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  • The entire scene where they arrive at the sky castle, and the air makes their voices really high-pitched.
  • The dance battle. 'The Litterbox', to which Puss basically says, 'Oh, you did not!'
  • Near the start of the movie, there's an expository moment where a man uses his body tattoos to show Puss the legend of the Golden Egg. We soon get this absolute gem.

 Man: Do you want to see the golden eggs? -Reaches for his pants.-


  • Kitty falling asleep during Puss's story.
  • How Kitty keeps bringing up the "You hit me on the head with a guitar!" thing.
  • Humpty in the gold suit. Also the way they have to keep rolling him around to get him places.
  • Dancing "The Litterbox."
  • The cat that keeps going "ooooh!" at appropriate moments.
  • When we see Humpty throwing birdseed for the vultures on Puss in a flashback.
    • Heck, the whole "I was there the whole time" flashback, which shows him present for many of the film's events, for no discernible reason.
  • Holy Frijoles.
  • The cat your cat could smell like commercial.
  • "Hi little plant!"
  • The flashbacks to Puss' childhood. He spends most of them being absolutely quiet, only nodding or shaking his head. The finally the cute little cat speaks... with Antonio Banderas' deep voice.
    • That turned from funny.
  • "You snap me?!?"
    • Also not long afterwards, Puss' reaction to Jack's gunshot. He's completely burred up.

  Puss: "no hablo ingles"

  • The stare-down between Puss and the Diablos in the short film.
  • "He saved the Commandante's mother!"
  • This troper just about died laughing when kitten Puss hissed at the other orphans while holding the spoon.
  • If you value your dignity, do not do a tango where your dance partner can be switched with the golden goose.