Hellsing920 gets ready to watch something (possibly) awful.
Welcome, ladies and gentlemen, to the Reaction & Review page on All The Tropes!
A web series from Emer "Hellsing920" Prevost (most people either call him Emer or Hellsing), a self proclaimed "D-List Internet Celebrity", where he watches movies for the first time. First, you see him react to it, then he reviews it. No movie is off limits as long as Hellsing hasn't watched it before.
The origin of this series is somewhat interesting. During an episode of "Sunday Night Live" (a live streaming show that Hellsing and a few others used to do), there was a scheduled live commentary of Kickassia. However, due to technical difficulties (and a general hatred for what they were watching), the commentary had to be scrapped a few minutes into the movie. Shortly afterwards, Hellsing (who was experiencing the technical problems) announced during the show that he would make a video reacting to and reviewing Kickassia. The rest is history.
It should be noted that in this series, almost no movie is off limits. The only piece of criteria that Hellsing has set is that they have to be movies that he hasn't seen. This is to ensure genuine reactions during the Reaction portion of the videos and a mostly unbiased review for the Review portion. However, he is not above driving the Bias Steamroller if the movie features an actor he dislikes (most of the cast of Kickassia) or if he genuinely dreads watching the movie (Mr. Wrong). The series has generated some amount of fame since then.
You can check it out by going to this link.
- Kickassia
- Violent Shit
- A Serbian Film
- Boku no Pico
- Tokyo Gore Police
- Collision Course
- Salò, or the 120 Days of Sodom
- August Underground's Mordum
- Cannibal Holocaust
- Ömer The Tourist: Space Road (Turkish Star Trek)
- Three Mighty Men (Turkish Spider-Man)
- The Return Of Superman (Turkish Superman)
- The Man Who Saved The Earth (Turkish Star Wars)
- The Human Centipede
- Meet the Feebles
- Mr. Wrong
- Tomorrow, When The War Began
- Gladiformers
- Let My Puppets Come
- Cosplayers: The Movie
- Slaughtered Vomit Dolls
- Paranormal Entity
- Death Racers
- Transmorphers
- Snakes On A Train
- Dead Snow
- Warriors of the Wind
- It's A Bird, It's A Plane, It's Superman
- The Doom Generation
- Rainbow Brite And The Star Stealer
- Forest Warrior
- Kingdom of the Spiders
- Abducted By The Daleks
- Executive Koala
- Dahmer vs. Gacy
- Terror Toons
- The Champions Of Justice
- Eraserhead
- California Crisis
- Puppet Master
- Puppet Master II
- Puppet Master III: Toulon's Revenge
- Puppet Master IV
- Puppet Master V: The Final Chapter
- Curse of the Puppet Master
- Retro Puppet Master
- Puppet Master: Axis of Evil
- Sonic the Hedgehog The Movie
- Dead Clowns
- The Room
- Dr. Seuss' The Cat In The Hat
- Vampire Girl vs. Frankenstein Girl
- August Rush
- Ratatoing
- Caligula
- Dead Heat
- Poultrygeist: Night Of The Chicken Dead
- Repo! The Genetic Opera
- Death Bed: The Bed That Eats
- Moonwalker
- Rubber
- The Haunted World of El Superbeasto
- Mad Magazine Presents Up The Academy
- The Rocketeer
- Blood Freak
- Chatterbox
- Kung Fu Dunk
- The Adventures of Sharkboy and Lavagirl in 3-D
- Starchaser: The Legend of Orin
- Casino Royale 1967
- My Bloody Wedding
- Pink Floyd: The Wall
- The Year Without a Santa Claus (the 2006 version)
- Hot Fuzz
- Birdemic: Shock And Terror
- Soul Plane
- Supergirl
- Howard the Duck
- Steel
- Dylan Dog: Dead of Night
- Catwoman
- Lady Death: The Motion Picture
- Scott Pilgrim vs. the World
- Superman Returns
- Death Of A President
- Lesbian Vampire Killers
- Snatch
- Suburban Knights
- Dragon Ball: The Magic Begins
- Downfall
- Videodrome
- Battlefield Baseball
- Dune
- CSA: Confederate States of America
- Mazes and Monsters
- Zardoz
- Leonard Part 6
- Spice World
- Fist of the North Star (the live-action version)
- Fire and Ice
- The Prophecy
- Tucker and Dale vs. Evil
- Antichrist
- Bloodz vs. Wolvez
- Red State
- Dark Floors
- Hellraiser: Revelations
- Ambiguously Brown: Almost no one seems to know what Emer's ethnicity is. He's Native American.
- Arson, Murder, and Jaywalking:
- In his review of The Human Centipede, it's not the Squick that gets to him. His big problem is all of the plot holes and inconsistencies in the film.
- In his review of The Adventures of Sharkboy and Lavagirl:
"Tonight's film is from filmmaker Robert Rodriguez, a guy who's been known for making things like Sin City and Planet Terror and Machete and (Beat) Spy Kids." |
- Attention Deficit Creator Disorder: Inverted. Hellsing seems to only work on one series. If he starts a new one, the previous will certainly die (or put on a long hiatus).
- Backdoor Pilot: The Kickassia episode was originally supposed to be a one-off video on his YouTube channel. However, due to the response of the video, Hellsing decided to make it the main series on his channel.
- Berserk Button: Considering how Hellsing usually is, he loses his cool over seeing penises being cut off, bitten, or otherwise mutilated in some way. Also, a movie with horrible pacing and little if any plot is bound to set him off.
- Bias Steamroller: He certainly was riding one during Mr. Wrong, and he will probably be behind the wheel of another one a few more times over the course of the series. When reviewing Suburban Knights, he rode the exact same steamroller he rode during his review of Kickassia.
- Blind Idiot Translation: After watching Turkish Star Trek, it was what he said about the subtitles.
- The same could be said for Emer's translation of the title. He claims it's "Omer The Tourist: Space Road" while the official translation (according to numerous sites) is "Omer The Tourist In Star Trek". But, that could just be a case of he just didn't care.
- Brain Bleach: Hellsing has all but said he needs some after watching Boku no Pico.
- Catch Phrase: Several.
"God damn!" |
- Caustic Critic: Just watch when he finishes a movie that sucked. He will rip the film apart. The more he hated the movie, the more venomous he becomes.
- Chuck Norris Facts: Emer gives one in his review of Forest Warrior:
- Complaining About Things You Haven't Paid For: Every item reviewed (at time of writing) has either been downloaded or sent to him.
- He even has an Amazon Wish List if anyone wants to send him something to review. So, Yeah.
- Starting with the Puppet Master series, Emer has begun to purchase movies for the series himself.
- Corpsing: Every so often, Emer will break character a bit and openly laugh at his own comments. This is most evident in his review of Birdemic after he flips out about the kid demanding a Happy Meal on the beach and cracks up almost immediately afterwards.
- Crossover: In the Kickassia parody Punchdickia, Hellsing appears and does a bit of his Reaction & Review schtick.
- Cry for the Devil: During his review of Downfall, Emer seems openly shocked that he feels sympathy for Adolf Hitler while watching the movie.
- Deadpan Snarker: In most cases, Emer comes off as this.
- Discretion Shot: You never get to see what he's watching. You only get to see his reactions. Often times, this can be seen as a good thing.
- Disproportionate Retribution: Emer does this a lot:
- He announced he wanted to punch every person who worked on the movie in the face for making Mr. Wrong.
- He refused to even look at the credits of Transmorphers because he feared he would need to hunt down everyone listed.
- He said he wanted to take part in violently beating the writers of Superman Returns.
- Do Not Call Me Paul: Averted. Hellsing seems to prefer it if his viewers call him Emer.
- Exactly What It Says on the Tin: First he reacts to the movie, then he reviews it.
- Family-Unfriendly Aesop: From his review of Turkish Star Wars:
"Remember kids, if you dip your hands into molten gold, you will get magical golden gloves." |
- Fascinating Eyebrow: Being an admitted Star Trek fan, Hellsing seems to have picked up on using his eyebrow in a manner similar to Spock.
- Grammar Nazi: In his review of Tomorrow, When The War Began, he spends most of the intro complaining about how the title is a "grammatical nightmare".
- Guilty Pleasures: Emer sure has a soft spot for films heavy in campiness and cheesiness.
- Hey, It's That Guy!: Emer's reaction to seeing Bob Hoskins in The Wall.
- In-Series Nickname: If his Gladiformers episode is any indication, he will only refer to Video Brinquedo as "Brixar", which he says is short for Brazilian Wannabe Pixar. With the Ratatoing episode, the name Brixar officially is his name for Video Brinquedo.
- Incredibly Lame Pun: During his review of Catwoman, Emer says that the writing is "Purr-fectly corny". You can almost see him cringe after saying it, too.
- Insistent Terminology: When abbreviating the name of the series, Hellsing insists on using R&R instead of RAR because of Asalieri's series "Reviewing A Reviewer", which uses the RAR abbreviation already.
- Let Us Never Speak of This Again: His normal reaction after finishing a exceptionally bad movie is "now that I have watched it, I never have to deal with this shit again."
- Limited Wardrobe: See what he's wearing in that image at the top? Yeah, with few exceptions, that is what he wears. It's almost like a Reaction & Review uniform.
- More Dakka: From his review of Meet the Feebles:
"I think that every puppet film should actually have gunplay. That was just awesome." |
- Mythology Gag: In the new opening to the series, there is a mention of Winger Dinger Productions, Hellsing's old and long dead website.
- Narm Charm: Hellsing uses this as a positive trait in some of the movies he's reviewed.
- Not That There's Anything Wrong with That: From his review of Mr. Wrong regarding Ellen DeGeneres coming out of the closet shortly after the release of the movie:
"If I was in her situation and if I had to star in something this awful, I would go gay too. Alright? So, I do not blame her at all. I wouldn't have blamed her anyway." |
- Old Shame: Hellsing has publicly stated that he isn't really proud of how the first episode turned out. He is also apparently ashamed of the rants he did before he started this series.
- Parental Bonus: Emer mentions this trope by name and describes it in his review of The Cat in the Hat.
- Plot Hole: Hellsing seems to revel in pointing out and mocking them in the movies he watches.
- "Previously On...": At the start of his Mr. Wrong review, he reminds the viewers that he announced his dislike towards even doing that movie in a previous episode.
- Public Domain Soundtrack: When the series finally started using a Theme Tune, it was Charles Gounod's "Funeral March Of A Marionette"
- Reaction Shot: Duh. Look at the title of this series.
- Retreaux: The opening for the series is made in the style of an old style movie, complete with tinny sounding music and film grain.
- Rule of Three: Every time a title card shows up to show how much time has passed, we always hear a clock tick three times (with the Kickassia episode being the one exception to this).
- Running Gag: No matter what movie it is, Hellsing just can't seem to escape dick mutilation.
- Sanity Slippage: If a movie is bad enough, Emer will slowly go from his cool, calm, and collected self to a borderline psychotic as the movie progresses. No example shows this off more than his review of Birdemic.
- Schedule Slip: According to Emer's Twitter feed, he hasn't been able to upload anything during the month of March 2012 because his computer "died". Thus, we haven't seen any new episodes lately.
- Self Deprecating Humor: In his review of Gladiformers, he mocks the fact that he didn't pick up on the camera's focus messing up until the end of the video with a subtitle reading "Good eye there, fat boy".
- He also did this in his Forest Warrior episode while he was having a major stuttering fit with a subtitle reading "Spit it out, lardo"
- Shout-Out: Any time he does a movie that was purchased from the Amazon wish list, he gives a shout out to the person who sent the movie.
- Squick: Some of his reactions could be used as the definition of what a Squickky moment can do to a person.
- Stock Subtitle: Emer snarks about the use of these during his review of Hellraiser Revelations
- Take That: Emer does this quite a bit. Whether it be a shot at previous movies he has covered (such as his shots towards Kickassia), or something almost unrelated (his shot at Spider Man Turn Off the Dark during his R&R of the Superman Musical), he will find something to jab at during his videos.
- Tempting Fate: A few times, Hellsing has named this trope after saying that the movie he is about to review could be decent.
- "The Reason You Suck" Speech: After watching any particularly bad film, the Review portion of the videos becomes slightly less a review (he still talks about the films faults, but not that much) and more a long winded attack against the filmmakers, the crew, the cast, or even the fans of the film.
- The most triumphant example of this would have to be his review of Slaughtered Vomit Dolls. The review is 10 minutes long and it is just Hellsing unleashing hell on filmmaker Lucifer Valentine and the film he gave to the world.
- Possibly topped by his review of Birdemic: Shock And Terror.
- This Is Wrong on So Many Levels: From his review of Let My Puppets Come:
"So, we just had Pornocchio screwing a talking, ya know, vag. There are far too many things wrong with what I just said. And yet, I just saw that. This film is — Beat — warped." |
- Time Passes Montage: This is how the "Reaction" part of the videos is shown. We get highlights of his time watching the movie, with title cards (complete with the sound of a ticking clock) informing us how much time has passed since the last clip.
- Verbal Tic: Because of his stutter, Hellsing seems to have developed a few verbal tics. The most common is dropping the phrase "ya know" in the middle of sentences to seemingly keep himself from stuttering too badly.
- Widget Series: Looking at the tags on his review of Executive Koala, he has both "Weird Japanese Thing" and "WJT". Judging by the movie, they seem very appropriate.
- Xtreme Kool Letterz: Emer discusses the phenomenon in his review of Bloodz vs. Wolvez.