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What injury have I done to you,
That you have not done to me?
The choice is not yours.
The choice is not yours!
The power of this place wanes...
And when I am free? She will already have been forgotten.
She burns so brightly,
A shining star for Ormazd.
Is he here to make such sacrifice?
Or does he let his followers fall for him?
Fall, in his place.
I will be free.
I will be free!
Choose life,
Choose death.
Fear not the night.
I shall be free, and where then, will the light be?
What candle will shine in the darkness now that she is gone?
She has blinded you with her light, burned her will until it became yours!
Reclaim that will, reclaim your destiny!
I can be your beginning, or your end.
You seek justice?
Then banish Ormazd.
Free me! It is the dawn that brings the pain,
The night that brings the dreams.
The light burns!
The darkness soothes.
She is dead,
Dead for eternity.
But I will be free.
Mine has been imprisonment.
Mine has been pain.
Offer me your soul.
Offer me no resistance!
What injury have I done to you,

That you have not done to me?
—Ahriman whispering to the Prince.