A Platform Game by Cactus... so you already know it's gonna be weird.
Psychosomnium is a short, quite surreal story, telling the story of Jimmy, or rather, Jimmy's dream and the people who inhabit it, struggling with a mysterious unexplained problem.
Basically, it's your typical cute dream in video game form. It can be downloaded here.
The game features the following tropes:[]
- And Now for Someone Completely Different: Triggered several times by the death of the character you're controlling right now; you then become the character who witnessed that death.
- Beautiful Void
- Dream Land
- Everything's Worse with Bees: A bee is one of the protagonists.
- Fetch Quest: Subverted. A trio of rabbits demands carrots before they'll let you pass. They then mention, however, that carrots don't exist, and thus you're doomed to failure.
- Gainax Ending: Well, it's a dream, after all.
- Genius Loci: The wizard is actually his own castle, apparently.
- Gonk: Shirley, for being the only female in the game, looks quite grotesque.
- Good Old Fisticuffs: Mitch.
- Graphics Induced Super Deformed
- Killer Rabbit: Rabbits who kill you by touching.
- Masocore: In its "proper" definition, "player death as narrative technique".
- Species Surname: McBee.
- Spikes of Doom