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Nobody is entitled to spoil others' guessing and fun, regardless of affiliation.

The MIB are unemployed/unneeded[]

  • Everybody knows about the disasters with aliens that have appeared in the past with the Power Puff Girls, XJ9, Monkey and some Dexter's adventures. The MIB are getting their asses kicked because they aren't actually needed anymore and are out of practice since their job was to make sure people didn't knew about aliens and... well...

The cluster isn't a huge threat[]

  • This is the reason why more established heroes who are said to exist in the "bleedman-verse" haven't taken part in the battles. They are too under the radar to receive any real attention... for now. At which point...
    • As of 7/21/11 the Men in Black have taken to the field. It's also entirely worth noting that while comparisons across different styles of show are difficult but the Powerpuff girls seem like they'd be on par all but the most powerful super heroes in terms of sheer power. It's more likely at that either the other groups are by and large unaware of the Cluster or are dealing with more immediate threats. You can't really worry about what the Cluster might do tommorow if they get through the PP Gs if your busy stopping Darkseid from doing something today.

There will be a Battle Royale With Cheese[]

Professor X is Dick Hardly[]

He somehow survived the fire/explosion after his army of clones rebelled against him, and the mutation caused by the Chemical X gave him super intelligence a la Brainiac. He later joined forces with the Cluster to take over the world and used their technology to engineer Bell. That explains how he knows so much about the girls.

  • That also explain where the hell Bell came from.
    • It also explains his name.
  • If so, then it's also given him a personality shift. Professor X is a tad Affably Evil and seems like a decent parent, yet Dick Hardly...isn't.

Bell will make a Heel Face Turn[]

I wish there was a way I could elaborate on why I said that, but there isn't. I'm just gonna use the cop-out "I feel it in my bones". Sorry if you were expecting more.

Mandark will be revived[]

Well, what do you suppose his sister's going to do with the glasses she picked up at the wreckage?

  • Take up his mantle to kill Dexter and his loved ones? Or maybe join up with Black Eden?
    • He's a super genius. It's possible he'll be saved through a time paradox (a la ego trip), or he'll be revived as a cyborg.

Dee-Dee will be revived[]

Evidenced here. Though it's entirely possible she means she's gonna get reincarnated, but the way she says it kinda means...

Later crossovers will include Adult Swim shows.[]

The proof is in Grim Tales. Doesn't the person to the left of Mandy look like a young Dr. Girlfriend to you?

  • Nope. Looks like Gaz.
  • Maybe he meant the other left.

Sparky isn't dead[]

You read correctly, folks.

You see, Sparky's been eating his everlasting corndog (see the eternal elixir episode) so often for so long that he's gained some degree of immortality. You are what you eat, and every bite of immortal corndog has a little eternal elixir in it...

When AMAZO discovered the wreckage of the Starcruiser, he sensed Sparky's mortal, normally-irreversable wounds, but not the essence of eternal elixir from the corndog workings its magic on Sparky's system.

As for X-5... well, he's a robot.

The Powerpuff Girls Doujinshi universe is the human world in Sugar Bits[]

There isn't anything saying that it isn't, and they're by the same guy.

Dex-star will appear to fight the Cluster[]

Dexter made a reference to being a superhero early on, but only used his backpack robot. He's seen using Dex-Star's throwing D's while assaulting Mandark's fortress, so it's possible he'll don the full regalia when it's his turn to step up to the Cluster's horde.

Some of the concepts and characters made by Griddles will be alluded to or make an appearance, or even be put into the comic.[]

It's fairly clear that Bleedman is incredibly fond of the characters and concepts used by Griddles, so he may try to implement them into the canon.

  • Griddles is writing another Bleedman comic, After Birth, so his input and influence will show some way or another...
    • Mindsnare from Sugar Bits is Griddles' character, and it's hinted that another of his characters will debut in After Birth. It's only a matter of time before PPGD notices his work too.

The Red Hooded Girl in the second Cartoon Character sheet is Aku Reborn.[]

Just look.

  • Not so much a reborn as possibly appearing in the past. Bleedman must have a reason as to why Jack's in the past, maybe his appearance will shed some light on it.
  • I don't think it is Aku Reborn. It is just an Alternate-Modern Day Aku. Since Jack is in the present, not the far-future, and the present day is not ruled by Aku, Aku had to go all stealthy to avoid certain samurai warriors and gather power and allies. Of course, since this is the Big Ham himself, the GREAT FLAMING EYEBROWS and the black "horn crown" kind of screw his attempts at stealth. Then again, this is a world with talking animals, giant robots, aliens, robots, time-travelers, mad scientists, the Grim Reaper, and a lot more strange things. His oddities can be a sort of Mundane Fantastic.

Dynamo will re-appear[]

And also, Megas and Dynamo will combine in a fight against the clusters.

  • God, how could forgett THIS!
  • Oh and don't forget that shortly into Grim Tales run Bleedman has a list of refrence pictures he needed for volume 2. Dexter and Family in those uniforms, the monster and the dex-robo were all on that list.

When Bleedman takes over the Invader Zim: Manifest Doom comic, it'll be retconned to fit within ppgd continuity.[]

Since he'd add his own art to it, it'd be safe to say that it'd be in the Bleedman universe too. It won't be much of a retcon, as it was like half a dozen pages and not much resembling a story (though I will miss the artwork, it was really cool.)

Honeydew is in the school in a uncover mission[]

  • In Dexter it's NEVER mentionated that Honeydew is a teacher, so, why is she teaching? easy, something it's happening in the school and she is trying to discover what it is. that, or she is vigilating the girls.

Professor X is Highbreed[]

Those Eyes. However only them remain from typical Highbreed appearance, as result of Ominitrix cure.

Puella Magi Madoka Magica will appear in some shape or form in the comic[]

My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic made into the comic, so why not Madoka?


Based on this page what I'm expecting to happen over the course of PPGD:

Otto from Time Squad replaced Jimmy Neutron and/ or Timmy Turner[]

According to this deviation Timmy and Jimmy were going to be part of the original plot, and after rereading Otto's portion of the comic, I pretty much realized he could of replaced one of them, because

  • Jimmy and Timmy are shown wearing the exact same outfit as Otto
  • Both Jimmy and Timmy have time traveled before
  • Ottos general personality is vague enough in the comic to have been meant for someone else
  • Larry and Ted Russell have lines similar sounding to either Jimmy's parents or Cosmo and Wanda
  • Otto's line about not helping Dee Dee because his job doesn't allow him too could of easily been replaced with something regaurding "Da Rulez"
  • Otto is said to be one of Dexter's closest friends, and both Dexter and Otto are geniuses... So is Jimmy

I guess Bleedman replaced them because its inferred that Timmy doesn't go to that school, and its established (via the Jimmy/ Timmy Power Hour Movies) that the two don't share the same universe