Profiles is a gay themed furry webcomic viewable on Fur Affinity. It also has an official website here.
Some pages are NSFW, so the above link is to the SFW beginning.
Tropes featured include:[]
- Cast Full of Gay: So far only two straight characters have been introduced: one is said to be such a bad lover that he turns every woman he's been with into a lesbian. The other one is the antagonist and engages in hate crimes against the gay characters.
- Coming Out Story: Starts with one, and quickly moves away from that arc.
- Did I Just Say That Out Loud?: Regis, during issue three.
- Love Triangle: Type 3, both Miguel and Jodi want to be with Regis.
- Schedule Slip
- Straight Gay: None of the characters is particularly campy, though apparently everyone already knew that Lee was gay