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  • Alas, Poor Villain: Just before Zecora saves her flank, we see Corona devoid of her upper ground... and that she is honestly and truly insane, utterly incapable of trusting other ponies except as subordinates, and honestly thinking she's the last line of defense against everything. It's kind of sad to see how Celestia could have been if she was a bit more paranoid.
  • Hilarious in Hindsight: The canon show would eventually have it's own Super-Powered Evil Side version of Celestia. Though the name was changed to "Daybreaker" instead of "Corona".
  • Moral Event Horizon: Corona kidnapping about 50 foals from Ponyville and threatening to slaughter them unless Ponyville stays nice and quiet and accepts her as their new Queen. This is maybe ten minutes, max, after she's escaped from the sun.
    • Later, Corona decides to destroy Canterlot and a good chunk of the surrounding countryside due to Shining Armor's trolling her, despite stating not thirty seconds previously that, as an immortal, she has all the time in the world to wait for Shining Armor to grow tired and stop being able to project his shield around Canterlot. She is fortunately (if accidentally) stopped by Zecora before she can go through with it, but still...
  • Moment of Awesome: Shining Armor trolling Corona. That is all.
    • And then later Cheerilee using her apparent last moments to go Grammar Nazi on the same.
  • Tastes Like Diabetes: Cherilee's reaction to learning that Dinky saved for almost a year to get money for Ditzy's birthday present.