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This is a character sheet for the Pretty Sammy series.
Main Characters[]
Pretty Sammy / Sasami Kawai
- Badass Adorable: A rather mild case, but still, don't get her mad at you.
- Et Tu, Brute?
- Expy of Sasami Jurai from Tenchi Muyo!
- Frilly Upgrade: In the OAV, Pretty Sammy transforms into Hyper Sammy before casting her Pretty Coquettish Bomber.
- Girlish Pigtails: Just like that other famous magical girl.
- The Hero
- I Just Want to Be Normal
- Magical Girl: A classic example.
- Magical Girl Warrior: More so when she transforms into Hyper Sammy.
- Nice Job Breaking It, Hero: She is unknowingly responsible for Pixy Misa.
- Puppy Love: With Ryo-Ohki.
- Red Oni, Blue Oni:The red to Misa's blue.
- Transformation Trinket: Sammy's Baton.
- Talking To Herself: With Tsunami in both the Japanese and English versions.
- You Gotta Have Blue Hair
Pixy Misa/Misao Amano
- Anti-Villain
- Beneath the Mask / More Than Mind Control: Though the villains did need to put Misao into a trance to get the job done, Pixy Misa is Misao's deeply surpressed Id unleashed, the jealousy, rage and resentment she expresses towards Sammy / Sasami are Misao's real, albeit subconcious, feelings.
- Blondes Are Evil: As Pixy Misa.
- Card-Carrying Villain
- Dark Magical Girl: Actually refered to as such.
- Et Tu, Brute? (had this with Sammy)
- Evil Laugh
- Genki Girl
- Gratuitous English: Pixy Misa spouts this a lot
- Green-Eyed Monster she secretly envies Sasami
- Heel Face Turn: For Pixy Misa
- Ill Girl: In the OAV
- I Just Want to Be Special , one of her dreams was to have magical powers.
- I Just Want to Have Friends
- Jekyll and Hyde
- Keep It Foreign: In the English-dubbed OAV, her Gratuitous English becomes French
- The Lancer: To Sammy near the end of the series.
- Large Ham
- Laser-Guided Amnesia
- Laughably Evil
- My God, What Have I Done?
- Puppy Love: With Rumiya
- Red Oni, Blue Oni: The blue to Sammy's red.
- Shrinking Violet
- Shy Blue-Haired Girl
- Split Personality Merge
- Split Personality Takeover: Is told by Sammy that she will still love her even if she stays as Pixy Misa for the rest of her life.
- Stepford Smiler
- Villainous Harlequin
- Animorphism
- Expy and Gender Flip from Tenchi Muyo!
- Mentor Mascot
- Nice Guy: Unlike some more annoying mascots, Ryo-Ohki never insults Sasami.
- Only One Name
- Puppy Love: With Sasami.
- Ridiculously Cute Critter
- The Ditz
- Guile Hero: She may be a bit of a ditz, but she definitely has her moments.
- Horrible Judge of Character
- Limited Wardrobe
- Not So Above It All
- Only One Name
- Talking To Herself: With Sasami in both the Japanese and English versions.
- Abusive Sis
- Ambition Is Evil
- Big Bad
- Evil Laugh / Noblewoman's Laugh: Depending on episode.
- Facial Markings:In the TV series.
- Heel Face Turn
- Jerkass
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold: In the latest episodes of Magical Project S
- Karma Houdini
- Kick the Dog towards her brother Rumiya.
- Pet the Dog: Briefly Rumiya in the final episode of the TV series.
- Limited Wardrobe
- Nice Job Fixing It, Villain: By planning on transforming Misao on the day her father visits, let's just say she is responsible for getting her and Sasami in discovering their magical girl identities.
- Only One Name
- Smug Snake
- Unknown Rival
- Accidental Kiss: Misao in the final episode.
- Animorphism
- Anti-Villain
- Beleaguered Assistant: To Ramia.
- Bishounen: In the OVA.
- Catch Phrase: "Sis"
- Dude Looks Like a Lady
- Even Evil Has Standards: He isn't really evil, but he makes everything that his sister told him to do ... except when she wants to send the moon on the earth.
- Facial Markings
- Heel Face Turn: He isn't never was a true villain anyway.
- Heel Realization: In the episode 20 of the TV series.
- Hilariously Abusive Childhood
- Limited Wardrobe
- My God, What Have I Done?
- Only One Name
- Punch Clock Villain
- Puppy Love: With Misao
Washu Kobayashi
- Expy: Based on Washu
- Mad Scientist
- Wise Beyond Their Years: In the context of this series, she's a teenager.
Mihoshi Mizutani
- Adults Are Useless
- Genius Ditz: Sort of, as in the OAV, she is enrolled in college
- Misplaced Kindergarten Teacher: In Magical Project S
- Two-Teacher School
- Vomit Discretion Shot: After Chihiro (who was experiencing severe karaoke withdrawals) kicked her in the stomach in episode 2 of the OAV
Kiyone Yuri / Kiyone Amayuri
- Only Sane Woman: In some episode.
- Two-Teacher School
Magical Girl Pretty Sammy[]
Tenchi Kawai
Chihiro Kawai
- Demoted to Extra: She appears in Magical Project S as a member of Team Lovely Madams, and only shows up for 2 episodes.
- Hey, It's That Voice!: Satoshi/Ash Ketchum played her in the Japanese version.
- Karaoke Box: Chihiro is a karaoke addict.
Ryoko Orikasa
Ayeka Takada
- Alpha Bitch
- Girl Posse: Her three servants, Yuka, Yuma, and Yuri
- Moment Killer: In OAV 3
Bif Standard
- Berserk Button: Never tell Bif that his software is slow.
- Colony Drop: He attempted to drop the Moon onto Earth, so that he can build his own "standardized" world.
- No Celebrities Were Harmed: Is based on Microsoft's Bill Gates, with StandardSoft being a parody of Microsoft.
- The Pineapple Mach System 8 is a parody of the Apple Macintosh.
- Take That
Magical Project S[]
Ginji Kawai
Honoka Kawai
Konoha Haida / Funky Connie
- Clingy Jealous Girl : She often intimidates Misao just because she also likes Hiroto.
- Girlish Pigtails: She has the "immature" variety.
- The Glomp: To Hiroto
- Hidden Heart of Gold
- Jerkass: In her worst moment.
- Tsundere: Type A.
- You Gotta Have Green Hair
Eimi Date / Love-Me Eimi
- Brainwashed: Love-Me Eimi
- Class Representative
- Hollywood Tone Deaf
Romio: Put something away for a rainy day. |
- Colony Drop: Her goal is to send the Earth on a collison course with the sun
- Expy: Based on Ayeka
- Facial Markings
- Fallen Hero: Romio was a former magical girl from Earth, but she failed to maintain the Good-Evil balance.
- Knight of Cerebus
- Knight Templar
- Noblewoman's Laugh
- Only One Name
"Overly-Splendid" Oryo
- Expy: Based on Ryoko
- Only One Name