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  • The Pretty Cure franchise's Les Yay could fill a whole other wiki. High points include Nagisa and Honoka's night in bed together and The Movie of Futari wa Pretty Cure Splash Star almost in its entirety.
    • The Pretty Cure queen of Les Yay, however is a minor character named Yuka. Her first appearance vaguely implied that she might have a slight crush on Nagisa. Her third major appearance was kind of like that, except that instead of vaguely implying a slight crush, they stopped just short of outright saying she was in love, vaguely implied that Nagisa might return her feelings to some extent, and topped it all off by turning their emotions up to the maximum and sticking them in a bedroom together to do things not shown, after which they walked out together discussing who fell asleep when.
  • Heartcatch Pretty Cure has an example. Tsubomi develops a crush on the "handsome boy" Itsuki...who turns out to be a handsome girl. Tsubomi is heartbroken, lamenting that her first love ended so early. Then subsequent episodes give us Tsubomi almost slipping up and describing herself as attracted to Itsuki, the two acting very close as they fly towards the Heart Tree, Tsubomi fangirling over Itsuki with hearts in her eyes, a Sleep Cute scene, and a few instances that could be construed as Itsuki shyly flirting with Tsubomi.
  • The first episode of Suite Pretty Cure has the two main leads Hibiki Houjo and Kanade Minamino. Even without wearing any Shipping Goggles, you can see their argument as more as a lovers' spat than a dispute between childhood friends.
    • Kanade's father says he bakes cakes for his wife. Kanade repeats this almost word for word about Hibiki. The subtext isn't particularly "sub", and the show's barely started.
    • Hibiki and Kanade's Crash Into Hello in the start of a episode could be interpreted as a Accidental Kiss by some fans. And then there's the Siren-Sakura episode, who tries to focus on friendship but ends looking like a love triangle between Hibiki, Kanade and Siren/Sakura.
    • Kanade tenderly touches Hibiki's fingers with hers during their transformation. It can be seen as rather intimate.
    • This whole opening.