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One of many OC fics for the Pretty Cure franchise that have sprung up around Livejournal, this one is written by xdisc and features a "season" theme.

The Magical Land that this particular group needs to save is the Realm of Sky, which protects the weather of all worlds (but you probably shouldn't blame natural disasters on them). They kept the balance with the Season Keys, four immortal pieces of a tree. Yes, you read that right: two leaves and two twigs. In comes the evil group Neomonde, attempting to steal them. Rather than let that happen, ruler Princess Sora sent the Keys to Earth just before she was captured. In come three junior high school students, who become Cures with three of the Season Keys. (Later on, they're joined by a fourth member.) Time for some princess-saving, ladies.

The members of Pretty Cure are:[]

  • Kazeno Aki (Cure Autumn): The leader of the team, a typically ditzy mahou-shoujo leader with a love of cute guys and sweets. Can become very powerful under duress. Uses the power of wind.
  • Toumizu Rei (Cure Winter): Aki's childhood friend, an outgoing girl who says what's on her mind. Dreams of reciting poetry on stage, but her stage fright might hamper that. Uses the power of ice.
  • Natsuno Atsui (Cure Summer): An athletic newcomer to the trio who enjoys graphic design and nurses a crush on their homeroom teacher. Uses the power of heat.
  • Tsuitei Sakura (Cure Spring): The Fourth Ranger. Started out as an apathetic, Alpha Bitch-esque rival, but she eventually befriended the Cures and awakened as one during Episode 22. Uses the power of plants.
  • Sunny and Berry: The Mentor Mascots and Team Pets.
  • Easel: The Third Ranger to the mascots. He and Sunny don't like each other much.

The members of Neomonde are:[]

  • The Director: The Big Bad. His eyes are always closed. Usually.
  • Moszaryz: The Director's occasionally-unreliable Number Two. Has powers over metal.
  • Osmio and Onirk: Two unintelligent, octopus-like minions, used to guard the Princess' cage.
  • Belldandy: Alias Midorikawa Kane. A cold girl who infiltrates the Cures' ranks but begins to question her job after experiencing different emotions. Wields needles and uses the power of plants. Later becomes a Fifth Ranger to the Cures by the name of Lady Rainbow.
  • Furyze: A man who initially cares nothing about Neomonde's goal, simply enjoying to fight. Later on, he changes his mind and grows to embrace his job. Wields a whip and uses the power of ice.
  • Kajiaki: Alias Kanjitou Kaoru. She's said to be the most evil of the servants. Wields rings and uses the power of fire.
  • Clawind: A mature, attractive man who enjoys disguising himself as famous people. Wields a fan and uses the power of wind.
  • Whisdame: An evil seer with the ability to predict the future, although it's unknown how precise this is. She's most notable for introducing the more powerful Kichigaino.

Written in script format with short chapters, it's notable in that all of its characters performed well in the SaiFancharacter tournament held by the fanbase, with Atsui taking the crown at the end despite being up against Cure Rosa, the lead of Pretty Cure Perfume Preppy.

More character-specific tropes may be found here.

This fanfic contains examples of:[]