Kakeru is your average high school student...that is until he found a astral projection of Ayano in his room one summer's day. Next thing he knew, he was fighting alongside a group of psychics and fufilling his dream of adventure. It is revealed in volume 2 that he has psychic powers deep within himself; however, they should never be released. He is categorized under 'Chronodiver'.
Joi is the leader of the psychics and a genius at that. It is he who manages to get everyone to escape from the Greenhouse and recruit Kakeru into the gang. He is capable of seeing into the future.
- Nerds Are Sexy
- Prophetic Dreams: One of the ways he sees into the future.
- Smart People Wear Glasses
- Teen Genius
Ayano is the only female member of the group of psychics. She is capable of astral projection and possession; unfortunately, if she doesn't concentrate hard enough, her astral projection will appear naked.
Kaito is the fiery member of the group, and is capable of setting things on fire/melting them. He is regarded as a 'fire starter' for this reason. He seems to have a strong rivalry with Sho.
- Anime Hair: Such spikey hair...
- Hot-Blooded
- Playing with Fire
Xiao Long[]
Xiao Long is capable of healing and a fighting style called Qing Jong; he is seen as the most adorable member of the group, although his past isn't very pleasant.
- Combat Medic
- The Cutie
- Dark and Troubled Past: When he revealed his powers, people all around his town paid him to help heal thier ill and injured. One day, his mother discovers that his father has been wasting the money on women and liquior. This leads to a fight between the two that ends up in them falling off a cliff and dying.
- Ten-Minute Retirement: In volume 3.
- Token Minority: The only Chinese character.
- The Woobie
The nurse at Kakeru's school; it is she who helps Joi recover and helps take down the Greenhouse troops in volume 2 with the others. Such a shame that she works for an organization that kills psychics and rivals against the Greenhouse.
The Greenhouse[]
The evil organization that captures psyhics and performs horrible expiriments on them. They are purusing our protagonists and have managed to breed psychics to help them: Sho and Maya.
Ikushima is one of the members of The Greenhouse and is the one leading the troops in pursuit of the main characters. He seems particularly interested in Joi.
- Affably Evil: He always wears a smile and is very polite.
- Complete Monster
- Magnificent Bastard
- Bishonen
- Dude Looks Like a Lady: His long hair is the only trait that makes it hard to discern his gender at first.
- Complete Monster: Subverted. He turned psychotic due to his mother's neglect and hatred of him and the constant bullying he received from his peers at school, then went on a school-wide killing spree that captured the Greenhouse's attention.
- Dark and Troubled Past
- Heel Face Turn that becomes Ho Yay for Kakeru.
- Kill'Em All: He killed all the kids in his school.
- Meaningful Name: His name means 'fierce'.
- The Woobie