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  • Bad Export for You: The North American PS1 port of RayStorm prohibits you from ever seeing easier versions of stages 5 through 8, due to those stages being cut out if any stage's difficulty is lower than the default. Just to rub salt in the wound, this version's default difficulty was also raised two levels above its Japanese counterpart, meaning you cannot play on Japanese defaults without beeing locked out of the second half of the game. You can blame Working Designs for this; they did this intentionally in an attempt to curb "oh, I creditfed to the end, that's it, I'm never playing this again" mentality, as stated in their localization notes in the instruction manual.
  • Cancellation: R-GEAR was scrapped for RayStorm's place.
  • Fan Nickname:
    • While RayCrisis is the only game in the series that wasn't officially named "Layer Section" in Japan, fans sometimes refer it as Layer Section III.
    • R-GEAR has been dubbed by fans as "RayForce 1.5" as the only trailer for the game showcased some of the ideas that could have been implemented into this game was later used for RayStorm instead, while having the same 2D visuals of RayForce.
  • What Could Have Been: R-GEAR, a true sequel to RayForce originally planned until the development of RayStorm took its place.