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Moonbase 350 x 269 3750

Yes sir, that tush is very spankable...

In the futuristic world of 1970 the United States Space Force, having established an orbiting space station, readies a reconnaissance mission to survey the Moon for a future base. The assigned mission commander, Major Moore, is annoyed to find that his co-pilot has been replaced with the more famous Colonel Briteis. Unfortunately the two of them have more serious problems to worry about, as the sinister enemies of Freedom have replaced their photographic specialist with a saboteur who is tasked with destroying the space station. When the imposter is uncovered, his desperate struggle with Moore sends the rocket off course, forcing them to land on the moon, thereby establishing America's first lunar base.

Based on a story by Robert A. Heinlein (who shares screenwriting credit with Richard Talmadge) this attempt to portray a bold, exciting future of Interplanetary Voyages, female presidents and orbiting H-bombs is let down by a mediocre plot and what can only be described as a cringe-inducing portrayal of America's first woman in space; Colonel Briteis (not "bright eyes!") a spoilt, bratty symbol of 50's misogyny.

For the Mystery Science Theater 3000 version, please go to the episode recap page.

The movie has the following tropes:[]