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  • Cult Classic : While the game sold very well and was praised a lot, it wasn't a complete smash hit. Nevertheless, it is still fondly remembered by many a racing game enthusiast. Most rally game fans have played it or at least heard of it.
  • Most Annoying Sound : The co-driver's constant laments after you crash the car into virtually anything. Luckily, you can turn of his voiceover if you find it annoying.
    • Arguably, the crash sounds could count as well - fairly annoying in cases where you want to score a spotless record Speed Run of a stage and all you hear is glass getting shattered or the car's body getting bashed to bits by the local terrain.
  • Narm : The co-driver's high-pitched overreaction when an animal occasionally runs across the road, only a few feet away from the car :

 "Waaaatch ooooouuuuttttt !!!!"
