decide to make your merry way back to Earth, which is when the problems begin... You see, this place would rather like you to stay, ideally forever, and if it can't have you, no one can.

Essentially, it's a sentient setting with a possessive Yandere complex for anyone unfortunate enough to visit. Or fortunate enough, if you fancy staying to enjoy the party. Sometimes, however, the party is just a build-up to you being the main course...

Examples of Possessive Paradise include:

Anime & Manga[]

  • In the Memories episode Magnetic Rose, when Heintz tries to break free from the ship, and take Miguel with him, the ship starts to employ certain measures, such as eating their ship, and sending little lazer-firing cherubs after Heintz.
