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"In the past Hentai games have often catered to casual rape enthusiasts. These are perfectly normal folks like you, me and your next door neighbor who only leaves his apartment to buy canned meat and plastic tarps. I like to think of this audience as the "beer and pretzel" rape gamer. They're interested in a fun "pick up and play" rape game and they don't want to get bogged down in details. Then there are the rape grognards who want a rape simulator to be as realistic as possible. They want it to include accidental pregnancies, crying, abortion, threat of murder, fuel mixture, full elevator control, and pre-rape start-up checks. Rape Lay is the grognard's rape simulator. It is the Falcon 4.0 of rape."

—Zack Parsons Of Something summing up the game's premise

Rapelay is a 2006 H-game in which the player is Masaya Kimura, a chikan (pervert) who was arrested by the authorites for groping a woman on a subway. But, because the rapist's father is well connected, he was able to escape jail. It was a single mother called Yuko Kiryu who reported him to the authorities. Kimura, upon finding out that Yuko had two daughters, decided revenge was due.

This game includes examples of:[]

  • Child by Rape: Yes, the sex scenes can result in pregnancy if Kimura chooses a woman on her "dangerous" day, as none of the characters use contraception, aside from forced abortion.
  • Disproportionate Retribution: Kimura thinks the proper response to rightly being arrested for molesting women on public transport is to find the girl who reported him, tracking down all the women in her family, and forcing them all into sexual slavery to himself, occasionally inviting his dad's golf-buddies to join in the fun.
  • Karma Houdini: Played Straight, then Averted. In both story "endings", the player character gets killed. In the first, he gets run over by a train and one of his victims decides to keep his child. In the second, he gets stabbed to death by one of the daughters.
  • Three-Way Sex: And four way sex. In some locations, Kimura can choose to bring more than one woman to play with, and he can command them to play around with each other.
  • Victim Falls For Rapist: Subverted. All three women very convincingly pretend they're madly in love with Kimura, as they've been forced into sexual slavery, but Aoi can and will magically summon a knife and stab Kimura to death if she's in the cow-girl position and they're alone, though this is a completely random event, and the very same scene could have sex normally. Getting any or all of them pregnant will result in Kimura suffering "Death by Train" if he skips the option of forcing the pregnant women into an abortion when he has the chance.