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At least one per book, usually near the end when whatever has been upsetting Ramona or her sister is resolved.

  • Beezus and Ramona: Beezus realizes that most younger sisters act like Ramona, and no matter how angry she is with her, she's glad to have Ramona as a sister.
  • Ramona the Pest: Two of these during Ramona's kindergarten dropout phase:
    • Beezus telling Mary Jane not to tease Ramona, the narrative explaining that while Beezus herself picked on her sister she was quick to protect her from others.
    • Miss Binney's letter.
  • Ramona the Brave: The kids in Room One being extra nice to Ramona after she's forced to apologize to Susan in front of everyone.
  • Ramona & Her Father: Beezus and Ramona getting her father to give up smoking.
    • Mr. Quimby and Ramona drawing the world's longest picture together. Really, anything that shows the father-daughter bond between the two.
  • Ramona Forever: Ramona and Beezus making up over the death of Picky-Picky.
    • Ramona accepting Hobart as her uncle after spending most of the book either annoyed with him or on the fence.