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"A box of little toys has just become a gang of little terrors. This is not child's play..."
Puppet Master is a low-budget, direct-to-video horror film created in 1989 by Full Moon Entertainment. It is considered a cult classic and the company's breakout film as eight sequels and a crossover special were made with the franchise.
The series mostly revolves around a group of puppets created by Andre Toulon. Andre found a secret Egyptian spell back in the 1930s which can bring things back to life. He used it on his puppets and sure enough, they were now alive. Nazis discover the spell and trail Andre all the way to America where he successfully hid the puppets and killed himself. When the puppets are finally released, they'll obey a certain person under their command unless their new master takes things too far.
Needless to say, the series is campy, yet charming to most viewers and fan support has eventually led the first and latest films to be released on Blu-ray in June 2010.
- The Ageless: Applies to both the puppets and any human the spell is cast upon.
- Anatomy Arsenal: A good number of the puppets.
- Anti-Hero (type IV): Andre Toulon in part III, who uses his puppets to take bloody revenge on the Nazis
- Asshole Victim: The "Indiana Jones" kid in part II and Cameron in part 4
- Back From the Dead: Neil Gallagher in the first and Andre Toulon in the second.
- Berserk Button: The puppets seem to turn on their masters if they become too evil.
- Two times the puppets seem to turn on their master after he/she harms Jester.
- Blade Below the Shoulder: Blade.
- Butt Monkey: Jester seems to be this.
- Clip Show: The majority of Puppet Master: The Legacy
- Continuity Nod: Puppet Master vs. Demonic Toys makes reference to the Toulon puppets fighting the Nazis in WWII, as was the plot of part 3. Though it's a big part of the series history, this is special as it turns out to be one of the few times continuity is acknowledged in Puppet Master vs. Demonic Toys.
- The Dragon: Blade is mentioned to be the de facto leader of the puppets, second only to their master/creator.
- Five-Bad Band
- The Big Bad — Blade or the Puppet Master
- The Dragon — Tunneler
- The Evil Genius — Jester
- The Brute — Pinhead
- The Dark Chick — Leech Woman
- The Sixth Ranger — Torch, Six-Shooter, and Decapitron
- Hey, It's That Guy!: Mr. Sardonicus is Andre Toulon in movies 3-5 and 7.
- Hook Hand: For Blade
- Immortality: For puppets and humans, the Egyptian spell casts them into Type 2.
- Immortality Immorality: Neil Gallagher, though he was allegedly just as bad before.
- Kill It with Fire: Torch
- Living Toys
- Marionette Master
- My Death Is Just the Beginning: Toulon kills himself in part 1, and his seems made to occupy one of the puppets in parts 4 and 5. Convenient or deliberate?
- Negative Continuity: Oh GOD.
- The Obi-Wan: Toulon's "ghost" residing in the Decapitron puppet to Rick Myers in the 4th and 5th films
- Puppet Permutation: The plot of the sixth film, Curse of the Puppet Master. In the end, the antagonist succeeds.
- Pyro Maniac: Torch
- Series Mascot: Blade is the face of the series. Often times when you see a horror montage, collage, etc., with Puppet Master included, the other puppets + masters aren't gonna show up.
- Shout-Out: The series contains a green formula that gives the puppets life. In 1985, the same producer was responsible for the Re-Animator film.
- The Blade puppet was designed after Klaus Kinski.
- Slashed Throat: What a way to go for Dana Hadley.
- Sudden Sequel Death Syndrome: Megan Gallagher, offscreen
- Disappointingly, Rick Myers in Puppet Master: The Legacy, also offscreen
- Take That: Given how close their release years were, the films tagline seems a dig at the similar Childs Play series.
- Thanatos Gambit: Afzel takes his own life in Retro, seemingly just to unnerve his would-be assassins.
- This Is a Drill: Tunnelers gimmick.
- Versus Title: Puppet Master vs. Demonic Toys
- What Happened to the Mouse?: The oriental puppet in the beginning of the first film. Although he was placed in the trunk with the other puppets, he was never seen again. Not even in the sequels.
- There's also the maid of the Gallaghers in the first film. After being killed by Pinhead, she is revived by Neil Gallagher and shown briefly guarding one of the exits. After that, she's never seen again. You think a zombie maid would be a cause for alarm.
- This applies to the human-puppetized Camille Kenney, who rode off into the sunset to kill kids at the end of part 2, the puppets in cages in the back of her truck.
- And whatever happened to the Retro Puppets?