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Fridge Brilliance[]

  • After being given a sprite icon to thank her for her assistance in dealing with the collapse of Mainframe, Hexadecimal gets restored along the rest of the city when the user uses a backup image of Mainframe. Just like in real life, your viruses get restored if they were included in your system backup data!
  • Al is said to run at "10 decahertz" by his waiter. A 100 hertz internal clock fits at roughly the internal speed of a 486 system, still around but largely outdated by faster Pentium systems at the time the first season originally aired.

Fridge Horror[]

  • Re Boot. When the User wins a game, a sector of the system is destroyed and anyone unfortunate enough to be there gets turned into little sluglike nulls. Now imagine Mainframe is that computer that you play your video games on all the time and always win. Congratulations, you're a Complete Monster.
    • Or for that matter, the game designers. Assuming their world is like ours, these things get play-tested; they know winning screws up the machine. Every game is Lose/Lose!
    • How AndrAIa came to be part of the show. In order to stay with Enzo outside of the game, she put a copy of herself on his PID that would leave with him. A COPY. This means that the AndrAIa we see throughout the series is really just a "clone", and that the "real" AndrAIa is still in the game, alone, without friends or her love. Now we know why she says goodbye just before the game ends...
      • This one gets even worse. Later its revealed that Games use Year Inside, Hour Outside, which gives Enzo a level in badass during a Time Skip. This means that the original AndrAIa aged faster than the copy. She probably died of old age before Season 4.
      • Or she got fragged by a user, considering a gamer's mindset when they shoot at things, she's probably like a goomba from Mario to most users. if the game doesn't simply restart like some real games. in which case, she's probably trapped in endless war with a user, without friends. forever.