Acceptable Targets : Jack and Jill, depicted as gun-toting, pig-rearing rednecks , as the designated villains in a Hispanic scenario.
And the Fandom Rejoiced : Guillermo del Toro . That is all.
People seemed to have completely glossed over the fact that he also produced Megamind !
Anticlimax Boss : When they reach the giant's castle, Humpty reveals that the giant living there is already dead .
Crowning Music of Awesome : Both of the songs contributed by Rodrigo Y Gabriela.
The inclusion of Lady Gaga 's "Americano" at the end and in the trailers.
Hell, the fact that they even managed to fit a Lady Gaga song in the film in the first place
Ensemble Darkhorse : The "oooh" cat has its own fanbase. Doubles as Memetic Mutation .
Family-Unfriendly Aesop : Two in the original tale - "It's good to be a Magnificent Bastard " and "If you want to get laid you need to be young and pretty".
Fridge Horror : Kitty Softpaws was declawed by the couple who took her in. She's a talking, sentient animal . No wonder her backstory didn't get a flashback...
Humpty's "It ain't over easy" line followed by the cat going "Ooh" and covering his mouth. Did anyone else think Prison Rape when this was shown?
Hilarious in Hindsight : Puss got his trademark boots from a woman named Imelda. Imelda Marcos is the First Lady to famously scandal-laden and dethroned former President of The Philippines Ferdinand Marcos, and she was known for a very large shoe collection
In Shrek Forever After , Rumplestiltzkin had an odd choice of animal for a pet that wasn't central to the plot at the time. It was a giant goose.
Jerkass Woobie : Humpty is clearly in the wrong, but you can't deny just how much crap they went through.
Memetic Mutation : "Ooooohhhh...."
Nightmare Fuel : The mother goose, at least while they're on top of the beanstalk. Also the fact that Humpty was there. From the very start of the film.
Surprisingly Improved Sequel : The movie's been much better-received than the two Shrek sequels that came before it, and received reviews almost as good as the well-loved first two Shrek movies.
Tear Jerker : Kitty's backstory: The couple that took her in certainly meant well (at first, at least), but eventually declawed her.
Uncanny Valley - Those dancing pigs.
Humpty dips into this too, for some viewers.