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If Pac-Man was a car, this is how he would live.

Rally-X was a 1980 arcade game by Namco focusing upon a lone race car and its quest to locate and the multitude of flags hidden throughout mazes. Its task was hindered by murderous red race cars whose sole objective was to locate you and kamikaze into your car. Your only defenses against them were your impeccable driving skills and a smoke screen. The smoke screen would cause the enemy cars to become disoriented for a few seconds while you attempted to escape and locate the rest of the flags within the round.

The quest was also hindered by obstacles in the road -- the occasional rockslide, for instance. And, unlike in Pac-Man, if you hit the wall in this game, you lose a car.

The maze changes from level to level. And you cannot see it all at once. There is a radar map to show you where all the flags and the enemy cars are, but it does not show you the walls -- and you do need to know where the walls are!

Tropes used in Rally-X include: