A brief story of stars, a tragic accident, a coma, and the choices to leave the Inbetween.
—Story Summary
A short Kill la Kill fanfiction that takes place after Ryuuko gets into a car accident and is rendered comatose.
Tropes used in Proxima include:
- Adventures in Coma Land: Several parts of the fic takes place during Ryuuko's coma.
- Afterlife Antechamber: The "Inbetween", which is as Souichiro describes, "the place between life and death". However, the subject of concern is how long Ryuuko's stayed there and where she intends to go after she leaves.
- And I Must Scream: No, Ryuuko's not completely unaware while in her coma. By a later point in the fic, she's shedding tears.
- Fountain of Youth: Temporarily. When Ryuuko's in the Inbetween, she's regressed to a (physically) younger state.
- Look Both Ways: Satsuki outright mentions that Ryuuko was hit by a car, though she doesn't remember the exact details of the incident, other than that.
- Morton's Fork: In a way, Ryuuko will leave the Inbetween, however, she has to either choose Soichiro or Satsuki. If she picks to stay with Soichiro, then she dies, thus leaving Satsuki behind, or, if she chooses, Satsuki, she'll be leaving Soichiro behind when she comes out of her coma. In the end, she chooses to Satsuki.
- Reality Ensues: It can take a rather long time to recover from a four-month long coma. Likewise, while she isn't paralyzed, Ryuuko doesn't have full control of her limbs once she's out of the coma.
- Short-Runners: The story itself takes about six minutes to read.
- Switching POV: The story alternates between Satsuki and Ryuuko's POVs.
- Virtual Soundtrack: While she doesn't have any music linked, Amoridere did give a suggestion as to what music is best played during Ryuuko's segments.