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Rancid is a punk band the Bay Area who are partially responsible for the 90s punk revival. Their songs often are influenced by ska elements. This is largely due to bassist Matt Freeman and Guitarist/Singer Tim Armstrong being former members of the ska band Operation Ivy. They were joined by Lars Frederiksen and Brett Reed, who left the band in 2006 and was replaced by Branden Steineckert.

Armstrong now owns the label Hellcat Records which publishes punk and related material (Oi!, Ska, rockabilly). Among others the Dropkick Murphys started out on that label. Armstrong has a large footprint in the music scene having collaborated with acts such as Pink, Gwen Stefani, Travis Barker and Cypress Hill. From 1998 to 2003 he was married to Brody Dalle, lead singer of The Distillers.


  • Rancid (1993)
  • Let's Go (1994)
  • ... And Out Come The Wolves (1995)
  • Life Won't Wait (1998)
  • Rancid (2000) - Not to be confused with the Album from 1993.
  • Indestructible (2003)
  • Let The Dominoes Fall (2009)

Another notable release of theirs is a split album with NOFX in which both bands cover six songs of the other. Two versions were released with differently colored album covers. A green one in which the NOFX songs are before Rancid's portion and an orange one in which this is reversed.

Rancid provide examples of the following tropes:[]

  • Precision F-Strike - "Journey to the End of the East Bay"
  • Face of the Band- Tim Armstrong, lead guitar/vocals/primary songwriter (although he shares all three with other members of the band fairly regularly)
    • I'm not sure about this one- Lars sings lead and plays lead just as often as Tim does, and Matt is very well known, especially among fellow bass players.
  • Signature Song - "Ruby Soho," "Time Bomb," or "Roots Radicals"
  • Theme Naming - Rancid has a surprisingly large amount of songs named after places in the world: "Detroit," "Olympia W.A.," "Ruby Soho," "Daly City Train," "Journey to the End of the East Bay," "Hoover Street," "Warsaw," "Leicester Square," "Rwanda," "Radio Havana," "Arrested in Shanghai," "Memphis," "Tropical London," "Ivory Coast," "Brixton," "East Bay Night," "New Orleans," "LA River."
  • Throwback - The 2000 self-titled album. After two albums experimenting with ska, reggae and other influences, this album was a stark, straight-ahead hardcore punk album.