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RC Pro-Am is a series of remote-controlled racing games produced by Rare. RC Pro-Am is notable that it is one of the first racing games to feature Vehicular Combat.

The games in the RC Pro-Am series are:

Tropes used in RC Pro-Am include:

  • Bonus Stage: Present only in II.
  • Color-Coded Multiplayer: Present only in II with red, blue, green, and yellow cars.
  • Comeback Mechanic: Multiplayer mode in II.
  • Cut and Paste Environments: Many of the later courses recycle previous track layouts while rearranging the hazards and item placements.
  • Invincibility Power-Up: All four games feature roll cages that grant invincibility to whomever picks them up. This is the only item that, in every game, the player and the computer can pick up.
  • Isometric Projection
  • Level Scaling: Completing the spelling bonuses in every game except II results in you and your opponents receiving a new vehicle.
  • Mutually Exclusive Powerups: In all games but II, picking up a missile replaces your entire bomb stock and vice versa.
  • Nitro Boost: Chevrons that increase the speed of every car that drives over them.
  • Non-Lethal KO: Shooting any opponent's vehicle only knocks it out for a few seconds.
  • Oil Slick
  • One Up:
    • An extra continue is awarded for winning five consecutive races in Championship.
    • 1-up tokens can be picked up Pro-Am II, but they are not very common.
  • Power-Up Motif: A sound plays whenever a computer racer picks up a roll cage.
  • Respawn on the Spot: Frequently happens when you crash into a wall.
  • Rubber Band AI
  • Scratch Damage: Computer-controlled racers in Pro-Am can be shot and stopped. This is averted in Championship by making enemy vehicles completely invincible to attack.
  • Spelling Bonus: Completing specific words awards a new vehicle in each game.
    • RC Pro-Am and Super RC Pro-Am requires spelling N-I-N-T-E-N-D-O.
    • Championship Pro-Am requires spelling C-H-A-M-P-I-O-N.
    • RC Pro-Am II rewards a new car to any player who spells out PRO AM II. Unlike the other games in the series, Pro-Am II awards a new car on a player-by-player basis.
  • Trophy Room: In RC Pro-Am and Championship Pro-Am, finishing a race in first, second, or third will add a trophy to your collection. You even get trophies based on your total score.
  • Video Game Cruelty Punishment: If you get too aggressive with your weapons, one opponent -- the yellow car -- will go so fast, you will literally have no chance to catch up to it.