Taketo Akutagawa has been admitted to Inspiration Academy, a school where geniuses from all over Japan come to learn. What is Taketo's talent? Writing porn novels. While this earned him scorn back in middle school, here, he can let his talents shine. Everything begins when, working for the school newspaper, he goes out to meet the school's genius clarinet player, Fukune Narukara. A love story is about to begin.
Originally a Light Novel, R-15 was adapted into an anime in the Summer 2011 Anime season.
Tropes in R-15 include:[]
- Alien Lunch: Unfortunately for Taketo, Kurabu isn't the genius chef.
- Alliterative Name: Kurumi Kuroki better known as the chief, Beni Botan and, Kurabu Katsuyo
- All Men Are Perverts/All Women Are Lustful: And Taketo pretty much weaponized it.
- Awesome By Analysis: Mei
- Ax Crazy: Almost literally. Ran literally conjures an axe out of nowhere as a result.
- Bishonen: Close-up, Ritsu has eyelashes too long for a boy.
- Bland-Name Product: Raika's camera is labelled "Likon" (rather than Nikon).
- "Zamazon" :b
- Camera Fiend: Raika, the school's genius camerawoman.
- Catgirl: Misa
- Cute Little Fangs
- Verbal Tic: -Nya.
- Censor Steam: Goes overboard to the point where over half the screen can be covered, at least in the broadcast version.
- Clingy Jealous Girl: Raika invokes this trope subtly from time to time, especially regarding Fukune and Utae.
- Both Fukune and Utae feel this way when they see Taketo hanging out with the other.
- Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass: Taketo is usually a Butt Monkey, but his words have helped out several of the girls, and in others, distracted them enough that they helped him escape from a potential beatdown, or allowed another girl to beat them up, such as during the Ran vs. Botan wrestling match.
- Curtains Match the Window: Taketo and Ran.
- Cute Clumsy Girl: Kurabu
- Cute Sports Club Manager: Kurabu Katsuyo the genius manager.
- Da Editor: Resident school newspaper editorial chief, Chief. She doesn't resemble your average Cigar Chomper, but when she wants an article, boy, you had better give it to her.
- Does This Remind You of Anything?:
- Everything that Taketo writes is pretty much Double Entendre, since he's a H-novelist. This is unintentional, from his point of view, and nobody can take him seriously. However, when some of the characters decide to read what he actually writes, the "suggestions" fly over them.
- Mai's exorcist "dance".
- Everyone Calls Him "Barkeep": The newspaper chief: Kurumi, is known only as Chief.
- Fan Service: Largely averted in the broadcast version due to the copious amounts of Censor Steam. But you could always do like Taketo and use your imagination. Or get the DVD.
- Festival Episode/Hot Springs Episode: Episode 10
- Freeze-Frame Bonus: When Taketo was hit with the rock in his dream, there is an image of a girl with slightly visible panties.
- Fortune Teller/Waif Prophet: Misa
- Gainaxing: The Chief and Utae.
- Happens a lot in the Ran vs Botan fight
- And in episode 7
Taketo: "Boing, Boing, Boing" |
- Genki Girl: Kurabu
- Girlish Pigtails: The Chief, Misa and, Katsuyo.
- Goofy Print Underwear: Raika has bear print, Misa has the Number of the Beast on her's and Ran's has the words Only Girls.
- Gun Porn: The Chief's room has many guns on her wall.
- Hair Decorations
- Hammerspace: Just how does Chief keep a long rope in her mouth...
- Victoria's Secret Compartment: ...or a brochure in between her melons?
- Ran's axe.
- Harem Seeker: Ran of freshmen girls, and Botan of "art" (read: nude girls she's gotten to let her Body Paint them). Not surprisingly, the two butt heads immediately.
- Headbutt Thermometer: Utae gives the blushing Taketo one.
- Ho Yay: Ritsu obviously has a crush on Taketo. Just watch Ritsu squirm when all he heard from Taketo is "I like you."
- He twists his words everytime.
- Schoolgirl Lesbians: Ran and Botan
- Hot Scoop: The Chief and Raika have the looks and the article-hungry attitude to qualify.
- Hot Springs Episode: Episode 10.
- How We Got Here: Episode 3.
- Human Aliens: The chief is thought to be one.
- Hypocritical Humor: Ran Musen sighed at Taketo's unhealthy daydreaming in class while loading unhealthy photos on her notebook.
- And again in episode 5 she wonders "Why Fukune attracts weirdoes?"
- Whenever Ran critisizes Taketo for perverted behaviour can be considered this. A lesbian who insists that her harem call her Onee-sama simply cannot take the moral highground against a porn writer.
- At one point she gets in-directly called on it too, when Misa comments that she can sense a far darker aura around Ran (and Botan) when she was seducing a girl then she could from the perveted spirt, a disguised Taketo.
- Idiot Hair: Tsukuru and Kurabu
- Idol Singer: Utae Sonokoe
- Imagine Spot: Taketo goes through one of these out of the implication that Ran Musen and Aki Yosano might be Schoolgirl Lesbians, judging by their intimacy.
- Hell, his fantasies are frequent and rabid.
- And he with his words he send Utae, Raika, Botan, Mai and Santa Maria.
- Indirect Kiss: Taketo notices that Utae is feeding him with her chopsticks.
- Taketo licking Fukune's damp clarinet reed.
- Kiss of Death: How Ran finished of Botan.
- Lens Flare Censor: Taken to absurd levels. The lens flares are beyond mere flares, and involve large swaths of white covering up most of the screen. For large parts of the episode.
- Locked in a Room: Invoked. Taketo gets locked in the room with Katsuyo so she manage him out of his slump.
- Double subverted — she can leave.
- As well as people can visit.
- Played straight when he gets locked in the freezer building with Utae. They were in serious trouble if not for the Chief rescuing them.
- Loveable Sex Maniac: Taketo of course.
- Love Triangle: Fukune->Taketo<-Utae
- Lyrical Dissonance: The song Class 1-3 uses in the choral competition is a song with a dignified melody and very dirty lyrics.
- Mad Artist: Botan.
- Body Paint: Botan's favorite form of art, she's rather infamous for it. In episode 5 we hear about the "Painted On Uniform Incident" (which involved some poor girl going to school in, well, guess), and she makes herself first known (to cast and viewer alike) by painting one of Ran's harem... leaving her ... dazed. Much to Ran's ire.
- Mad Scientist: Tsukuru Kagaku, introduced by firing a heat-seeking missile that chases Taketo across the school grounds.
- Magical Girl: Fukune inspires Taketo to write her as one with a magical clarinet. This quickly turns into porn.
- Meaningful Name: Sonokoe Utae; it's written as 園声 謡江, but sounds the same as 其の声 歌え; when written this way, the surname and given name (respectively) mean "that voice" and "sing".
- Mills and Boon Prose: Just about everything Taketo writes.
- Ms. Fanservice: Utae.
- Most Writers Are Writers: Taketo is a writer of erotic novels, in a light novel that isn't exactly light on fanservice itself.
- Narrator: Kiya Star, introduced as the school's genius narrator. Yes, she's diegetically narrating.
- Naughty Tentacles: Mai's fantasy curtest of Taketo.
- Nice Girl: Utae. She's the only girl who ever tries to defend Taketo from the ire brought about by his reputation.
- Dogged Nice Girl: Poor Utae.
- Nosebleed: Taketo every now and then.
- And it manages to short circuit Tsukuru's crazy magnet.
- Number of the Beast: Misa has them on her panties.
- Oblivious to Love: Taketo
- Odango: Utae
- Onee-Sama: Ran has her freshmen girls harem addresses her as this.
- Panty Shot: By no means an uncommon occurrence, but episode four is focused around almost nothing but. It's all a setup by Raika and Tsukuru.
- Pet the Dog: Raika helps Taketo escape from the Girls Dorm.
- Phrase Catcher: After Ritsu twist Taketo words.
Taketo: "Ritsu the formula." |
- Playful Hacker/The Cracker: Ran Musen would be, considering her avant-garde programming knowledge.
- For measure, she can hack her way into getting free exclusive concert tickets and tap into military-grade Spy Satellites.
- Rapid-Fire Typing: To accompany Ran's crazy Hollywood Hacking skills.
- Punny Name: Tons. In addition to Sonokoe Utae (see Meaningful Name above) and Enshuu Ritsu (see Significant Anagram below), there's Kagaku Tsukuru (which sounds like the Japanese words for "makes science"), Kurabu Katsuyo (sounds like "the club will win" in Japanese), Fukune's first name ("fuku"= to blow, "ne"= sound, an appropriate name for a genius clarinetist), and Raika.
- Red Eyes, Take Warning: Misa, the Fortune Teller.
- Romantic Runner-Up: Female example, Utae feels this way in episode 10 once she hears how excited Taketo talks about Fukune. Made more painful for her since he then also mentions that he feels comfortable around her, and can tell her anything, meaning that she fell into his "friend" zone.
- Rose-Haired Girl: Raika and Fukune
- Sexophone: The moment Chief walks in.
- Significant Anagram There's also Enshuu Ritsu. Which, with a few kanji changed, is Japanese for "pi".
- Shout-Out: Taketo's introductory Imagine Spot for the second episode stars a stage performer who is a blatant lookalike to Sheryl Nome.
- In episode 7 Taketo Nosebleeds creates the new The seven mysteries of the girls dorm.
- In episode 9 Taketo and Utao sneaks in a cardboard box and wear Snake's suit, and Taketo's codename is Snake.
- Shrinking Violet: Aki Yasano and Fukune.
- Speedy Rain of Gentle Caresses: Ran
- Stealth Hi Bye: The Chief
- Stuff Blowing Up: Whenever Tsukuru is involved with something, it tends to explode.
- Super-Deformed: Particularly in the ending.
- Survival Mantra: Whenever Ritsu is going head over heels for Taketo, π = 3.1415926535897932(...) is the only thing that can straighten Ritsu's thoughts.
- Teen Genius: Everyone and they're labeled as such.
- And it includes a forensic analyst.
- Too Hot for TV: Just before broadcast two networks pulled it from their schedule.
- Tsundere: Raika and Ran mostly, but most of the other girls fall into this trope if they're subjected to Taketo's naughty thoughts.
- Unlucky Everydude: Taketo.
- Wham! Episode: Episode 11, or as wham as this series gets.
- What Do You Mean It's Not Awesome?: The principal and his giant paintbrush.
- Ritsu's Survival Mantra of Pi.
- Ran vs Botan.
- How Taketo uses his abilities to defeat Botan, Mai, and Maria.
- The Girls dorm transforming into a fortress.
- Wondrous Ladies' Room: Raika invites Taketo in, but he brings up the point that if there are no girls in there, what's the point of it?
- And in episode 7 he inflitrates the girls' dorm/fortress.
- World of Buxom: Chief is... well, her school uniform isn't completely closed.
- Also Utae, Ran and a few others.
- Words Can Break My Bones: Or Rather Taketo's words will send you to a "special place".
- Writer's Block: Taketo in episode 6.
- You Gotta Have Blue Hair: The Chief, Utae and a few others.
- Yuri Fan: Ran Musen. She seems to be a full on schoolgirl lesbian, given what she uses her programming skills to do.
- She even has the word "only girls" on her panties.