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So um, yeah, this is 1-1 reconstructed. They've reconstructed world 1. It had a lot of renovations to do. It just wasn't up to code, you know. There was some stuff going on, they found a whole lot of battery acid running around in the attic, and you know how noisy that can get. Neighbors started to complain, they called a telephone number, which doesn't even exist, but they managed to make one just for that one occasion. It was just a big ol' piece of chili pie.



That was some quality playing there, courtesy of Raocow and friends. The friends are the many voices just kinda chillin' in my head... I don't hear them, but they're there.



You know, that's what I hate about centaurs. I mean it's all nice and good, yeah, you got the nether-regions of a horse, la-de-dah... but unfortunately they tend to screw up water physics a whole lot. I mean - whoooa! - stopping time is bad enough, and spitting bullets for no reason, but now adjusting water physics? When all you're really good for is being a tourist attraction? I don't know... I think that's a bit too much for my system of disbelief.
