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Porcupines show up in nearly every form of media. It seems that porcupines tend to fall under two distinct personality types: They're either A) the Grumpy Bear or The Eeyore, pessimistic and anti-social, or B) The Woobie, shy and lonely because no one wants to go near them.

Many works of media (particularly in Video Games) portray porcupines as being able to shoot their quills as projectiles, even though this isn't true in Real Life (North American porcupines swing their tails at predators to dislodge the quills in their faces, while Old World porcupines tend to charge backwards at their enemies instead).

Compare: Literal Ass-Kicking, Rump Roast

Examples of Prickly Porcupine include:


Newspaper Comics[]

  • Porky Pine from Pogo is the grumpy variety.


  • One Darwin Awards urban legend mentions a man admitted to the hospital with a bunch of porcupine quills stuck in his crotch...
  • In The Second Jungle Book, Ikki the porcupine has a brief cameo where he's a Deadpan Snarker - i.e., prickly. Pamela Jekel takes this a bit farther in her posthumous sequel The Third Jungle Book, where there's a story about Mowgli and Ikki playing pranks on each other, until Mowgli gets into real trouble and Ikki is the only one who can fetch help.
  • A Porcupine Named Fluffy It's about a porcupine named Fluffy who befriends a rhinoceros named Hippo.

Live-Action TV[]


 As you walk along the street

A porcupine you meet

How do you shake his hand when he says hi?

Carefully ... carefully .... careful ... L-Y



  • The Hedgehog Song.

Video Games[]

  • Not a porcupine per se, but Sonic the Hedgehog would possibly qualify.
  • In Urban Rivals, one of the factions is made of zoo animals turned antropomorphic by a freak accident. One of them is a porcupine who uses his quills as blowgun darts and picks himself bald over the course of levelling up.
  • The Corehogs in The World Ends With You.
  • Land forme Shaymin from Pokémon. Cyndaquil also has some hedgehog/echidna traits.

Web Comics[]

Western Animation[]