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  • Direct to Video: An animated sing-along videotape that was included with a 1999 re-release of Reader Rabbit Kindergarten.
  • Hey, It's That Voice!:
    • Penelope the Parrot is voiced by Tress MacNeille in Reader Rabbit Math Adventures Ages 6 to 9.
    • Roger L. Jackson voiced Spike the hedgehog in Reader Rabbit Kindergarten and Sam in Reader Rabbit 2nd Grade.
  • Urban Legend of Zelda: Edutainment games are not immune. 2nd Grade had a few mentions of a "secret chamber" that was only accessible if you achieved the rank of Dragon Fire. Apart from Sir Drayson mentioning it once you actually reach that rank, though, nothing is ever mentioned of it. There is a door in the dungeon that is labeled "Secret Chamber", but it is impossible to go back down there once you reach the third tower, and it's also impossible to reach Dragon Fire before hitting the third tower even with a perfect score on everything. Several rumors surfaced as to what this chamber actually was, but Dummied Out dialog seems to indicate it was a concept scrapped very late in development.