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  • VIP 5 has him beat "absurd athletics 2", (a sequel to a level in VIP 4 that caused him to quit playing it without tools) without tools.
  • During his A Super Mario Thing playthrough, he beats the seventh castle's Time Limit Puzzle Boss with one tick left on the timer. What makes it even better is the choice of music for said boss fight: The Final Countdown. See it all here (the boss begins a bit after the halfway mark).
  • Raocow, along with several other members of talkhaus, singing Bohemian Rhapsody. No more need be said.
  • During some of the final levels of the SMWCP, raocow plays through one of the hardest levels in the hack, taking him two days to complete. Said level was made by himself, making this an effective case of Hoist by His Own Petard.
  • Raocow finally, after six months and fourteen days after starting the project, five months and five days after entering World 5, and 73 (not counting any "Episode 0"s) videos (38 of them being World 5), with a total of 41 hours, 7 minutes, and 29 seconds of total playtime, completes Fantasy Explorer Nitroid! Give that guy a drink.