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Princess of thieves 3398

Princess of Thieves is a 2001 romantic action-adventure TV movie starring Keira Knightley as Gwyn, the daughter of Robin Hood. Co-starring in the film are Malcolm McDowell as the Sheriff of Nottingham, Jonathan Hyde as Prince John, Stuart Wilson as Robin Hood, Del Synnott as Froderick, and Stephen Moyer as Philip. The movie was directed by Peter Hewitt and filmed in Romania.

Just as Robin Hood and Will Scarlett return from their most recent Crusade, King Richard is wounded and dying. Richard's son Phillip must journey from France to England to stop the evil Prince John from assuming the throne. John's henchmen are everywhere, set to assassinate Phillip before and after he arrives. Robin and Will and ordered to safely bring him in, but they're captured. Robin's fiery daughter Gwynn (an equal to any man in archery and horse riding) disguises herself as a boy to earn her father's respect, since he forbade her to get involved because of a promise he made to her mother, the now dead Marian. After narrowly escaping death two times, Phillip and Gwynn team up to free Robin and Will and stop the Sheriff of Nottingham and Prince John.

Princess of Thieves contains examples of:[]


 Gwyn: Now you let me steal your horse?

Prince Philip: I give it to you freely madam. A woman should not have to walk.

Gwyn: Has not a woman legs? Do we not walk and run just as you do?

  • One of the Boys: Gwyn tells her father that she wants to go with him because she's as good as a son.
  • Rebel Prince: Prince Philip's head aches just to contemplate a list of king's duties.
  • Sweet Polly Oliver: Gwyn cuts off her hair and takes her friend's cloths to pose as a boy. In the commentary they admit that she still looks completely feminine but we should just go with it.