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Puteri Gunung Ledang Poster

Amidst the chaos of war and mystical forces, a forbidden love blooms between Gusti Putri Retno Dumillah, a Majapahit princess, and Hang Tuah. As they battle to be together, kingdoms rise and fall, alliances are made and broken, and supernatural powers are invoked. With her kingdom under attack, Gusti Putri flees to Mount Ledang to evade an arranged marriage to the Prince of Demak, and in order to reunite with Hang Tuah. Will their love conquer all, or will their fates be forever separated by the forces of war and mysticism?

Puteri Gunung Ledang is a 2004 period piece by Saw Teong Hin, and is the first big-budget Malay film ever made. The film is a combination of the Malay legend about a princess said to have lived on top of a mystical mountain, and about the legendary Malay warrior Hang Tuah from Melaka.

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