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Random Assault is GO!

Random Assault is a entertainment podcast encompassing videogames, music, tv shows, and movies. However most of the focus is on videogames, and usually there is tangents about ridiculous stories that happened in their personal lives.

Their first collaboration podcasting was a Talkradar Fan Extravaganza. Soon afterwards their podcast getting away from the Talkradar name was Friends With Benefits. It was Friends with Benefits for the first 5 episodes, until there was another podcast that registered the name Friends with Benefits first thus changing the name to Random Assault.

You can find their episodes here

This podcast uses the following tropes:[]

  • Abusive Parents: Mitch Rozetar was raised by Roman Catholics. Enough said.
  • Actor Allusion: In the Halloween Episode, after Slabflapper talks for the first time, the other hosts tell Mitch to shut up, then he defends himself, having not actually said anything. Slabflapper in reality is voiced by Mitch.
  • A Date with Rosie Palms: Matt started the first episode documenting he spends 40 to 50 minutes jerking off. Almost qualifies as a part time job.
  • And Now for Something Completely Different: The show runs on this. It's ostensibly a gaming podcast, but the topics are all over the place.
  • Art Style Dissonance: Alex is the artist for the podcast, but Mitch's character design is very different from the others'. This is because Alex did his best to emulate Mitch's art style when doing his character art.
    • For a little while, Mitch was doing the episode banners in Alex's absence.
    • Le "Mr Suit Man" Tran did the banner for the episode he was on, episode 041.
  • Asian Speekee Engrish: The hosts are not above doing offensive Asian accents. Played straight with the title of episode 020: "Ret's Get Lacist!!"
  • Audio Erotica: Alex has a "sexy voice".
  • Bait and Switch: When Alex finally played Ghost Trick, he made it out to seem that he hated the game, much to the irritation of the other hosts. Turns out Alex loved the game, though.
    • The banner for the Halloween Episode appears to be static, but is actually a Flash element. After a little bit, the banner starts to move, and all of the hosts get killed in horrific ways.
  • Background Music: The show's background music consists of various tracks from various video games.
  • Berserk Button: Don't insinuate that Drew likes dubsteb, don't call Kate a man, and don't talk about anime around Alex.
  • Big Boo's Haunt: The haunted castle Tony "inherits" in episode 031, the Halloween Special.
  • Big Lipped Alligator Moment: Some of the tangents or jokes become this.
  • Biting the Hand Humor: The hosts tend to badmouth the few active listeners they have. For example, Alex calling Pipgirl fucking weird for eating toast with ketchup and that 510BrotherPanda talks like Randy Newman.
  • Black Eyes: Kate is depicted with these, except they're ENTIRELY black.
  • Black Magic: Mitch's backstory is that he's well-versed in The Dark Arts, and may very well be a god of insanity and chaos. Fitting.
  • Bonus Material: As a reward for getting 100 likes on the Facebook page, the crew released a scrapped first segment of an unreleased version of episode 034, in which Alex, Mitch, Mela and Tony talk about comic books.
  • Brick Joke: Sometimes the hosts will have well-timed repeats of earlier jokes.
  • Butt Monkey: Mitch, without question. Sometimes Drew.
  • Call Back: Boney Jones and Bookfart have made repeat appearances.
  • The Cameo: Dan Amrich as Danta Claus in the Christmas Special.
    • Jew Wario, Loading Ready Run's Graham and Paul, the aforementined Dan Amrich, and Games Radar's Cheryll deRosario have done Artist Liners for the show.
  • Canada, Eh?: Kate is the Canadian member of the cast.
  • Cannot Tell a Joke: Mitch.
  • Can't Have Sex Ever: Matt has a dry spell. Hasn't had sex in 4 years.
  • Catch Phrase: "Shut the fuck up, Mitch!"
  • Childhood Memory Demolition Team When Alex's mom or stepmom left the abusive boyfriend, all of the Southpark characters out of modeling clay that he worked so hard on were destroyed. (Episode 1)
  • Chiptunes: The theme song is a chiptune song called "Assault!"
  • Christmas Special: Touches on many of the standard tropes of the format, and featuring none other than Dan Amrich as jolly ol' Saint Nick! Many of the show's past guests also make appearances.
    • Character Focus: The special is about Tony trying to figure out the true meaning of Christmas.
    • Christmas Songs: Alex made an original song for the special, "Time to Change the Mood", and the special ends with the cast singing "Old Friends, New Friends" from The Christmas Toy.
    • Did I Mention It's Christmas?: Alex is obsessed with Christmas-time, both in the special and in real life.
    • Season Finale: The Christmas Special doubles as the finale for Season 1, with Season 2 starting in 2012.
    • True Meaning of Christmas: Played with. Tony discovers the meaning of Christmas, and Alex points out that Santa giving everyone gifts sort of nullifies the point of Tony's speech. Santa then flatly asks Alex if he wants presents or not.
  • Cloudcuckoolander: With some of the jokes, bits and tangents Mitch has come up with, he might as well be.
  • Cluster F-Bomb: Alex leads the charge with the "Fuck em Fuck em Fuck em", where he seems a parody of himself.
  • Completely Missing the Point: On one episode, Drew wanted to talk about Sexy Beach 3. He then went on to talk about how great the environments looked.
  • Cross Cultural Kerfluffle: Tony is from the UK and they got Irishman Mark Breen the same episode which lead to geopolitical escalations.
  • Couch Gag: Different secret sounds at the end of each episode, also done on the landing pages with silly plugs and credits for that episode's hosts.
  • Date Rape Averted: This has be used in some form.
  • Dead Air: Averted, as the podcast is edited, so un-needed dead air will be cut. However, it is left in if the hosts acknowledge it.
  • Dead Baby Comedy: Some hosts have ventured into this territory from time to time, usually to Matt's distaste.
  • Death Is Cheap: The hosts die when they don't appear on episodes, and come back to life in the next one.
  • Department of Redundancy Department: Episode 013's title: "Post Apocalyptic Snowboard Apocalypse".
  • Digging Yourself Deeper: Mitch's attempts to save failed jokes.
  • Dueling Shows: Due to the show's previous name, they used to have a beef with another podcast called "Friends With Benefits".
    • For a while, was competing with other Talkradar-inspired shows such as B-Cubed, PCN-Gen, and GNA.
    • Could also be dueling with Talkradar, or Laser Time, ironically the show that inspired them.
  • Dumbass DJ: Andy closing song on episode 27 was the pinnacle of this.
  • Elaborate Underground Base: The Random Assault headquarters, which is an underground skyscraper-mansion consisting of many rooms made from all sorts of things, even garbage. The facade above ground is an old, abandoned Circuit City building with the RA logo on the side, as Circuit City buildings are red cubes, very much like the show's logo. Often, guests will be brought to the mansion with a bag over their head so they can't find their way back.
    • The hosts don't live there, either. They use a series of rifts to travel to the mansion from their respective living places around the world.
  • Evil Twin: Slabflapper is one to Matt, in that he's literally a negative version of Matt. His skin is blue, like a film negative.
  • Excited Episode Title: Episode 020. "Ret's Get Lacist!!"
  • Executive Meddling: Seems to be all "The President of EA" does.
  • Face Palm: Mitch once tried to make one audible on the show.

 Mitch: "Did you hear that? That was the sound of me face-palming, that was so bad."
